Sunday, November 29, 2009

Halloween fun

The girls loved their costumes. Grandma Baxter made Michone's. It was awesome - THANKS DAWNIE!!
Finised product on the Jack-o-lanterns.

Ryan with his pumpkin

One could say that Ashley has a cautious or reserved outlook on life.

Michone is a little more "YEE HAWWWW"

Landon cut his top a little narrow, but we got the yuckies out in the end.

Kalli modeling the pose for her pumpkin.

Family home evening time!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Show Time!!

Here is Michone, Ashley, and Ace (our neighbor) with their sheep at the county fair. We have a great 4H leader who knows how to do well with picking good quality lambs and also how to show them.
Michone with a top prize smile. Michone and Ashley both placed FIRST in their age group for showmanship. The judges then bring the top two or three from each age division and show again. Michone almost got Reserve Grand Champion but walked behind the lamb which knocked her to 3rd place. Great job girls!!

Ashley, Michone, and I getting caught a little off gaurd

Ashley did great in quality. She was one away from reserve grand champion (which means she placed third overall)!

Kalli loves her bunny. This is her second year showing this bunny and she did wonderful.
All done and time to PARTY! Ashley was not sad to see her lamb go as it was often a battle of wills between them during walks!

New School Year, New Outfits

Here are a few pictures of back to school day. Landon catches the 11:30 bus for afternoon kindergarten. The girls catch their bus at 7:45.

How could parents so young have children so old. 7th grade, 4th grade, and 2nd grade.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bingham Family Reunion

YEE HAW!! Let the fun times roll.
A little back blog to catch up on...
While in Oregon this summer for the Bingham Family Reunion, the weather turned a little wet and cool. Jacob and Wendy arranged to use this arena to have our "rodeo" in. It was a lot of fun and very much needed for the children to run and play.

One of the games was a stick horse race. Here are lots of great grandchildren having a go at it.
I would give names, but I am not sure the spelling...

Here is Ryan ready to start.

Ryan has decided this is not for him!

We might have a little to learn about being a graceful "non-winner."

The grandparents had their chance for glory as well......

Dad, Bonnie, Cindy, and Lynn off to a fast start.

Bonnie and Cindy looking good on the corner.

A couple of people are going the wrong way here.

Rest time.

Giving Justin a big "YAY HO"

Justin and Emily had been planning on coming from Germany but after three days in the "airport" with no luck getting a flight, they decided to throw in the towel. Justin had called Dad's cell phone to tell him they would not be coming and so Jason had us give him a YAY Ho.

Who is more relaxed? Landon or the horse?

One of the games Wendy had was the cowhide race. Here is Hillary, Tara and Nic (the horses) in full speed. Nic - I love your form - is that kind of a cross between power running and power walking?

Whatever it is, it must work!

Now there is perfect form!

Just like a real rodeo, the bullride is saved for the end.

We had a great time and really enjoyed visiting with family. I look forward to the next time the Blaine and Lois Bingham family get together.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fall Fun

We made a big pile of leaves and put them underneath the rope swing. It did not work as well as we hoped, but it was still a blast.
I am sorry about the blurry pictures.