Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Perfect Tree Hunt?!

After a busy morning, we finally left for our Perfect Christmas Tree Hunt at 3:38 p.m. We knew we were tight on time so we went to familiar ground...our fire wood getting spot. We arrived about 4:15, donned our snow gear and started the search.

Ryan just had to have a little "snack" of snow.

We had a few breaks to make beautiful snow angels!

After the break it was off to the search you notice the color of the sky? Neither did we until the beautiful sunset and we are still searching!

But lo and behold ... here is our tree! It is much more difficult to find the "perfect" tree in the dark so we are so happy to have a real live Christmas tree that is almost full and it will be beautiful by the time the kids have had a chance to decorate it!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's a PIG OUT Party!

Kalli had her 7th birthday party and invited a few friends. Her personally picked party theme was "Pigs". With the help of Tiffanie, Danny, and Amy we came up with some fun games to play and the kids had a great time.
As soon as we got out of the car the games began with only only boy becoming the "PIG" and everyone else had to chase the pig and try to put him back into the pen. Basically tag. They had a great time chasing and being chased.
Next, we had a "Pig Out"! I tied the kids arms behind their backs and had them eat yogurt or pudding out of a bowl. The girls really got into it but Kalli invited one boy and he wasn't into the hole mushy face thing but he was full of smiles!

Making pig noses out of egg cartons cut up and elastic glue gunned on was next. The paint took quite a while to dry so not too many pictures.

We then had a straw search our by the pig pen...not in the pig pen, just out side of it. The kids definitely notice the change in "fresh air." I explained that at night the pigs cuddle together and bury under the straw to get warm. We were just going to look through the straw for gumballs, erasers, and little sponge capsules that you put in water and they grow into farm animals (dollar store purchase). It was harder than I thought. The gumballs were individually wrapped and the plastic would stick to the straw. They looked liked little piggies on their hands and knees sorting and resorting through the straw.

This is the "pig roll" game. The kids on the ground are pigs and try to roll and touch you while you are jumping over them. Luckily no one got hurt and there were lots of giggles!

Last but certainly not least was the "PIG CAKE"!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

random bits of our life

Michone and Kalli

Our first snowman this year - November 7. It is mostly melted.

We got two little pigs. The silly things lik1e to stand in their food bowl as they eat. Should be fun trying to keep two pigs during the winter!

Landon on a trip to the fire station.

There is a canal not far from our house. They turn it off for the winter but underneath the road bridge it froze some leftover water and drifted in a little snow. The children spent hours there last winter.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Washington DC

Tara and I had the wonderful opportunity to visit Washington DC a couple weeks ago. We had a great time visiting the Smithsonian Museums and the various memorials. We easily could have spent another couple of days there. I highly recommend a trip to the nation's capital to anyone. We hope to take our children when they are old enough to appreciate it. (Thanks to Mom and Garrity for coming to stay with our children!)

From the top of the Washington Monument looking at the US Capitol.

The White House:

From the steps of the Lincoln Memorial looking towards the Washington Monument. (Justin and Emily, you may have the Bridge in Prague for Mission Impossible, but we have the reflection pool from the movie Forrest Gump)

From the Washington Monument looking towards the World War II Memorial (Lincoln Memorial in the background). I really enjoyed the WWII memorial as there was a special feeling. Many people have given so much throughout the history of our country. We owe a debt of gratitude to the thousands who have helped to establish and preserve the freedom we so enjoy!

I could not help but think of Grandpa Bingham as I walked through the memorial. The memorial is surrounded by pillars for each state and territory.
At each end of the oval there was an arch representing the Pacific and Atlantic theatres. At the base of each arch is listed the main battles/areas of fighting for each theatre.
The memorial has the water fountains (which were lighted above) representing the intensity of battle and it also had a deathly still pool representing the stillness of death. There were thousands of stars behind this pool each representing 100 deaths. Very humbling and touching to me!

God Bless America

The US Capital from about a mile away:

In between our hotel and the national mall (where all the museums and memorials are) we walked right past the Ford Theatre (where President Lincoln was shot):

And accross the street was the house he passed away in:

The National museum of Natural HIstory. (most young people would know it as the movie "Night at the Museum)

This triceratops was BIG!

National Air and Space Museum. I can not remember all the details, but there were historic original planes including this one (I think first sound barrier):

and this Spirit of St. Louis:

and the Wright Brothers:

Finally, we went to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. For good reason, photography was not allowed out of respect for the millions who perished. I recommend you look at the website We spent 3 hours here and could have spent another 2 easily. So sad and so heartbreaking. We must each make sure we do not let our selves be led away or justify persecution! A quote from the memorial states
"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
They they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
- Attributed to Martin Niemoller, anti-Nazi German pastor.

We may be having tough economic, social, and political times, but we live in a blessed nation. My hope is that we will serve and follow the God of this land so that His promised blessings will preserve us all in the challenging and uncertain times ahead.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back to school

The rope bridge is a main place to play. Here the girls and a neighbor are putting on a "dance" to the music from "The Man from Snowy River".

The boys did several wheel barrows of wood.

Tara and I put this trim in one of the bedrooms downstairs. This lime green wall color was not my first choice for paint, but the girls love it!

First day of school!

Boys will be boys!

Landon, Michone and Ashley in their "house." This is complete with a clothesline, seperate rooms, and even an oven (the tire).

Summer activities

Kalli and Landon played t-ball in June. I get to coach their team and I loved it. The improvement is tremendous throughout the 4 weeks we play.

Tara and the children went on a day trip into the mountains. Here the children are playing in "warm river". The river flattens out here and the girls could walk all the way accross.

This is death row for Big Red. He had been getting really aggressive toward me and finally got into Ryan's face one day. He met his end shortly thereafter.

Kalli and Ashley preparing the sheep for 4 H

Michone and Ashley showing their lambs. They both did wonderful. Michone's lamb had great genes and she won Grand Champion for quality out of all the lambs at the fair. This is the girls showing their lambs for the auction.

After a summer full of working with their lambs every day, the unfortunate time to say goodbye......

Michone was not this smiley a year ago!