Thursday, May 7, 2009

3 Boys + stiff breeze + 48 F + 7:20 pm + melted snow running down the river=????

FISHING (of course!) The boys were so excited for Josh to come home so they could go fishing together. It was fairly cold but with the wind it was definitely cold. I tried to talk Ryan into wearing pants and a coat but as the saying goes "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink". Ryan did have a coat on, which you can barely see a red fuzz at the bottom of this first picture. He must be very warm blooded!

They didn't catch any fish but we did get quite a story out of the trip. They had a bucket which they were sure if they stuck it in the water fish would swim in and they'd have it! Great plan except the rope that was tied to the bucket slipped out of their hands and started floating down the river. Landon, my very responsible, smart thinking boy, hurried to take his shoes and socks off so he could go in and get the bucket. Ryan was prepared already with water shoes (flip flops) and shorts, so Ryan just immediately started into the river to get the bucket. The bucket was swirling around in a little eddie so it hadn't gotten too far down stream but the current was enough to knock Ryan down. (I was getting the camera, thankfully, so I missed all of this...Josh was there supervising) Josh decided to let Ryan learn a little and let him safely splash himself out. Needless to say, Ryan was no longer hot and was ready to go home and have some hot chocolate. While I was taking the first picture, somehow Landon fell in but got right out but both boys were sopping wet. These pictures were taken after the bucket rescue while they were dripping wet. They still had smiles. Boys love to fish!

Picture of on the way home. You can see our home behind Josh and Ryan.
The rescued bucket.
Ryan's freezing legs and toes. The red didn't show up as well as it should have. They still wanted to go fishing the next day, but Ryan did say he would wear a jacket and pants!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Final pictures of our pigs...Spotty and Smelly!

We just had the butcher out last monday and Spotty has fulfilled his purpose on earth. Smelly has been delicious and I am excited for Spotty too. These are two of the most pampered pigs but I really do miss seeing them several times everyday. I have cooked all their feed since they were babies so they were always very excited to see me.

Monday was a very hard day for Ryan and Kalli because they were my occasional helpers. Ryan is sure that we need to go get new pigs at Sonya's house (she is my friend that has new piglets). Maybe in August, but we need a break for the summer.

Our Colorado cousins and G'pa & G'ma Baxter visit!

Josh by the pig pen

Adorable Rachel!
We had a "pig out party" for Gpa Baxter and Rachel's birthday. Oh, what fun we had at G'pa's expense! We love you!! Thanks for being such a good sport!

G'pa with a mustache!

Ryan and Jessica love the pudding!

Kailyn what a "cheeser!" We love you!

Ryan love BIG cousins that are willing to push him on the swing. When is Jessica coming back?My two cave men in their hideout. LOOK OUT!

Miscellaneous March pictures

Michone, Ashley, and Kalli all love to play shops. Michone had the dentist's office on this particular day. Notice the floss, toothbrushes, and toothpaste in the window sill...Look out Uncle Justin you may have competition!

Landon and Ryan had preschool and talked about good things for their bodies. They then traced their bodies and drew good food in their stomaches and colored them like themselves. What a great job they did!

Girls like to look pretty but young boys love to SCARE their mothers. Landon has been making scary masks like this all winter and then sneaks up and growls at me! AH-H-H-H!

All the kids made kites out of string and plastic bags but Ryan has favorite ropes. You can tell how hard the wind is blowing because it is picking his kite up with a 3/4 in rope attatched to it. They had so much fun flying their own homemade kites. The other kids all had too long of strings to be able to get the kite and the kids in the picture.

Christmas Nativity 2008

One of our favorite Christmas traditions is acting out the Nativity. Josh was our Narrator, Michone was the angel, Ashley was Mary, Landon was Joseph, I was a shepherd, Kalli and Ryan were the wisemen. Notice Ryan's camel? It is his favorite horse. He is tying it up so it won't get away!

December 2008

The girls have a singing and dancing group called "Melody Makers." As you can see, we think they are the STARS of the show! This last show was called "Snowbiz" and all the songs had to do with snow...thus the winter attire!

Here is cute Kalli loving her time to shine.

Can you tell Michone loves an audience. She is a real natural.

Ashley loves the lime-light too!

These are our girls with my friend, Danny's girls. From left to right, Ashley, Kassidie, Michone, Shyanne, and Kalli.