Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Beaches, Parks and Babes

These are only a few pictures of our daily summer adventures. WE LOVE YOU CALIFORNIA!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Life's Good for the Proffit's!

Funny Things About Max:
The other day while my sis-in-law was babysitting him he told her he was so freakin' smart!
He talks SOOO much and is starting to talk back and get in trouble. He IS the class clown at school.
Sweet Things About Max:
He tells me that I am so beautiful while holding my face or playing with my hair. He wants to snuggle with me every morning and LOVES to touch my chest---must be a boy thing that guys never grow out of.

Funny Things About Audrey:
She LOVES stuffed animals and to say hi and wave to everyone at the grocery store. She stares them down until she gets their attention. She is my little social butterfly!
Interesting things about Audrey:
Now 14 months old, she decided 2 days ago that she was ready to walk, I mean run. As long as something is her decision she will do it. She is a very stong willed little girl. She just learned how to say "Bop it!" which means "stop it" to me and Max. She loves her Daddy and has him wrapped around her finger.

Josh and I celebrated our 7th anniversary. We went to the Getty museum, the beach and 7th street prominade without kids (thanks Mom). We had a blast!
Now that Max is back in school, I'm busy teaching piano and doing real estate we are starting to look forward to the Holidays. In the meantime we are keeping busy remodeling our kitchen cabinets and since we are doing it all ourselves we hope to be done by Christmas. We average about 1 new cabinet a weekend! Max just started basketball on Saturday mornings and LOVES it. He does have an advantage over the other 4 year olds though since he is about a head taller than all of them. Now the challenege is to get Max to listen to his coach instead of his crazy Dad yelling at him to do defense and stick his arms up. I think we should just be happy that he's throwing the ball at the right hoop---heck with dribbling! Life's Good for the Proffit's!