Thursday, August 27, 2009

Praise to the Man

Praise to the man who communed with Jehova! Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer. Blessed to open the last dispensation, Kings shall extol him, and nations revere.

Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven! Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain. Mingling with Gods, he can plan for his brethren; Death cannot conquer the hero again.

Praise to his mem'ry, he died as a martyr; Honored and blest be his ever great name! Long shall his blood, which was shed by assassins, Plead unto heav'n while the earth lauds his fame.

Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven! Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain. Mingling with Gods, he can plan for his brethren; Death cannot conquer the hero again.

Great is his glory and endless his priesthood. Ever and ever the keys he will hold. Faithful and true, he will enter his kingdom, Crowned in the midst of the prophets of old.

Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven! Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain. Mingling with Gods, he can plan for his brethren; Death cannot conquer the hero again.


Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven! Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain. Mingling with Gods, he can plan for his brethren; Death cannot conquer the hero again.

Click here to watch/listen the Tabernacle Choir sing this song, I love this arrangement

My awesome boys

Friday night Matt, Ammon and I went up to Storm Mtn. picnic area with Matt's parents last minute. We bought some sandwiches and got some s'mores stuff and packed up in the car to go. We had a great time! I think we're going to go up again in the next week or two. Ammon loved it and says "fire" anytime anyone mentions camping, mountains, hiking, etc. A little river was right by our picnic site and Ammon LOVED throwing rocks in the river; it was quite the challenge to tear him away from that. I discovered that Matt is a professional marshmallow roaster. He does it exactly the way I like it and gets it evenly around the whole marshmallow. I can only ever get the top. So he roasted almost all my mallows:) he's so nice.
Ammon and me by the river throwing rocks
Ammon was very good to stay away from the fire.

Sorry Sue, I didn't mean to take the picture right when Matt was in front of you, our camera is just wierd lately and takes FOREVER to actually take the picture.Monday night we went to my grandma's neighbor to swim. We had lots of fun. Ammon loves his uncle Daniel and laughs every time he sees him. He had fun watching his mommy and daddy jump off the diving board. Matt is also a very talented cannonballer:), I think he won the contest of who could make the most waves. He did a flip and landed on his back curled up in a ball. I'm so lucky to be married to someone who is so talented and fun.

Ammon is so smart! Matt has been reading the brainy baby books to Ammon a lot. There are four books: animals, abc's, number, and shapes and colors. Ammon's favorites are the shapes and colors, and numbers. He can almost count to 10 by himself, but he does better when there is a visual reference, like his book. The first video just shows the book so you can see him recognize the numbers. The second video he just did better in saying them. He tends to get excited about certain numbers at times and therefore will just keep saying them over and over which throws off his "groove". Isn't he cute?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Seek ye out of the best books...

I have started reading the Work and the Glory series, and I feel like these are one of those great books that help me to learn and grow. Although it is historical fiction I have gained a greater understanding and profound appreciation for the faith and sacrifices of the early saints, and a firm testimony that Joseph Smith is the prophet of the restoration. I have also had a goal to read the Doctrine and Covenants this year, and reading these books along with my study of D&C has helped me to better understand the context of the revelations and instruction received. After I finish this series I want to try to tackle the history of the church books to learn more.

I am so excited about what I have learned. My knowledge and testimony of the early days of the restored church has always been lacking until now. Of course my knowledge is still very limited, I feel the spirit burning in my heart with the testimonies of those that gave so much to obey the Lord in the restoration. My mom and Matt can testify that that has been the subject of much conversation as of late. Anyway, enough with my ramblings, I just love learning!

Fala Fala!

We've had a pretty good week. Wednesday my great mommies really helped me out. I've been dreading finishing up the painting in the two bedrooms, and so my mom picked up Ammon to watch him while Sue came over to help me paint. We were able to finish the 2 bedrooms and our vanity/closet area in 3 hours! I'm so happy to have it done! I never could have done it without you mom and Sue, thank you so much.

