Monday, July 20, 2009

Recipe for Heat Stroke (and FUN)

I think I have heat stroke today. Also stairs are a little rough. But it's worth it because this weekend we headed up to Bryce Canyon for the annual half marathon. And this year was even more fun than usual because we camped with the Marcrofts. Here is what you can expect to find on such an adventure...

Inspiration Point, which can also double as a lookout for the local forest fire.

Love it. Hoodoo mania.

My time: 1 hour, 52 minutes. That's not too shab. I think I only ran it a minute faster last time. Note: There is the monster tent making its big debut!

Yay! We finished. Kyndel beat her time by a minute.

Mossy cave hike. Our kids are beat by the end of day 2, it's true.

And last but not least--Dutch oven birthday cobbler. Cooked to perfection with hot rocks.

Avery turned one on Saturday. Wow, time is flying by. I remember last year this time bringing home a sweet little baby girl. And now she is walking, she says mama, dada, and Ewa, she eats almost everything, she claps her hands and waves at passerby, and she says "uh!" when she is inconvenienced in her playing. Happy birthday avee-cakes! You are our fiesty angel.

Good times with the Hoyts! We were luckly to get to see them on both ends of their trip to Orderville. This is us about to explore the lava caves...which gave birth to a boy! (Hayden)
Next time they come through, we are going to need jalapeno pepperjack burgers again. And a dose of Harry Potter never hurts for a fun trip either. Debbie, I will always go coupon shopping with you. Even if I have to get extra doublers from a special file I keep outdoors :)

Grand finale--Christmas in July. Bryson brought home dry ice from work and stuck it in a pitcher with soap on top of the air conditioning unit. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! p.s. Don't tell the HOA!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

HELLO! I think I ordered the large tent...and other items of business

Rockin' the fourth. Avery is not afraid of fireworks. Salad bar is the best dinner ever. And 17 miles was meant to be run as a loop through Snow Canyon park. Great day.

I don't know if this was his intention, but when Bryson decided to finally upgrade his two-man backpacking tent to a six-man deal, he also may have provided alternative living arrangements should he lose his job one day. Inside this outdoor recreation mansion, we can fit the pack n play, two air mattresses, and all of our camping chairs. Then there's the front porch which doubles the size of it all. By six men, they meant six lumberjacks I'm guessing. This is half of it set up in our front room. Will it fit in our camping spot at Bryce Canyon next weekend...?

These are bows for my niece Becca's big 6 birthday this week. They are heirloom bows because the flowers are from my grandma's craft table...that is, my grandma that recently passed away.