Monday, September 28, 2009

Date night thanks to Joel and Lynette

Carly's parents came and picked up the kids Thursday and took them to St.George for a few days. We appreciate it because it gave Carly and I time to go on a date. We took Snuggles on a walk, played some basketball together, ate dinner, and watched a movie. It was a lot of fun and we appreciate Joel and Lynette (and Hayley and Jack) for helping out.

Here are some cute action shots of my wife playing basketball. She has a good shot and held her own in HORSE.

We also found out dream house in St.George. Pictures are below.. If anyone knows of any jobs down there, let me know because that house has our name written all over it.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

It's time for lawmakers to listen

After a short August recess, Autism Votes is back and we need your help RIGHT NOW to ensure Congress ends autism insurance discrimination!

In a few hours, the Senate Finance Committee will vote on an amendment to the Committee's version of the health care reform bill (the America's Healthy Future Act of 2009) introduced by Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) specifying that the basic benefits package must provide coverage of behavioral health treatments. If passed, this amendment will be a major step forward towards ending autism insurance discrimination from coast to coast.

The good news is the Chair of the Committee, Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) supports this amendment! We need your help RIGHT NOW to ensure that the members of the Senate Finance Committee support Sen. Menendez's amendment and make sure that individuals with autism do not fall through the cracks during this great debate over health care. Bottom line: any health care reform bill that does not end autism insurance discrimination is unacceptable!

Here is how you can help!


Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) (Chairman) - (202) 224-4515


Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV - (202) 224-6472
Sen. Jeff Bingaman - (202) 224-5521
Sen. John Kerry - (202) 224-2742
Sen. Ron Wyden - (202) 224-5244
Sen. Charles Schumer - (202) 224-6542
Sen. Debbie Stabenow - (202) 224-4822
Sen. Maria Cantwell (202) 244-3441
Sen. Bill Nelson - (202) 244-5274
Sen. Thomas Carper - (202) 224-2441

Not sure of what to say? Say this:

"Hi, my name is __________ and I live in (City, State). I would like to let Senator (name) know that I believe that any healthcare reform bill that does not end autism insurance discrimination is unacceptable and that I would like him/her to support the amendment put forth by Senator Menendez that seeks to end autism insurance discrimination. Thank you so much."

2. FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW THAT CAN HELP MAKE THESE PHONE CALLS. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, therapists, teachers, coworkers and neighbors - anyone who has ever said that they wished there was something they could do to help your child with autism. They can do this. They can help you end autism insurance discrimination so that you can get your child the therapy and treatment that they need.

Working together we can effectively end autism insurance discrimination for all the children from coast to coast! For more information, visit our website at


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autism Carnival

We attended the Autism Carnival at Wheeler Farm on Saturday and was I ever impressed. Everything was free! They had lots of blow ups for the kids. ( I was amazed at Boston's climbing ability and lack of fear..he just marched his cute little butt up the ladders and down the slides!) They had a train and facepainting and a bug hunt. Food, sand pits, all the star wars dudes (because Asperger's kids tend to LOVE Star Wars I was told!) We met our dear friends, Spencer, Michelle and Gene there and Boston couldn't wait to see his friend Spencer. He grabbed his hand and showed him around the place. (he can hold boys hands at 3..I think that is ok..we'll nip it in the butt later!)

I could just see in Jocey's eyes how badley she wanted to be a big girl, so I hauled her up the slides several times and she loved the train. They were both exhausted by the end of it all, but what a great event for these kids to look forward to. It is also so crazy to see how many people are affected by this disorder. The place was packed and it certainly made me realize that I'm not all alone. I'm sure we'll go for many years to come.

