Sunday, February 28, 2010

February Happening's

We've had a bit of a boring month I suppose. I have had a bad case of the winter blues; especially after our trip to St. George where we were playing at the park and feeding the ducks. I can't wait for Summer. I don't even want Spring... just blue skies and the sun beating down.
So off subject..but I have had my eye on a trundle bed I found on KSL classifieds for months. It's new, but from a warehouse in West Valley. It is my new favorite furniture store!! I couldn't believe how much I loved it when JT put it together. We need to get the second mattress, but Boston has already deemed the trundle "Jack's bed" (my nephew). Boston absolutely loves his new bed and couldn't wait to show it to me when I came home from a radio remote. I love his enthusiasm over things.

Speaking of Mr. Boston he has been saying some hilarious things lately that I just have to take note of. I picked him up from his Terrific Tot's class one day and they had been learning about the Presidents of the United States. Somehow he had mistaken talking about Presidents to the Prison. (He has to point it out every time we come around the point of the mountain.) I said, "Boston what did you learn about today?" he shows me his picture with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and says "Their bad people that have to go to the prison!"

One day in talking about my niece Taylor (who is 20 months) I said something like "baby Taylor".. Boston got a very stern face and says to me "Taylor's Not a baby... she talks!"

He has also really started to verbally express to me his social anxiety...which I am grateful for. He doesn't just cry about social situations or act up, he's just been telling me "I only like One friend." (meaning more than that is just too much.) We've been having some pretty successful play dates though lately, and one friend at a time is fine by me.

Boston also started soccer this month. The pictures below depict a much more involved Boston than he actually is. He cries most of the time and sits on JT's lap. (although he did kick the ball once last week.. and I am so proud of him for just dealing with it all.)

He's been heard saying "Don't hold it with your hands..friends!" and this past week he was Very upset that they were playing with a green soccer ball when soccer balls are suppose to be black and white.

I actually think it's hilarious that he takes things so literally and it so rule bound. JT told him his eyes looked red one night ( meaning he looked tired) and he immediately asked to see a mirror and began inspecting his eyes, then he runs back to his Dad and says "no..their Brown!"

I suppose I should mention miss Jocey...she's still my little spit fire! She'll scream her head off if you even try to look at her, let alone say hi to her. (That's my daughter) She is so driven to do whatever she wants all day long. She is always getting into Boston's space and messing up his stuff and her two favorite things in the entire world are Curious George (what's up with my kids and that monkey?? ..your should see her dance to the theme song!) and favorite thing #2 is a cup of crushed ice. She eats it, and dumps it between two different cups and it can entertain her forever. About 10 times a day she goes to the fridge and I ask her "Do you want ice?" to which she nods her head and says "uh huh" (uh huh is the only thing she says.. although she will violently shake her head No if she doesn't want something.) I figure it's just a little water .. so no harm done. I brought it up to my pediatrician who said "what about her teeth..that could be bad on her teeth." I replied "What about my sanity??" He had nothing to say back to that and sent me home with a copy of a book entitled "Raising your Spirited Child"

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


We spent the Valentines Day/President's Day weekend in Sunny St. George. We were oh so spoiled with the mid 60's weather and it confirmed to me once again how badly I want to move there. The kids had a blast hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa (both my children are CRAZY about my Dad.. even Miss Jocey who won't go to anyone will go to my Dad, even reaching for him when I am holding her sometimes!) They also had a blast hanging out with their cousin Jack.

We started out Friday night with our traditional Parade of Homes. We have made the rounds for probably the last 10 years it seems. The homes were pretty down scaled this year because of the economy, but it was very fun nonetheless.

Saturday morning my sister Hayley threw a Valentines party for the little kids. They played games, decorated valentines boxes, handed out their valentines and frosted cookies. It was so cute and all in Hayley's picture perfect classy style. I warned Boston on the drive over that we were going to have a party and that their would be friends to which he replied, "I don't like friends. I only like one friend. I like Jack!" He did ok amongst the commotion though.

My brother Josh and his girlfriend Kim came into town and we all headed to Del Taco for lunch which proved to be the breaking point for poor Boston who lost it over getting a drop of lemonade on his shirt.

Another on-going theme with Mr. Boston was his continuous request for a "Gella" what is a Gella you may ask? I am not positive. All I know is Curious George has one, it's red, you push it and it walks and talks. I actually found a red robot on Overstock and Boston agreed that it was indeed a "Gella" he begged for one the entire time. Often times big tears would start to roll down his cheeks when I told him he had to wait until his birthday. It drove me crazy throughout the trip.

Saturday night, JT and I just snuck out to grab some dessert at Krave (it's the best frozen yogurt ever.) and exchanged gifts. Actually I hadn't purchased anything for him yet so I told him to go pick out a business book at Barnes and Noble (pathetic I know.) I was spoiled on the other had by receiving Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" and the "This is It" DVD. I am always spoiled.

We went to church with Hayley's family on Sunday. Boston fell asleep during sacrament and I spent the entire stretch of sacrament in the hall with Jocelyn who was so poorly behaived that tears started welling up in my eyes several times. I kept thinking how can this little 20 lb thing control me and make me want to cry. It was pretty pathetic and I received a lot of stares during the hour. But, surprisingly enough she went to nursery and stayed, so I recovered over the next couple hours.

My Mom made a delicious steak and crab dinner that night, we went to a few more homes, and then visited my friend Kim's family. They have chickens and the kids loved/hated them. Jocey would SCREAM at the top of her lungs if they came near her, but once she would settle she just wanted more. (Silly girl)

Monday we had to pay a visit to Boston's beloved St. George Temple (it doesn't have an angel.) I honestly bet I heard that about 100 times during our trip. Then we visited a little park and had a picnic lunch. Boston did SO well at the park that it was one of those moments that I get dewey eyed about. He told Hayley that he wanted to get on this circular spinning toy thing that a bunch of kids stradle and then someone pushes them on. There were about 7 or 8 kids on already and they were screaming and just being really loud. Hayley told him ok and put him on and he had a blast. His smile and laugh were priceless. He fell off a couple times, but would say to the other kids, I want to get on and they would stop it and let him climb on. Oh just thinking of it makes me smile!! He also went down a big twisty slide several times and he usually is terrified of anything but a baby slide. Oh I was so proud of him!!

The kids did ok on the drive home as long as we had Curious George on and I was rubbing Jocey's foot the ENTIRE time.

Thanks to everyone in my family for making it such a wonderful little getaway.

P.S. I celebrated my 5 Year Anniversary with 101.5 the Eagle on Valentines Day. I have the Greatest job in the world and I am so grateful for every day I have it!