Thursday, May 6, 2010

Our lives through the lens

Ammon loves the camera!

The end of a smile. Her smiles are so quick and sporadic that I think it might be a while before I can catch it on film...
Our heater/air conditioning has been broken for about 3 weeks now..booo! we spend a day building a fort and staying in our warm pj's.
Such a funny boy. I walked in and had to take a picture of this.
Granna got a turtle sandbox, and then the following days and week(s) have been rainy. We look forward to a sunny day to come back and play! Ammon's other Grandma got a cool pirate water table which the kids also love. Bring on the warm weather!

We have walked to a park a few blocks away with a friend from the ward twice now. Today was a pretty cold day. Ammon fell asleep because he went to bed around 10 and woke up at 6:40!
I don't think I have put a picture of our new double-stroller up, here it is! We all love it!
Guess what this meant? Carrying Ammon, and Abbie in her carseat with the diaper bag on my shoulder, up the stairs to our apartment, and then coming back for the stroller because Matt has the car today. Plus side? I guess I'm getting stronger:)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Good news: We got Ammon to eat his Lasagna tonight! Hooray! We put Parmesan cheese on it, it reminded me of my niece who likes cheese on most anything! Apparently parmesan cheese, syrup, and ketchup so far make almost any food good enough for Ammon to eat.

Other good news: I went to enrichment tonight and had a great time. I was got some ideas for m talk, woohoo!

Oh and by the way, I love that I have so many friends in my ward who have just had babies, it's so great to be around people I have stuff in common with. I was talking with a friend today about how I hope we move into a bigger "house"(whether it be a bigger condo/apartment or a house) sooner rather than later, but I don't want to leave this ward because I love it! The ladies in my ward are so great and are such great examples to me. I wouldn't mind at all if-when we are ready and looking more-we happened to find a home right inside our ward boundaries:)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Life is Crazy.

It's amazing how much busier life gets with one more person to take care of...This might be a boring post, but I need to just "journal" and get my thoughts out.

Things are going well, I'm being stretched to my limits more and more and can feel the Lord strengthening me and guiding me daily. I know I couldn't have gotten through or been as patient through recent experiences if it weren't for the tender mercies of my Father in Heaven.

Abbie's eating schedule is FINALLY becoming more regular and predictable. Last week I took her to a chiropractor who is in Matt's parents' ward to be adjusted. She had been really favoring her left side, cried a lot when I fed her, and spitting up a lot. I had talked to several people who found positive results and I felt like it might help. It was hard to see a change because the next day poor Abbie had to get her 2 month shots, but I think it has helped. Overall, I'm glad I did it. She seems to be spitting up less, she doesn't favor her left side anymore, and she seems a little less fussy.

She started smiling just over a week and a half ago on purpose. She is now smiling more and more everyday and I love it!

Abbie's stats:

Height 22 3/4'' - 75%
Weight 10 lbs 3 oz - 45%
Head - still small in the 10%

Ammon is starting to show signs of the difficult adjustment it is to not be the center of our world anymore. He's great with Abbie and likes to help with her, but he has SEVERAL meltdowns everyday now. He has a really hard time when he doesn't get what he wants and he is really fighting going to bed for naps or at night. I need to be better at just letting the housework go for a while and just play with him more often. He almost always wants me to give him a bath or put him to bed because he doesn't have me to himself during the day anymore. It's hard for me to be consistent when it would be so much easier to give him what he wants when both he and Abbie are screaming, but I'm trying to remind myself that it will be better in the long run if I can just be patient through the tantrums to teach him obedience and consequences. We are currently working on eating dinner....He will only eat a handful of things, which is probably quite common in 2 year olds....anyway, we're working through the adjustments and learning together.

I'm back to doing the music in primary after a 2 month break. It went pretty well on Sunday and I have a great partner who is so willing to help out and she completely took over after Abbie was born and told me not to worry at all. Because of her, I didn't. It was great! I'm giving a talk this Sunday in sacrament meeting that I'm stressed about, because all of a sudden, I'm still doing laundry at 10 at night. My free time has been severely depleted and that's been crazy, but I'm so grateful to be able to be a mom. Even though I go to bed tired and sore most nights, I'm grateful for the opportunity to work hard, and I'm grateful for the knowledge I have that I'm doing what Heavenly Father wants me to do. It's so fulfilling(most of the time) to come to the end of the day knowing I worked hard. I figure if I can study and prepare a little each day, I will be ready. Fortunately, there are several speakers, so I only need to speak for 6 minutes.

Matt and I are working on going on regular dates, and that's always so good for us. We saw Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief this last Friday and we really enjoyed it. We went out and bought the books and are about halfway through the first one. It's great to spend time sharing that together. He is still looking for a job that will help him in his career and will hopefully have another interview this week.

I'm really looking forward to some warm, DRY(even though I'm grateful for the moisture) weather again, because when it's cold and rainy-or SNOWY!!!-I have ZERO motivation for exercising. So I'm trying to control my portion sizes in an effort to lose weight. I need to be doing WII fit everyday because I notice a difference when I do, I'm just not that great at waking up before the kids to do that, and at night I just want to relax and read, or whatever and wind down before bed. I guess I just have to learn to make the sacrifices if I want to get rid of this extra baby weight.

I'll post some pictures hopefully tomorrow when the other computer is available. Good night!