Here's the Chaplin of the U.S. Senate as he makes some damned good sense!!!!
Happy Blogging!!!!!!
This is where I think out loud about Life, the Universe and Everything. I consider life an adventure and this is part of mine whether I'm ranting on politics or taking you on a ramble through Kay's World.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Sunday, October 13, 2013
The Tea Party's Over!!!!!
This turned up on my YouTube account. I think most of you will love it!!!! It's brilliant!
Happy Blogging!!!!!
Happy Blogging!!!!!
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Even John McCain is against the shutdown. (Do note that his former running mate is not.)
Happy Blogging!!!!!
Happy Blogging!!!!!
Friday, October 04, 2013
The Old Fart Is Back
One of my favorite YouTube Channels is Old Fart Rants. He always tells us how he REALLY feels.
Today he shoots straight on the GOP cases holding healthcare hostage. I think y'all know what I think of
that and he says it sooooooooooooo much better and more directly!
You can see it and listen here:
AND MoveOn had this short message for my least favorite Ohioan:
And give Boehner a call!!!!!!!!!
Happy Blogging!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Congess Annoys Me & Other Stuff
Good morning! I found this over at The Immoral Minority. I think it goes without saying how I *really* feel about what the Teapublicans are doing to this country.
I only have physical therapy today so I'm going to try to get around and visit y'all if Josh doesn't beat me up too badly. (I am soooooooooooooo outta shape!) It's been crazy here & let's just say that that my 'as needed' anxiety meds have been needed more than usual. Oh well. That said, I'm hoping to get back on track here.
All I can say is call your Congress Critter and holler!!!!!
Happy Blogging!!!!
I only have physical therapy today so I'm going to try to get around and visit y'all if Josh doesn't beat me up too badly. (I am soooooooooooooo outta shape!) It's been crazy here & let's just say that that my 'as needed' anxiety meds have been needed more than usual. Oh well. That said, I'm hoping to get back on track here.
All I can say is call your Congress Critter and holler!!!!!
Happy Blogging!!!!
Monday, September 09, 2013
I Need a Couple High Fives
I finally have figured out why I've been soooooooo out of sorts!!! In addition to the family and all the other insanity, I quit smoking -- and I'm guessing that's added a lot to all the other stuff, BUT even worse -- it's been over FIVE MONTHS since I quit smoking!!!!!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Blogging!!!!!!!!
I am trying mightily to get through all the mess of the family trials and tribulations. Who would have thought that the ex & I getting along would and acting like grownups have caused such problems. It's making me ill. I am sooooooo weary of it all. I wish I understood it but no one will talk about it.
It's truly ugly.
It's truly ugly.
Sunday, September 08, 2013
I need help
I have blogged much lately and I don't know when I will again. It's that bad.
I don't want too say much but there are evil people who really scare me.
I need help badly. I don't know who I can trust anymore or who to talk to.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Thanks and a Sad Notes
I've been so busy with all sorts of silliness. Your great comments really helped me through all the mess. Thank you!!!!
Jeff sent this awesome video of Stevie and Eydie. She was quite a lady!!!!
Happy Blogging!!!!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Ruby & Me
I've been busy. My little beloved red car & I have been spending a lot of time with Rob -- my excellent mechanic. Rob is the kind of guy who listens to a vehicle for a minute or two and tells you what's wrong -- a rare gift -- and what it will cost in a minute or so. On Monday, she goes under the wrench for a mini tune-up and assorted other little things The fun part is that she's over 13 years old and Rob says that she's one of the best cars GM ever made. I'm hoping that she'll last until they pry the keys (and driver's license) out of my cold dead fingers.
The other fun part is that when she needs tires (as she just did recently), I get to go out to the used auto parts yard and get them which scares the hell out of my friends -- the old bikers who work there sorta chuckle when I appear but then they were afraid of bikers back in the day, too. But hey! They give me my propers and I give them theirs.
Have been working for Obama's group when the spirit moves me. And yes, I'm disappointed with him but he beats the alternative. Sigh. Here's Bill Maher at his best:
I'm cleaning everything and it's all coming together. If you walked into my house, y'all would see disaster but it's all coming together. (And if y'all want to come by and help -- laugh hysterically -- you are soooooooooo welcome) LOL
I'm also trying to get through all health insurance stuff and gird my loins for the forthcoming craziness attached to that -- if I ever get done translating it. (I am not fluent in bureaucratese.)
Hope y'all are having a great day. Hopefully, I'll be around to visit later!!!!
Happy Blogging!!!!!
Monday, August 05, 2013
Sigh . . .
