Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Ace Update

Ace is fearless. He wants to be just like his brothers and sister! He loves them with every fiber of his soul. 
-He WILL NOT wear shoes. And if i do get them on he will take them off as soon as he can.
-Loves peanut butter and oatmeal. Or just peanut butter on its own by the spoonful.
-He can get dirty and make messes quicker than anyone.
-LOOOOOVVVEEESS the water!! Pretty much knows how to swim and just loves anything surrounded by water. 
-If there is sugar around than it is all he wants.
-Loves his daddy!
-Has the cutest little smile you could ever see. 
-He loves his cousins and gets excited everytime he gets to see them.
-Ace is my wanderer. There have been countless times that I have had to chase after him. For example...
-I was upstairs cleaning the bathroom when Val came running upstairs and said that there was a lady at the door for me. When I walked down I saw this lady holding Ace. I immediately started crying and was so confused as to why she had him. She was about to yell at me but once she saw me cry she realized it was an honest mistake. He ran out the door and got past the gate to our community and was just walking around. There is a very busy street right there and thankfully nothing happened but I was terrified when I found out that he was out there.  And still have nightmares about it.
-Disneyland was kind of a nightmare with him because he would just run. So lines were pretty mush impossible. He loved the rides but not the lines! (just like the rest of us)
-He is Pehrson's little twin.
-He is taking so much and has the sweetest little voice in the world. He was my latest talker but one day just woke up and started repeating everything. 
-He loves bed time. He starts to get giddy when you lay him down and give him his blankets. I love that about him. He plays hard and sleeps good.
-Loves dogs.

Ace is truly a joy to be around. He is busy busy! And is always trying to keep up. He loves to snuggle and give us all hugs. He loves to scream to get my attention. But mostly he loves his family! And wants to just be around us! We love this sweet boy and can't imagine life without our little caboose. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Val Update

Val is 4 going on 14. I have to remind myself all the time that he is only 4. He is my stubborn, determined, loving little guy. 

-To be honest he is has been really hard for me lately. He is stubborn! Boy is he stubborn! 
-But he always knows how to make me laugh!
-When he is playing sports (whatever sport it is) he is all in! He will get dressed at 10 am for a 5 o'clock practice...kleets and all!
-He plays hard. Really hard. 
-He knows how to push everyones buttons. If there is a fight in the house it is usually between Val and someone else. 
-My pickiest far! The second I put food on the table every night it is an instant..."I don't like thisssssssssss!!!!!" 
-He is agressive. Loves to wrestle.
-Loves water but doesn't like getting his clothes wet.
-Is competitive in everything he does!
-He is all boy!

This kid drives me crazy sometimes, he won't let me give him a kiss but likes to give me a hug so tight he wants to "pop out my eyeballs"

-He is the typical middle child and craves for attention and when I give him my undivided attention he will hold my hand and stroke my hair and tell me he loves me all day long. Those are my favorite days!

-Yesterday we were at the park and Ace wasn't coming so I started walking away and said, "BYE Ace!" Val got so mad at me and started crying because he loves Ace so much he would never want to leave Ace! He was so mad at me for pretending to leave and ran over and gave Ace the biggest hug and said, Ace we would never leave you! And kissed his cheek. (Ace is the only lucky one that gets a kiss from Val!)

-He just started playing soccer for the first time and when we were driving to his first practice he said, "mom, I'm so excited that I don't have to just watch anymore!" He kills it on the soccer field. Last game he scored like 7 goals. He was so pumped!

-Although he thinks he is older than he is, his meltdowns and whining and not listening and the way he says,"everysing" reminds me that he is just my sweet little boy who wants to be just like his big brother in every way! He has the best gut laugh in the world and when he starts laughing it is really hard to not laugh with him! He has the most contagious smile! And He is SO much fun to be around. 

When he is happy he is happy!! We sure love you Valzee.




