I recently took Aaron to get his hair cut. It was a sad day for Jonny. Jonny would let his long locks grow endlessly. Seriously. Aaron does have great hair--true Frandsen boy hair. It's stick strait, grows well, and swooshes from side to side while he's playing soccer. I love Aaron's long hair too--I really do--but, there comes a point when enough it enough (like when his fringe impairs his vision and the back of his neck is entirely covered). So, we took him in for a little trim.
The problem is, the day after we got his hair cut was the worst soccer game Aaron has had yet. He refused to play the second half, complaining that he was "tired." We didn't mind all that much, but I became concerned after Hannah's dad, Jack, said, "It's the hair cut--he's like Samson, and you took his strength." There might have been some truth to that statement, so Jonny thought of a remedy last Saturday. I didn't initially approve, but nonetheless he offered Aaron one dollar for every goal he scored during the game. This was particularly appealing because Aaron has saved for three weeks to buy "Stevenson" the speed train from Cars 2 (a saving decision he made on his own). We have "pay day" every Saturday: one quarter for every two smiley faces Aaron earned...and this week his was still a couple of dollars short. So, Jonny offered him the dollar per goal deal.
During warm ups, Aaron was counting, and when he got to 10, he let Jonny know that he owed him 10 dollars. Jonny clarified that it was only during the game, so Aaron went to work the entire game, scoring a total of 4 goals by the end. Every time he scored a goal, he would immediately run back to Jonny with his arms outstretched to give him a huge hug. Apparently, Samson didn't have Stevenson the Speed train to help him recover his strength. But, in the end, I'm glad Aaron did.