couldn't find the title column.. can somebody help me?? ohh.. tenseeenn.. eh dah jumpa dah..ok get back to d track.. my kasih is now 3 months.. time fliess.. bestnyeerr.. kasih can laugh, can shout, and what amazed me, kasih loves watching tv!!.. mama lalu pon pandang skit jer.. citt.. kasih suker outing ngan wan.. especially ngan mama n papa lah kan?.. noti!!.. kata nenek Shah Alam, dia ikut mama n papa suker klua malam...heheh..merayap jer.. this is minnie mouse scarf from Hong Kong (kak sofea nyer)..hehe..masyam jer muka kene buli.. (oopss) cant upload kasih's pic wif d scarf lah.. ini pon ok lah,, ooohh tgn nenek Shah Alam..tak ingat.....heheh..