I don't like the world.
The world doesn't like me.
I can't quit even though there's no reason not to.
It's not fair.
The world doesn't like me.
I can't quit even though there's no reason not to.
It's not fair.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
I'm having a break down!!!! Those right royal bastard at Google are trying to foist their stupid Google+ on me and I don't want it. it's stupid & intrusive and I plain damn don't want it!!!!
I tried a system restore and it did help. I tried Blogger help and, as usual, they were helpless.
I am not a happy camper and I need help.
Monday, July 22, 2013
And My Other Guy on the Hill Said . . .
And Rob Portman's response to the same letter from me was:
Dear Sharon,
Thank you for contacting me to express your views on S.740, the Medicare Drug Savings Act of 2013. I am grateful to hear from a fellow Ohioan, and I appreciate the opportunity to address your thoughtful comments.
Prior to the establishment of the Medicare Part D program in 2006, Medicare beneficiaries who were also eligible for Medicaid ("dual eligible") received drug coverage through Medicaid. When Part D was established, these individuals were automatically enrolled in its low-income subsidy (LIS) program, which covers the cost of premiums under Part D. Many LIS beneficiaries are dual eligible beneficiaries and account for 40 percent of Part D enrollees. Currently, rebates on drug costs for LIS beneficiaries are negotiated between Part D plans and drug makers, as they are for regular Part D enrollees.
As you may know, there have been proposals to apply Medicaid-style rebates to LIS beneficiaries. Drug manufacturers are currently required to pay a rebate on their sales to Medicaid enrollees. In 2010, that rate was increased from 15.1 percent to 23.1 percent of the average manufacturer price. As your letter notes, S.740, the Medicare Drug Savings Act of 2013 would also require manufacturers to pay rebates for LIS individuals.
I believe any proposal that makes significant changes to Medicare must be rigorously examined, and its effects on the federal budget, access to care, and out-of-pocket costs for America's seniors, must be carefully measured. I will keep your views in mind as the Senate considers ways to address the nation's fiscal challenges.
Thanks again for taking the time to contact my office. I am honored to represent you and the great state of Ohio in the United States Senate. For more information, visit my website at Please keep in touch.
Rob Portman
U.S. Senator
Just giving old Rob props for responding but he mostly spoke bureaucratic b.s.
He is not not really my guy on the Hill!!!
Happy Blogging!!!!!
Here's What a Senator Is Supposed to Do!
I received the following letter from my favorite Senator from Ohio:
Dear Ms. Dennison:
Thank you for getting in touch with me regarding S.740, the Medicare Drug Savings Act. I am a proud original cosponsor of this legislation.
This bill would eliminate a special deal for brand-name drug manufacturers that allows them to charge Medicare higher prices for some seniors’ prescription drugs. It would require drug companies to provide rebates to the federal government on drugs used by nearly 340,000 Ohio dual eligibles — people eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, who are predominantly low-income seniors — just as was done for dual eligibles on Medicaid before the creation of Medicare’s private prescription drug program—Medicare Part D—in 2006.
With the exception of Medicare Part D, all large purchasers of prescription drugs negotiate better prices, including the Medicaid system and private insurers. This bill reinstates the ability of the Medicaid system to negotiate prices for low-income Medicare beneficiaries, just as they do for Medicaid beneficiaries that are not also eligible for Medicare. It corrects the excessive payments to drug companies, while also saving taxpayers and the federal government from footing unnecessary costs. Over the past ten years, the 11 largest drug companies alone took $711.4 billion in profits, including a 62 percent increase from 2003 to 2012.
According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the Medicare Drug Savings Act would save more than $141 billion by helping to responsibly reduce the deficit by ending a special interest giveaway that requires the government to pay a higher rate for prescription drugs. I will work with my colleagues on the Senate Finance Committee to bring this bill up for a vote.
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me.
Sherrod Brown
United States Senator
I don't think it gets any better than that!!! See why I keep working and voting for him? He and his pal, Bernie Sanders are my guys on the Hill!
Happy Blogging!!!!!!
Sunday, July 14, 2013
More Mel
I had so much fun with my Mel post (& I think y'all did, too) that I'm back with more . . . Enjoy!!!!!
Here's classic Mel as the 2000-year-old man with his long-time pal, Carl Reiner:
A lot of y'all liked History of the World, Part I and here are a couple of my faves -- all short -- from it.
The Last Supper
The Inquisition
French Revolution
That's it for now -- next we'll see clips from some of his other films!
Happy Blogging!!!
