
Sunday, July 19, 2015

She's a whole hand!

Our little girl turned 5 years old at the beginning of June.  I am so blessed to have had her all to myself (basically) for her entire life.  It's hard to think that in a few short weeks we will be sending her off to Kindergarten!  I think her biggest concern about school is that she will be missing quiet time at home (AKA "her shows"). I am so proud of this girl of ours.  She is smart, funny, creative, and has a tender heart.  I think it goes without saying that she is absolutely beautiful, as well.  She enjoys drawing, and in my unbias opinion is quite the artist! One of her birthday presents this year was a bike and whenever we get a chance she enjoys riding it.  Ella is able to read her BOB books, but I think she still prefers us reading.  This spring she was on her first soccer team.  It took her a game or two to get into it.  I think she prefers ballet more. She is taking her 3rd ballet class this summer, and finished up her second year of swimming lessons at the end of June.  Here are a few pictures from this year...

June 2015


Preschool group

Snow fun!

Sleepy head

Fun with cousins (Aug 2014)

Sunday, December 28, 2014

2 years old

Corbin turned 2 years old last month!  He is such a sweet boy.  He loves hugs, kisses, and yes still being held. He also loves CHOCoLATE or ga-let as he calls it, as well as any sort of sweet treat he can see (cake, cookies, ice cream). Corbin is great at being a little brother in every way. He loves to run around playing, giggling, and being silly with Ella.  He also is not afraid to take things, or do all those other not-so-nice little brother things.  He talks in 3-word sentences and has recently started saying some 4-word sentences.  He can count to about 14, can fill in letters when singing the ABC song.  His favorite songs to sing are "Let it go", and "Rio song".  He has a smile that can light up any room, and we love him so much!

Grandma and Grandpa Andrews were here to help celebrate Corbin's birthday!  He had a Mickey Mouse cake (which is one of his favorite shows as well as songs).  We went to quite a few stores to find a Mickey Mouse was worth hunting for.  He loved it!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Turning 4...

has been a little rough on Ella.  For her birthday Nate was going to take the day off and we planned to go to the zoo.  She ended up being sick, so we had to postpone the zoo trip until 3 day after her birthday.  And her birthday cupcakes?  Those were frosted, decorated, and ate the day after.  She felt a little sad that night about not being able to do her cake on her birthday, so she blew a candle out instead.  

It is sad for me that this will be Ella's last year home before she starts school (unless I can talk Nate into homeschooling..and convince myself I can do it).  She is a smart girl and has an amazing memory.  She not only remembers academic information, but easily remembers a person's name as well as other information about them.  This past year Ella took a dance class, was in a "preschool" group, and is starting to be able to sound out words (cat, hat, pat, dog etc.).  She also became a Sunbeam at Church and now attends Primary.  I can tell she is paying attention and is learning a lot.  

shows/movies (Frozen, Rio, Tangled, Sofia the First, Mickey Mouse Club House, Callie's Wild West, Jake and the Neverland pirates...)
Her favorite cereal is Oatmeal Squares, still.
She likes being read to and having snuggle time
Her favorite toy is "Katie" a dog she actually got for Corbin when he was born
Her hair down "so it can grow long like Tangled"
Ice Cream, cookies, and Happy Meals from "Old McDonald's"(don't worry we don't eat there often)

Corbin bugging her  (e.g. pulling her hair, taking her toys, knocking down her towers, hitting her etc.)
Tomatoes, unless it's spaghetti or tomato soup (she loves tomato soup)...
And a bunch of other foods

Never too sick to open up presents, right?!

Or use the peelable nail polish you got..

Finally made it to the zoo 3 days later.  Well enough to go? Maybe not, but she had fun, dispite the look on her face in this picture.

A glance at the past year...

 May 2014

December 2013


4th of July Parade

Fell asleep in her castle (July 2013)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

18 months

It is a little hard to believe that our baby boy, our second child, is a year and a half old!  He attended nursery at church for the first time this past Sunday.  So crazy!  He is definitely showing us in some ways how much of a "big boy" he really is becoming.  The past couple weeks I have tried keeping track of all the words he can, or attempts to say.  We are up to 25 plus!  Of course we still deal with the tantrums do to age, and him trying to tell us what he wants but can't.  That or he just can't have whatever it is he wants and gets upset.  He still loves his mama as well as being held.  When I am making something in the kitchen he eventually makes his way in the kitchen and wants me to pick him up so he can see what is going on. I have learned to just put him in his high chair, rather than just hold him the whole time (he's getting heavier).  He is still obsessed with balls!  We may have a future athlete on our hands...seriously.  He has also become a pretty good eater.  Infact I think he eats just as much, if not more than his older sister.
Well I could go on and on but I'll get to everybody's favorite part of a blog, the pictures!

December in San Antonio

He's got a sweet tooth.  No idea where he gets it from ;)

Risky Buisness, Corbin style.

He's a funny little guy

My parents came to visit in April, we all loved it!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

1 year old

Corbin turned 1 today!

Things he loves:
going outside
mom and dad but mostly mom
pulling hair
the vacuum
crawling up the stairs
being held

What he can do:
Sign dog, all done, and is beginning to sign drink
walk along furniture/walking holding someones hands
Climb the stairs
play catch
says dada sometimes mama and tries to say Ella and ball (I think anyway)
makes a monkey and elephant sound

He doesn't like
getting his diaper changed
sleeping in

We love this little guy and are excited to continue to watch him grow and learn.  He definitely has made his presence known at times, he knows what he wants and knows how to get it. Everyone is always commenting at how happy he is, I think he is too.  I know the first few months were not easy for him but I could tell he was wanting and trying to be happy!  

Some pictures of his BIG day...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

8 months

Corbin is 8 months!  He began sitting indpendently at about 7 months, and can scoot himself backward as well as in a circle; he is still working on crawling forward.  He is definitely getting stronger! Nate said he thinks Corbin will learn how to fly before he learns to crawl because he gets excited and flaps his arms up and down really fast.  ha ha.  

Some pictures of the cutie!