I love my kids. So much. I have been having a blast with them lately and I really need to write down some things they are doing and things that I love about them. Especially since Ammon is turning 4(are you serious?!?!) next week, and Abbie is turning 2 next month(even crazier!)
-I love that he loves to learn. He remembers all kinds of things. I hope it sticks with him as he grows.
-He loves Space, which is awesome because it has always been one of my interests as well
-He loves dinosaurs. He knows a ton about dinosaurs and loves watching Dinosaur Train.
-He loves cargo pants
-He loves his family
-He really looks up to his dad, and wants to be like him
-He loves Star Wars, and light sabers. It's funny because up until like a week ago he had never even really seen it, and even now has only seen parts that aren't scary or disturbing.
-I love sitting down at meal time and listening to him talk. He can have a great conversation if he's in the mood
-Today at lunch he said "today we learned about how we came to earth with the power to choose". I asked him what kinds of things he wants to choose and he said, "good, happy things." I love that he is taking in gospel lessons at home and at church. I'm glad something is sinking in.
-He wants to be a handy man when he grows up
-He can put the funniest outfits together, i.e. long sleeve shirt, shorts, snow boots, and two ties.
-He loves learning about the Army of Helaman best and loves singing the song, it's his favorite primary song.
-He enjoys doing puzzles.
-He also really likes Go Diego Go, he enjoys learning about animals: where they live, what they eat, etc.
Great kid huh? I have so much fun with him, and have always had a strong bond with him. I'm so grateful the Lord saw fit to send him to Matt and me. He is my little buddy, and always will be.
I am so excited to be able to write all of this because she is doing so well lately:
-She loves bubbles
-She loves take care of her baby dolls
-She loves phones(as long as they work for real)
-She loves to carry a purse around and wear her necklace
-She loves to read books
-She is starting to actually say words and sign consistently which makes me so excited! She can say: bubbles(buh-buh),hi, bye(aye, aye), mom, dad, up, and can sign: more, please, milk, again, change, all done, thank you, wave. Those of you that know how uninterested she was 6 months ago in communicating can understand how exciting this is.
-She loves real babies and kids
-She loves to follow the big kids around
-She is her dad's biggest fan. I seriously have never seen someone who is so in love with their dad! She loves me a ton, I know-she was super attached from an early age for a long time, but she is always so excited to see Matt, loves to see pictures of him, and laughs with delight when I talk to her about him. She runs to the door every time we hear the garage when daddy comes home.
-She loves to be told her hair or her clothes are pretty
-We just discovered that she really likes her Christmas Tinker Bell pj's
-She loves music
-She loves animals
-She always says "mmm!" whenever she eats something she likes
-She is rarely sad, only when she's tired really, and even then she is an expert at putting off sleep.
-She is consistently sleeping through the night, and just recently is going to sleep more on her own, which is such a tender mercy for her tired mom.
-She knows where her hair, teeth, belly button, hands, feet, and tongue are.
-She loves to say "ahh" when it's time to brush her teeth
-The way she walks and "runs" is hilarious. She leads with her head and often will put her arms behind her like a penguin, or will swing one arm and charge full steam ahead.
She is so delightful. In all honesty, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think or say to someone how adorable and funny she is. If she wasn't so awesome, there is no way she would be able to come into mom and dad's bed so many nights, because we all know how much mommy loves her sleep!
I'm glad I finally got this stuff written down. I can't express how grateful I am to be their mom, how much I love them, and how privileged I feel to be able to be home with them each day.