Here's classic Mel as the 2000-year-old man with his long-time pal, Carl Reiner:
A lot of y'all liked History of the World, Part I and here are a couple of my faves -- all short -- from it.
The Last Supper
The Inquisition
French Revolution
That's it for now -- next we'll see clips from some of his other films!
Happy Blogging!!!
Friday, July 12, 2013
Some Some Much-Needed Levity
I am still trying to sort a lot sh . . . er . . . cra . . . er . . . stuff -- yeah that's it -- stuff these days and it's got me pretty worn down. Sigh. I still haven't got all the assorted mess with Mama Barb's death and that's another of kettle of fish. Sigh.
Today I left everything on hold and went a-visiting around the blogosphere. If I missed you, forgive me.
I also discovered that while I wasn't looking, Mel Brooka garnered both the American Film Institute's Lifetime Acheievment Award and the Kennedy Center honors for his long and brilliant career in film. I love his work and I treated myself to a few hours on of laughter with his brilliance.
Here are a few videos short and long . . .
Here's a musical tribute . . . (I had blast just from seeing the Mel's reactions and do note the Mel sings along)
What's was your fav Mel Brooks film? I love them all but I think that "The Producers"2 is prolly my favorite . . . tap dancing gestapo and a gay Hitler gets me laughing.
And last but not least here's Mel with his beloved Anne:
What can I say except: "What a couple!!!"?????
Happy Blogging!!!!
Today I left everything on hold and went a-visiting around the blogosphere. If I missed you, forgive me.
I also discovered that while I wasn't looking, Mel Brooka garnered both the American Film Institute's Lifetime Acheievment Award and the Kennedy Center honors for his long and brilliant career in film. I love his work and I treated myself to a few hours on of laughter with his brilliance.
Here are a few videos short and long . . .
Here's a musical tribute . . . (I had blast just from seeing the Mel's reactions and do note the Mel sings along)
What's was your fav Mel Brooks film? I love them all but I think that "The Producers"2 is prolly my favorite . . . tap dancing gestapo and a gay Hitler gets me laughing.
And last but not least here's Mel with his beloved Anne:
What can I say except: "What a couple!!!"?????
Happy Blogging!!!!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
I am a truly bad blogger, friend, reader, writer, ad infinitum. Mea Culpa. I am guilty, guilty, guilty.
I have been incredibly depressed and exhausted with everything and I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel. I probably need to get out and get busy but since nobody calls, I'm guessing except the OFA, I'm not missed too much.
My place is a mess but I'm trying mightily to get things things in some sort of order. We're presently under a tornado watch for another hour. The sky is pitch black!!!! The weather dude says to get offline as some serious rain is heading this way so I'm guessing that the meeting I don't want to attend will be cancelled. Sigh.
I'm going to try to get around to see y'all ASAP -- I hope.
Happy Blogging!!!!!
I have been incredibly depressed and exhausted with everything and I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel. I probably need to get out and get busy but since nobody calls, I'm guessing except the OFA, I'm not missed too much.
My place is a mess but I'm trying mightily to get things things in some sort of order. We're presently under a tornado watch for another hour. The sky is pitch black!!!! The weather dude says to get offline as some serious rain is heading this way so I'm guessing that the meeting I don't want to attend will be cancelled. Sigh.
I'm going to try to get around to see y'all ASAP -- I hope.
Happy Blogging!!!!!
Tuesday, June 04, 2013
Thank you and Afterthoughts
I sincerely appreciate all the kind words y'all have left here in this difficult time for our family. I decided long ago that if I really wanted to call myself a Christian (and I don't anymore), that I had to forgive others even if they hurt me. I always fall back on Gandhi: "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians; they are so unlike your Christ." I don't claim to be perfect, but I do try not to compromise myself -- unlike so many we read about every day.
My mother is a hater and bitterness has consumed her. Frankly, I think hating is too much work and requires too much energy. I don't care to expend all that negative energy -- it eats one soul and doesn't accomplish a damned thing. And I see too many self-proclaimed Christians (from both sides) acting in horrendously un-Christ-like ways whose views and actions are counter-productive to achieving peace and happiness for our country and that saddens me greatly.
I can't shoulder that burden; I'm just trying mightily to tend my my little corner of the world as best I can. I'm just glad that I'm managing to get through all the craziness without selling my soul -- so far.
Happy Blogging!!!!
My mother is a hater and bitterness has consumed her. Frankly, I think hating is too much work and requires too much energy. I don't care to expend all that negative energy -- it eats one soul and doesn't accomplish a damned thing. And I see too many self-proclaimed Christians (from both sides) acting in horrendously un-Christ-like ways whose views and actions are counter-productive to achieving peace and happiness for our country and that saddens me greatly.