Sunday, September 23, 2018

Jade Update

My Beautiful Jade. She is 6 and is a good sport to have to hang around lots of boys all the time. She is smart, funny and kind. She has a hard time staying focused so I have a lot of tricks I use to get her to focus on what she is doing.
For example: "Jade go put on your jammies!" (usually i have to repeat myself 100 times until I actually do it for her and we are both frustrated). So instead of getting frustrated I say "Mermaid Tail" and that gets her back on track.
-Another one that I do is when we are cleaning (THE WORST THING EVER!) I tell her to put on her roller blades and see how fast we can pick up and clean the house. It keeps her focused and not so easily distracted.
-Jade LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEESSSSS dying her hair different colors and getting her face painted. -She loves doing make-overs and painting nails.
-She is always singing and flipping around. She got in trouble all the time at school for doing cartwheels (very stupid rule!)
-She is very strong and has insane muscles! We are putting her back in gymnastics as soon as I can get a hold of life....which will probably be never. But it's on my to do list.
-She loves dogs!! one of her favorite things to do is to go to our neighbors house and walk their dog.
-She loves helping me cook but hates the clean-up. (Me too!)
-Is super adventurous even if there is a little complaining in the beginning.
-She wants to be an artist, face painter and horse rider when she grows up.
-She is very good at walking away from girls who are being rude or not making good choices. Her teacher told me that she is friends with everyone and bounces around from one person to the next. She typically will start playing what she wants to play and people will join her. I love that about her.
-She is playing soccer again this year and is getting really good at defense. She still scores goals, but she will not let the ball get past her when she is on defense.
-She has never been into dolls, she has always been a treasure hunter (aka rock collector) and anything to do with animals.
-she has gotten really good at paddle boarding.
-Loves her littliest brother (her and Val fight the most!) She is always trying to find ways to make him laugh.
-Very social and loves being with friends, around friends at all times. But she told her teacher that I was her Best Friend. And that makes me happier than anything in the whole world! I hope that we will always be best friends!

Can't imagine life without this spicy, spunky little girl! We just love her to pieces.








Beck Update

I wanted to get on here and write a quick update on each kid....starting with Beck.

Beck is 7 and will be 8 in a couple months. He is still the peacemaker of the family. He is so loving and kind hearted. He can tell when I am stressed or need help and is always the first one to ask me how he can help. He is adventurous and always up for anything. He got a new surfboard this summer and has been getting better each time he goes. He is also playing soccer on U10 but is only 7. (not by choice, it is because of his birthday) He likes pizza (specifically MOD), pokemon, playing with friends, going to the beach, soccer, mario, jumping on the trampoline and doing good at school.

Here are a few stories i never want to forget about my sweet Beck.

-We tend to hang out with a lot of Boys! There are a lot of boys here and hungtington and poor Jade is such a good sport about it. But we saw a moving truck in our neighborhood and the first thing Beck said was, "I hope it's a girl for Jade!" He saw a little girls bike and came running in to tell Jade that a girl was moving in!

-In first grade Beck liked this girl named Saige. She was very sweet. They passed letters to each other in class and on Valentines Day he wrote her a special note saying that she was beautiful, but on the back of it wrote..."don't tell your friends?" haha they liked each other for a while, gave each other little gifts. But then she got to be a little too touchy. Beck was starting to get annoyed by her because she was always around him. He came home one day and told me that they "broke up" I ask him what he said and of course sweet beck said, "Hey Saige do you mind finding another boyfriend!" ha I seriously love him!

-It was the second to last day of school for Beck (1st) and Jade (K). Jade was out at recess playing hula hoops and she tripped really hard and fell right on her forehead. I got a call from the nurses office saying that Jade was not calming down and that she needed me to come to the school. I had Ace and we got there in a few minutes. We walked in and all her tears started coming again. Because I had arrived and she needed to cry it out with me and Ace (who gave her the bigest hugs ever!) But then I realized that school was almost over and I would just grab Beck on my way out. They called Beck up to the office and when Beck walked in he looked at Jade and imbraced her with all he had. She cried on his shoulder for a solid 5 minutes while Beck held her. The office was dead silent. The nurse and I were both crying. It was the sweetest moment that I will never forget. Jade needed her brother and Beck was there to help her out and just listen to her cry. It was a very proud moment for me.

