Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Deerfield Fair

So we ventured to the fair again this year. It was a lot more packed than I remember in previous years, but it did rain on Friday night so that could explain it. We headed over to the petting zoo first thing in the hopes of tuckering Andrik out and having him sleep the rest of the time while we looked through the buildings. Well, needless to say that plan didn't work at all. He was very well behaved for the most part. Our only meltdown's came in the petting zoo. He loved petting the sheep and goats so much he was totally pissed when I made him get out to let other kids in. He just thought it was the coolest thing. And not just any animal would do. We wanted nothing to do with the small rabbits or ducks. No.... we wanted the big, icky sheep. Thank god for multiple rounds of hand sanitizer :)

Our next adventure will be at the beginning of next week. My brother and his family will be up from Virginia, so Andrik and I will be spending some time with them so the kids can play. Can't wait!!