Today marks my 27th day at the hospital. Time has past strangely quick and slow all at the same time. While many days are very long, the weeks do go by fast!
By far the hardest part of being "incarcerated" at the hospital is not having my kids around. I facetime with them a few times a day, but I just miss them so much. We are so grateful for our families in Utah for taking them for the summer. They are having so much fun. Parker told me the other day that he wants my sister, Lauren, to be his mom. He also told my brother, Alex, he could be his dad. Luckily they both declined his offer!
The babies continue to grow. Not as quickly as before, but still growing. They are guessing they are 2 pounds 8 ounces and 2 pounds 9 ounces now. It puts them in the 8th and 9th percentile, which makes them growth restricted. My Doctors aren't surprised at all by this. They said it was pretty common for twins, especially mono-mono twins, to be small for their gestational age. On top of the 5-6 hours of monitoring a day, we are adding in once a week Doppler ultrasounds in the mix. I'll be 30 weeks on Wednesday. This is big milestone! Everyday counts in the womb. Statically speaking, many problems associated with prematurity drop significantly around 30 weeks!!
This trial has TOTALLY changed my outlook on being a stay at home mom
and motherhood in general. I hope make each day count with my kids and
Josh in the future. My family is everything to me. Of course, I knew
this before but this has been a great reminder to me.
I have great days, good days, and bad days here at the hospital. I've had some many sweet visitors come and see me, so many nice care packages sent, and many prayers said in our behalf. All these things mean so much to me. Please continue to pray for us, especially Graham and Cooper!
8 years ago