-Another thing I love about their relationship! They had recess at the same time but the 1st/kinders were seperated by a fence. Whenever Jade is having girl problems or the girls arent playing nice Jade will go over to the fence and have someone get Beck for her. She would tell him that her friends arent making good choices and he would just say, "well Jade, go make some new ones!"

-He just started second grade. It has been an adjustment. Beck's teacher is great, but has been a little faster than his last teacher and just getting back in to the swing of things is hard. One night I could tell that something was going on with him. He was super emotional, and really sad. I asked if I could lay down with him and he really opened up to me. There were a lot of tears, he told me his teacher does things too fast and that he feels stupid that he cant keep up. He even told me, "mom, maybe school is just not my thing!" but what got him the most was this packet that he had to do. He could not figure out how to do this one page, but he was convinced that everyone else figured it out. Beck was so distraught that night and sick to his stomach because he lied to his teacher and said he finished so that he could go to recess. He didn't know what to do. I told him that he should go back to school the next day and tell her the truth! He was so nervous, he wanted me to do it. But I told him that he could do it and that she will understand if you tell her the truth. The next day after school he ran up to me and told me that he figured it out and that he told his teacher and that she was really nice about it! I am so grateful that he has a conscience and was so worried about lieing to his teacher but mostly I am so proud of him that he told the truth and that he worked it out!

I'm sure there are a million things I could say about Beck but mostly how grateful I am to be his mom. He has the best smile and these two little dimples that melt your heart. He listens to his teachers and tries his hardest to always do his best. He knows how to be goofy and have fun, but also knows when to stop. He is a good kid and surprises me a lot the time about the patience and love he shares with his siblings.


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Ace August Hawkley 8.8.16

My body created another human and I was lucky enough to bring another healthy baby into the world and to experience the pain and beauty that happens while having a baby.

Here is Ace's birth story....

August 5th was the anticipated day for Ace to come. But with my past history I should've known better. The day came and went and there was still no baby. I did a lot of walking and moving around to try and start this labor. After two days of contracting pretty regularly it started to get more intense on Sunday night. My contractions were about 2 minutes apart and we decided it was time to pack up the car and head to the hospital. My parents came over to watch the kids. We got to the hospital and again my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart. I was dilated to a 4 and was addmitted aroud 1:00 am. They gave me a tiny bit of pitocin to keep my contractions close together. Around 7:00 am my doctor came in and said that I was a 7 maybe 8 but that he wanted me to wait until he was done with another surgery to brake my water cause he knew that once he broke my water it would be quick. That was the hardest part for me. I was just waiting for my doctor to finish. I was pretty comfortable still. Contracting every 3 minutes for about 2 hours. He came back, broke my water. Then the party really started! I was in full labor. Lots of water coming out of me and lots of pain. I sit on a ball through the contractions, I stood up, I bent over....the pain was getting really intense. I decided to go without the epidural again because I knew my body could handle it. But at this point in labor I am always rethinking my decision. I am a quiet laborer, I have to remind myself to just breathe through each contraction and to focus on something else (usually its the prize at the end and seeing that sweet new baby). About an hour after he broke my water I knew the baby was near. I got on the bed and said that I needed to push cause he was coming. The doctor asked Pehrson if he wanted to deliver the baby. Of course he did! So he put on some gloves and in one contraction I started to push. I pushed two times and out he came. The moment that we had been waiting for for the last 10 months. My prize! A beautiful healthy little guy came out and Pehrson placed him right on my belly. The tears came streaming down my face and I literally could not have been more excited and relieved at the same time. I did it! I had accomplished a goal that I made for myself and had all of my babies naturally. I have never been more grateful for a healthy body and for 4 beautiful children that I get to hang out with everyday. 

This delivery was probably my easiest one. I wasn't in very much pain until the end and my body had remembered what to do. I am so grateful for my body and for the beautiful things that it can create.

Once again it was love at first sight.....