We spent the night at Matt's parent's because I didn't want to face putting all the furniture back and everything away that night. The pictures below are of Ammon's "fala fala". Sue tied his blanket around him and said that that's what the Hawaiian's call them. Ammon kept it on while he played for like 30 minutes! After about that time Sue said, "oh! they're called lava lavas!" We both just laughed and I told her I would put these pictures on my blog and label them fala falas! Ammon heard of course and started spinning around yelling "faya faya!" It was hilarious.
Ammon loves his Mickey Mouse. He sleeps with him and cuddles with him a lot, it's so sweet.
Ever since we went bowling with my family, Ammon talks about it at least once every day and names everyone that was there. We finally set up some paper cups for him to bowl with and he loved it.

Ammon's language sure is developing. He says new things everyday and has started to say 2-3 words one after the other, for example: Mickey Mouse, "Capan" Hook, instead of just one word at a time. He's got a great memory. He remembers doing something like bowling and who he did it with. For a while, because my dad had given him a cookie one day, every time a cookie was mentioned he would say "grandad". The other night he counted from 1-9 by himself! We haven't been able to get him to focus long enough to do it again though. He gets distracted very easily and so stops counting. But he knows how to do it. I'm going to try and get a video of it soon. He has also started singing songs by himself that are actually recognizable. He was singing "happy birthday to grandma" (he said all of the words!) the other day which I was very excited about. This is such a fun age!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

This is post 3 of 3, don't forget to look at the 2 previous

This last Saturday we went bowling with my family because our Bear Lake outing was post-poned due to inclement weather. We had a great time! Matt's the best bowler I know, I love watching him bowl. He's looks so hot! Ha ha, that was weird for me to say, I don't normally say things like that, but I love the man! I wasn't able to get any shots of Matt actually bowling because our camera was too slow, but I got some ok pictures.

I don't like wearing my glasses, but being pregnant makes my eyes resist contacts for some strange reason. I get headaches really fast, so I just wear my glasses most of the time now.

One of Ammon's new favorite things is Matt's helmet. One of the first things he says when Matt comes home is "helmet!" Isn't this adorable?
Here's a a very dark video(sorry) of Ammon "tripping" over Grandad. He did this forever! He loved and laughed a lot.

Hopes of a little housewife

After almost 2 1/2 years of marriage I'm finally getting the hang of taking care of a baby, a household and can move on to doing other hobby-ish things.

Here are some things I would like to do by the end of this year:

1. Finish painting the apartment so we can get new carpet
2. Organize the house by getting book shelves, closet organizers, etc. to maximize our space
3. Make as many Christmas gifts as possible(can't list them on here!)
4. Make a Thomas quilt for my niece
5. Bottle peaches, pears, and possibly applesauce?
6. Make freezer jam-strawberry, maybe peach as well
7. Make frozen peach and apple pie filling
8. Start collecting card making supplies
9. Make cards with said supplies
10. Use only the cash we've saved up for Christmas
11. Go camping with Matt and Ammon before the end of summer(this is still up in the air)
12. Go to Bear Lake with my family (Aug 29)
13. Go to Disneyland with Matt's family(Sept 27)
14. Have Ammon's birthday shopping done before Christmas

Ok, I think that's good for now, don't want to write down so much I change my mind! lol. I'm actually excited about these projects, most of the time I get stressed out by them, but I'm growing up and finally finding some things to have as a hobby. Wish me luck!

Brighter Days

Well, since discovering that it was my prenatal vitamins that were making me feel so sick, I have stopped taking them and feel somewhat normal! It's marvelous. I can now do more than get Ammon fed and clothed...Isn't that sad? I'm just glad that there was an end to that misery.

Anyway! On to better things: Matt and I went to my first prenatal appt. yesterday! Woohoo! Things are good so far. One baby. I was relieved, I don't know why, but I was really worried that the dr. would say there were two...Now that that worried has been settled, I can move on. We got a little picture of our little alien (because he/she is still at that tadpole looking stage) which made it more real for at least me. Based on the little circle chart the expected due date is March 7, 2010. Based on the little ultra sound my dr. did, the expected due date is March 13, 2010. Guess what that date is? Our 3rd year wedding anniversary! Crazy! My mom said her babies always measured smaller, and Ammon definitely wasn't small but then again as I've told many people, I feel like he needed to be big to get through his little ordeal after he was born. So it will be interesting to see if this baby is more similar to my mom's babies-I read that women tend to have smaller babies if their mom's did, and vice-versa. Anyway, we'll see. So far, I'm in a better place this time than with Ammon. Although I didn't lose all the weight from Ammon, I also haven't gained any so far, which is better than last time, let's just say that much....