I can't shoulder that burden; I'm just trying mightily to tend my my little corner of the world as best I can. I'm just glad that I'm managing to get through all the craziness without selling my soul -- so far.
Happy Blogging!!!!
Sunday, June 02, 2013
Saying Good-bye
Yesterday we said good-bye to my ex-husband, Frank. I like to think that he will live in our hearts forever. It was a small gathering at the Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery up north of here and I think he would liked that as he was very proud of his service to his country as a member of what he called "Uncle Sam's Canoe Club" as a submariner during the VietNam war. It was a small gathering -- all family despite their having called all his friends and neighbors -- and I think he would have liked that. He really hated funerals (don't we all?) and mostly refused to go.
Both our kids came in -- Kate flew from Maine (who stayed with friends in Cleveland) and Eric drove up from Kentucky with his eldest son, Drake. The latter stayed here in town the night before and took granny out to dinner!!! Drake is a truly bright and lovely young man and I was brought up-to-date on everyone's accomplishments. My brother brought Kate and his eldest, Matt drove up from Akron. And his cousins from Mansfield joined us, too. It was a very nice gathering full of family and Frank stories and I think Frank would have liked it a lot.
I promised Eric and Kate that there would not be any problems when my time comes and no burden placed on them as I'm working on it already and that Uncle Mike would be taking care of things since he lives fairly close. They both said thank you. With them living so far away, this was really difficult for them and dying without a will or insurance can really be a mess.
I'm going to miss him and mourn his passing.
Both our kids came in -- Kate flew from Maine (who stayed with friends in Cleveland) and Eric drove up from Kentucky with his eldest son, Drake. The latter stayed here in town the night before and took granny out to dinner!!! Drake is a truly bright and lovely young man and I was brought up-to-date on everyone's accomplishments. My brother brought Kate and his eldest, Matt drove up from Akron. And his cousins from Mansfield joined us, too. It was a very nice gathering full of family and Frank stories and I think Frank would have liked it a lot.
I promised Eric and Kate that there would not be any problems when my time comes and no burden placed on them as I'm working on it already and that Uncle Mike would be taking care of things since he lives fairly close. They both said thank you. With them living so far away, this was really difficult for them and dying without a will or insurance can really be a mess.
I'm going to miss him and mourn his passing.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Miscellaneous Ramblings
It's been pretty chaotic here the past few weeks and hopefully things will be slowing to a simpler pace soon. Thanks to all of you who have stood by me as I tap danced on the edge.
* We will be finally will be putting my ex-husband's ashes to rest on Saturday -- one day sky of his 68th birthday in the veterans' cemetery up north of here. I'm going to be nice and just say that I miss him.
* I've been spending a lot of time on the phone because Mama Barb, my stepmom, was placed in a nursing home and finally passed away this week. She was eighty-seven. They're burying her on Saturday. too. I will miss her. She has been good to me. Her best friend, Karen, said that nothing made Barb happier than a visit from me. I just am sorry I didn't get up to Toledo more often.
* They say that deaths come in threes. I wonder who's next. . . If it's me, I'd best get busy.
* Thanks to all of you for your input on changing my blog program. The bottom line is that I hate Google trying to invade my life without my permission. Silly me -- I think that I have the right to choose to social network or not and I refuse to join google+ or facebook.
* Alice over at My Wintersong sent me an excellent email about her Wordpress experience that I will consider if I decide to expend the energy to move.
Hope y'all are having a great day!
Happy Blogging!!!!
* We will be finally will be putting my ex-husband's ashes to rest on Saturday -- one day sky of his 68th birthday in the veterans' cemetery up north of here. I'm going to be nice and just say that I miss him.
* I've been spending a lot of time on the phone because Mama Barb, my stepmom, was placed in a nursing home and finally passed away this week. She was eighty-seven. They're burying her on Saturday. too. I will miss her. She has been good to me. Her best friend, Karen, said that nothing made Barb happier than a visit from me. I just am sorry I didn't get up to Toledo more often.
* They say that deaths come in threes. I wonder who's next. . . If it's me, I'd best get busy.
* Thanks to all of you for your input on changing my blog program. The bottom line is that I hate Google trying to invade my life without my permission. Silly me -- I think that I have the right to choose to social network or not and I refuse to join google+ or facebook.
* Alice over at My Wintersong sent me an excellent email about her Wordpress experience that I will consider if I decide to expend the energy to move.
Hope y'all are having a great day!
Happy Blogging!!!!
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