Friday, December 21, 2007
"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year"
As the years go by and as I get older, Christmas has lost that excitement it used to have, like not being able to sleep on Christmas Eve. There are Sears commercials on right now that have home videos of people (both young and old) squealing with joy over their presents. Unfortunately, I haven't done that in years. Maybe it's because I buy the majority of my own presents, (like the punch bowl I just picked up) or because my poor husband is so afraid that I'll cry in disappointment like our first Christmas, that he'll only buy what's on my list, not leaving a whole lot of room for surprise. Both are my fault though and this year I'm more excited about what we got our parents than what I asked for. I think that excitement will return over time as Megan gets older and we'll be able to see Christmas through the eyes of our child/children.
My dad and brother arrived this morning and my sister will be here on Sunday. This will be the last year it'll be just the Taylor's since there's a 99.9% chance that my dad will be getting remarried in '08 (he's actually picking up the ring right now). So now we'll have not 2, but 3 other families to factor into our holiday plans. But then again, what's the Holiday's without family to share it with. I'm just grateful that my dad has found someone wonderful to share his life with again and is happier than I have seen him in years. Added bonus: Megan has someone else in her life to spoil her. I just feel really grateful for all that I have and that everyone in my family is healthy and happy. So, in case you didn't get our Christmas card have Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Friday, December 14, 2007
A Fun Surprise
Well, that all changed about 15 minutes ago when my friend, Trista (the photographer) called. One of the pictures she took of us back in October (I've posted some pictures of Megan from the shoot) was downloaded and used in a music video. Not just any video though, it's the Daughtry "Home" video that was played at the AMA's. Crazy right?! We just did the photo shoot to get free family photos, not thinking anything like this will ever happen. The picture is of Eric dressed in military fatigues and I'm in a red shirt standing next to him. Here's the link the the video in case you want to watch it. We are shown about 2 min. and 47 sec. into it.
I'm not a Daughtry fan, but I've heard the song a few times and it's ok. It's quite touching though to watch the video with it's military theme. I do feel a little deceptive since Eric is not in the military and that's what the video is about, but we are a very patriotic family and pray for our service men and women daily. Eric is especially patriotic (I always tease him that it's because his name is in AmERICa) and even had an American flag on his birthday cake last year. So, I guess it's not that bad. Now I feel like I need to go to itunes and download the song. Not a bad ending to a very busy week.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I've been tagged!
B. Each player lists 6 little-known facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Here are my 6 things:
1. I am super envious of my sister's talents and sense of style. She always looks so cute and I'm tempted to steal her clothes when we're together. Plus, she's a super talented artist and photographer. She has an awesome creative eye that can't be learned (believe me, I've tried). She cracks me up all the time and while I'm glad she's having the time of her life in the OC, I miss her terribly and am glad she's coming to see me for Christmas.
2. Among other things, I really wish I knew how to play the piano. For whatever reason, I am one of the very few kids whose mother never made them take piano, or any other instrument for that matter. My neighbor teaches lessons and have thought about starting lessons quite a few times. We do not have a piano though and I'm afraid I'll suck at it. Maybe that should be one of my New Year's resolutions.
3. My favorite gross Christmas food is the popcorn from those tins that have the three flavors in them: cheese, caramel, and butter. I don't know why I love it, but I do and it totally grosses Eric out. It's just not Christmas to me without pigging out on it while watching a cheesy Christmas movie. I actually bought one today.
4. I love fireworks! I think they're magical. They are my favorite part of the Summer and love that they have them on the 4th and 24th of July here. I am giddy like a little girl while watching them. I have to watch them every time I go to Disneyland too. When I was little and we lived by Disneyland, we spent many Sunday nights at the Disneyland Hotel watching the "Dancing Waters" show followed by fireworks. Our house overlooks Utah Valley from the back and you can see all the cities' firework shows on the 4th. It's the best.
5. I was expelled from Seminary when I was a Sophomore. It's a really long and complicated story, but basically my teacher was a psycho and total weirdo. He expelled more than half the class. I had to do bookwork to make up for it and actually learned a lot more that way than from attending class. I still graduated from Seminary and went on to BYU, so not a big deal in the long run. It did cause quite a commotion in our stake at the time though and makes for a good rebellious high school story.
6. I don't really like milk. The only time I have it is when it's in my cereal or with a chocolaty treat. You will NEVER catch me drinking it without one. Eric loves milk and we actually go through 3 gallons about ever 10 days. It makes me a little nervous about osteoporosis when I am older, so I try to compensate by taking a calcium supplement. I do however like yogurt, cheese, ice cream, and of course chocolate milk, just not the plain stuff.
I'm not going to "tag" anyone, but feel free to share a few of your little known facts/habits on your next blog.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
So Long Fall... Hello Christmas
Friday, November 9, 2007
The Stairs of Death
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Halloween Fun
Monday, October 29, 2007
Photo Shoot
Miss Independent
Friday, October 19, 2007
This Time of Year
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I love tiny babies!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
Home Alone...and it's raining by Eric
So I am left to comtemplate the silence, except for my ipod is on, rocking out way louder then Jen would tolerate.
So what am I doing....eating! What else is there to do in an empty house? I am preparing my breakfast feast for conference morning- Peach waffles- topped with...yes, more peaches and whip cream. Sounds good doesn't it? That is because peaches are the most delicious fruit. I nearly cried this last week when peach "season" ended. I have learned over the last few years how to extend the "season" out another week to 10 days. Have you heard of refridgeration?
So I have 11 left, and that is it until next September. Sad huh, well it could be worse. I could be home- alone and it could be raining, and have no food. Thankfully I live in the best country in the world, where we have food palaces full of everything you need to make it through nights alone, missing your girls. Happy Birthday Granddad, I can't think of a more fantastic present then to spend time with Jen and Megan. Living with them is attending a party everyday.
p.s. this is my first blog post ever in my life, so I have no idea how to attach a picture of me with my peaches. Rest assured I will savor every last one.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Sleeping Beauty
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Spring Cleaning in the Fall
I missed Spring Cleaning this year due to the fact that I just had a baby and decided to play a little catch up. I was finally sick of my closet and drawers overflowing with clothes I no longer like or wear and cleaned them out on Friday. I didn't take that long, but I was AMAZED at the amount I got rid of, so I had to take pictures and post them. (That is Megan on the bed, and I don't leave her there unattended, so please don't call social services). For the record, this is what I took to D.I.: 11 skirts, 4 pairs of jeans, 7 pairs of pants, 3 capri's, 6 sweaters, 40 shirts, 4 dresses, 13 tanks tops, 5 pair of shorts, 1 purse, 1 pair of shoes, and 2 slips. Yes, that's right, 97 articles of clothing. You're probably wonder, "Does she have anything left?", and yes I do. The sad thing is, I probably should have donated a few more things, but am giving them one more year. But seriously, what was I doing with 13 tank tops that I never wear?! Well, I was so proud of myself that I got a babysitter and Eric and I went out. It was our first experience with a non-mother as a babysitter and it went really well. So well, that we might do it again this weekend.