Sorry for the prolonged absence. It's been a busy few weeks at lab and doing things. Things and stuff.
You know what's nice? I did a DNA maxiprep the other day, eluted with 1 mL of water, and got DNA concentrations of only .11 and 0.08 ug/uL. I like to have at least 0.5 ug/uL for doing transfections into cells, so I put the tubes of DNA into the SpeedVac, which spins them around in a warm, dry chamber to evaporate the water. I reduced the volume from 1 mL to 0.1 mL (100 uL) and then measure the DNA concentrations: 1.4 and 0.7 ug/uL respectively!
I know, why am I so pleased? That's what you would expect if you reduced the volume 10-fold.
Exactly. I love it when stuff actually works like it's supposed to, with numbers and volumes and things.
Hey, I'm a cell biologist. This doesn't happen all the time for me! It's the little things in life. Like bands on a gel that actually add up correctly ... it's like beautiful magic. Ahhhh. Everything else I do is so much more fiddly.
Anyway. I've been playing on YouTube far too much the last couple of days and found
this video of the Solid Gold Dancers counting down the top ten songs in the mid-80s (sorry, can't embed it), which is especially awesome because the #1 song of the week was one of my absolute favorite songs when I was a kid:
Part-time Lover by Stevie Wonder. Also featured are
Never by Heart,
We Built This City by Starship, and
Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears - three other childhood favorites.
I wanted desperately to be the dancer with the long, long, long hair (Darcel; she's from Pittsburgh, aw yeah). I used to dance around in this gold bikini, handed down from a cousin, and imagine my long, long hair whipping around as I kicked and spun through the Number Ones.
That, and I wanted to be an astronaut. A solid-gold astronaut. (Like David Bowie?)
I don't think I've really changed much since I was little, actually. If I could hook that up I would totally still be a solid gold dancing astronaut.
Karaoke star biologist is, I guess, the next best thing.
In retrospect, though, why was a six-year-old even watching Solid Gold? It's pretty smutty.