Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Slide show

In the past three weeks Aaron and I have been doing a lot of growing. He has grown out, I feel like I have grown up and we have grown together. Here are some pictures documenting our growth...they're mostly of him, but he's the cutest anyway.

Here are a few of his "five week" pictures I took today. I take pictures most every day, but every Wednesday I take more than normal, just to compare how much he changes over the weeks. You may not be able to tell the subtle differences from these pictures, but they're sure cute. I wish I could make a flip book with all his different expressions.

His first "social smile" came along about two weeks ago. He gave it away to his Daddy, and Jonny deserved it. He is a great father. Since then he has been learning all about how to get the best of his mother with this cute face. Don't you just love his double chin? That's my biggest accomplishment over the past few weeks. I'm pretty proud.

A lot of these photos deserve their own post, but time is of the essence. I never imagined how much my conception of time would change when I had a baby (I'm still adjusting). One thing is for sure though, Aaron makes every minute of my day much more meaningful. Here are a few pictures from a couple weeks back when Aaron's future wife and her parents came to visit. Meet Violet, daughter of Dan and Elise Roberts, very good friends of ours). She and Aaron are destined to wed.

I wish I had more pictures of this adorable moment. This is when Michael met his cousin Aaron for the first time. He has taken upon him the responsibility of showing Aaron how to become a Frandsen man. Here is Aaron's first lesson. Notice all of the boy toys lined up on his belly?

Finally, here are a few pictures from Aaron's blessing day. There aren't many days in your life you can look back on and say that it was nearly perfect, but this was one of them. If only we could have had Stephen, Paul and DJ with us. We missed them and our other family members who weren't able to make it. Aaron was a little Angel. He was wide awake at the beginning of the blessing, but was bounced to sleep by the Elders in the circle and he slept for the rest of the afternoon.

These are the little booties Aaron wore. They were Jonny's when he was a little tyke. He was also blessed in the blanket I was blessed in. It was a sweet sight. We sure love our little boy.