Best Concert of the Year

I'm a big Brad Paisley fan. I love his songs and I love his story. I love that he's married to Kimberly Williams-Paisley because Father of the Bride was one of my favorites as a child and I so wanted to be her. (I remember I wanted a dress just like hers and no looking back I'm like "what was I thinking..with those puffy early 90's sleeves!) Anyway, I told JT that if I was going to leave him for any Country Star it would be Brad Paisely..but I don't want to wreck their I think we're all good.
I had been looking forward to this concert all summer and it certainly didn't dissapoint. Deirks Bentley opened for him and he was simply amazing. He can really work a crowd. I was super impressed.
My favorite part of the show was Brad's performance of waiting on a woman. It featured a video in the background of Brad talking to Andy Griffiths (who is extremely old now by the way..I didn't realize he was that old..whatever.) It show's Brad talking to this old man and the man telling Brad how he's always being waiting on a woman. In the end the old man gets dresses all in white (simbalizing his death.) It shows his on a white sandy beach on a white bench waiting for his wife in the here-after. It simply gave me chills.
It did start to rain towards the end and JT and I ran for our lives to beat the rush out of USANA.
Thanks for going with me Honey and thanks MA and Kelli for watching the kiddos!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Traffic Blooper

You have to check this out. My friend Matt posted this on facebook. This reporter works for my same company and I know her really well. She did this a few years back and I could not believe it when I heard it. She told my boss that she was loopy from cough medicine! It is the funniest thing I have ever heard! I've made a lot of mistakes on the radio, but nothing this bad. Way to go Kristie!!!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Aunt Julie's Portraits of the kids

My sweet and very talented aunt Julie painted the kids portraits. I absolutely Love them and can't wait to get them hung in the kids rooms. They are so priceless!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Piggy Tails

How cute is this girly?!! I swear I love her even more with her new pigtails we've been doing. It solves her awful cowlick problem .. now I have to find lots of cute pigtail bows!! ( if anyone knows where to buy/find them let me know.) Miss Jocelyn is getting so much fun!! We're still working on the walking and talking thing, but we're slowly getting there..well at least with the walking.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Keith Urban

Working in radio definately has it's perks! JT and I went to Keith Urban on Wednesday and it was one of my favorite concerts this year. That may be in part because I got to go backstage to meet Keith Urban!! I've done meet and greets before, but it usually just entails shaking the performers hand and snapping a picture in about .3 seconds. This was a completely different experience. Ofcourse we did the whole awkward handshake thing, but then he did this whole mini concert for us and a question and answer session. You know me, I'm far too shy to raise my hand and ask a question, but the whole experience was incredible. It made the rest of the concert just that much better. Thanks CJ for watching the kids..they didn't even know JT left (CJ is JT's identical twin for those of you who don't know him.) and thanks JT for a great date night!! Brad Paisley is next Saturday..I've been looking forward to the show all year!

Thursday, September 03, 2009


I was blog stalking this morning and came across these words on and I just had to steal Stephanie's words because I couldn't have said it better. This is exactly how I have felt lately. I get so drained from running Boston everywhere and trying to work with him and Jocelyn screaming her pretty little head off half the read on and tell me if you've ever felt this way.

sometimes I feel so alone even when people are near me. Tonight my thoughts are about how sometimes I miss the carefree life I had as a young married woman without the heavy responsibility of motherhood on my shoulders. It is an honor to be a mother but sometimes the responsibility feels ... daunting ... especially when you are working on a few hours sleep per night over several days... weeks... months.

And tonight there is part of me that wants to go back further and get in my car and drive home to my mama's house and crawl into her bed to snuggle up to her and spend a night not worrying about when the baby will wake up or what I need to help the kids do to get ready in the morning or how tired I am going to be if I can't get myself to sleep in the next 10 minutes. My mother makes me feel good and ... safe ... and not alone ... and ultimately loved. I miss her. In the business of the "schedule" I miss her.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

James T Young

Yesterday was my father's birthday. He passed away October 3rd, 2008. I have missed him greatly and yesterday was the first birthday that I was not able to speak to him. I hope he knows how much I love him.. He had a special relationship with Boston and was only able to see Jocelyn one time. He was a special man and will always be missed.....