Monday, March 23, 2009

March Photwalk

A while ago, I joined a photowalking group in Utah. They meet one Saturday a month at a location and take pictures. I've been meaning to go for months now, and was finally able to make it to March's photowalk. It was in downtown Provo and it was a photo scavenger hunt. The list was pretty long and I was tired from attending an all day photo-camp, so my brain was kind of fried. I was low on creativity (which is sad, since it's not that big to begin with), but still managed to get some fun shots in. It was a good learning experience and a big thanks to my sister-in-law, Stepha, for convincing me to stay. This was also my first time shooting in RAW format, which lead to technical trouble on my computer, but fortunately the support staff at Adobe were very helpful this morning and I'm now able to import my NEF's into CS4 and Lightroom.

A photographer not in your group: This poor girl had just taken engagement shots of a couple and had lost the envelope with their payment in it. She was nice enough to pose for us anyway.

Self-Portrait: I had to do my baby belly. I think it turned out pretty well considering I wasn't looking through to camera to take it.

A stack of 5 different things AND creative use of an iPhone in a picture: I don't think you can get more different than 5 different people!

A brick wall: It's amazing what you can find behind buildings and in alleys

A bicycle: I liked the blue and yellow on it, plus it reminds me of my sister's sweet bike

An old sign: I really liked the hand-prints

A restaurant scene: Just peaking in!

A restaurant scene - again: I can't decide which perspective I like better, so thought I'd throw them both up.

A couple: I was really hoping to find a cute older couple and they were more than happy to pose for us!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Megan!

It's a little hard for me to believe that my baby girl is two today! Time goes by way too quickly and I'm sure I'll be saying that on her birthday every year. She's such a sweet, sassy girl and I wouldn't have it any other way! So, in honor of the birthday girl, here are a few things about Miss Megan:

1. She LOVES Curious George. She'd watch it all day if I would let her. We had her birthday party last Saturday and it was monkey themed. We kept it to just Eric's family (since that's over 40 people) and were excited to be able to have Eric's oldest brother, Arlo, and his family there since they live in California. There were lots of cousins and it it was lots of fun!

2. Her nickname is "Girlfriend". I don't know how it started, but that's what I call her and I like it.

3. She loves to sing, especially to Little Mermaid!

4. She doesn't eat very well, but loves milk.

5. She knows all her letters and their sounds and can also count to thirteen. I have her count with me when I'm trying to get something done (like get her dressed or do her hair) to get a few more seconds of patience out of her and it usually works.

6. She loves animals, but particularly dogs. She's never been afraid of them and I'm sure she wishes we had one. Sometimes I think she's part dog because I'll often find her sniffing things. It's kind of weird, kind of cute.

7. She's very girly and has to go run into my room after she gets dressed everyday to look at herself in the mirror. She really loves dresses and skirts that bounce and move a lot. She's also just recently starting an interest in princesses. The only movie we watch with a princess in it is Little Mermaid, so I'm not sure how it started, but she had to have the princess toothpaste at the store and princess sticker at the doctor yesterday.
8. It's not very often when Megan will just walk somewhere. She's usually skipping, jumping, or running. It's amazing the energy and coordination she has. She's not afriad of much and LOVES her gymnastics class we go to once a week.
9. Megan's most prized possessions are her blanket, binkies, and Tubby the Hippo. They are her entourage and she usually has them with her at all times. Binkies and blanket stay in the car, but Tubby sometimes has to come with us on our outings. It's really amazing that we haven't lost him yet.

10. Megan is very loving and friendly. She is generous with hugs and kisses. She's starting giving "Big Hugs" where she'll wrap her arms around your neck and squeeze. It melts my heart every time!

Happy Birthday, my sweatheart girl!