Yesterday was my sis-in-law's birthday so we surprised her with some scrumptious lemon cake and ice cream. I love surprising people. I hope it made her birthday more special. Thanks for sharing your birthday with us Meg!

Matt's finally done with school, YAY!!!!!!!! He's got a little break before Fall semester starts, but Fall should be much less hectic because he's only taking 2 classes, one is once a week, and the other is online, so I'm stoked for that. Then, after this semester he will have his Associates!!!!! Woohoo! I'm so proud of him, he has worked so hard to get here and now the end is near. At least this end....We'll get him done with this and take things as they come.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sweet Moments

I need to write this down so that I never forget. I have had some pretty nausea-filled, misreable days in the past two weeks, therefore, some days, I just lay on the couch or the bed while Ammon plays or we read books or watch a couple of shows. Wednesday was a yucky day and after Ammon woke up from his nap I brought him into my room with me on my bed and we had some crackers. He knew my tummy felt sick, so he would get a cracker from the box and hand it to me and say "sick". He would also lean over and give me a kiss or a snuggle, which just melted my heart. He also felt my cheek and said "hot" and pointed to my drawer next to my bed where he knew the thermometer was. Can you believe it?!?! My little 1 1/2 year old was taking care of his mommy! He's such a sweetie and that experience made me treasure the blessing of staying home with Ammon day after day all the more. I love being a mommy!

My Little Buddy

Ammon really is my best pal. We have great times together while daddy is gone long hours working and learning and doing lots of homework(most of it mindless busiwork). Ammon is learning so many things and growing into being such a great little man. We've built blocks, played music, listened to music, sang songs, learned our numbers, our abc's, and read lots and lots of books. Last week I was able to go with Jason, Meg, Sue, Janie, and Ammon to the new Oquirrh Mountain Temple open house. Ammon loved all the pretty lights and pictures of Jesus, and I must say, he's pretty good at being reverent for a little guy!
We've had lots of opportunity to play rock band at the Dave and Sue Case household, and Ammon LOVES drumming! I also learned that Janie LOVES Thomas and Ammon had a blanket with Thomas on it which she played with for a very long time.
Matt and I are so excited because we have decided we are going to Disneyland at the end of September! Yay! We leave the day of my primary program, but don't worry, we are leaving right AFTER sacrament meeting, which is the last meeting of the block. We've been talking to Ammon about Disneyland, Mickey Mouse, and all the great things at the Happiest Place on Earth. One morning Matt gave Ammon Breakfast with Mickey. I think this picture is terrific.

Last weekend Matt finally took his backpacking trip that he's been waiting and waiting for with a group of some of his friends. They hiked up in the uintah's up by Kidney Lake. He got plenty of sun and really enjoyed himself. While he was gone, I stayed a night at my parent's-with my grandma who was taking care of their dog while they were also on vacation. The next night I spent at Matt's parents. We both missed Matt but enjoyed spending the time with family and Ammon loved going to church with his Grandma Sue and Papa. I didn't have to take him out of sacrament meeting once! He was so good!This picture is at my parent's while we were there last weekend. Ammon stacked almost all the blocks! He was so excited. Ammon talks nonstop now and seems to big all of a sudden! He does the actions to his favorite songs: The Itsy Bitsy Spider, My Hands, Popcorn Popping, The Wheels on the Bus, and he loves singing I love to see the Temple, Baptism, and many other primary songs. He can say his numbers 1-10 with help and can count to 2 all by himself:) ha ha. He's almost to 3! He loves to say prayers and help his mommy clean up. He helps me fold laundry, unload the dishwasher, and clean the bathroom. He's so funny when he helps "fold". He shakes each article and then very systematically puts it down in a pile. He's such a big boy!