From time to time my sister in law has referred to the number of children she has as fifty (for the record she has four beautiful babies) She'll say things like "My kids are so entertaining. I'm glad I had fifty of them." In the past I always laughed at this clearly exaggerated number of children and thought "She's so funny!" Now that I have been a mother of three for nearly nine months, whenever I read that reference on her blog I don't laugh. I feel like standing up and shouting Amen Sister! I know people with more than three probably scoff at my difficulty. I remember when I only had one and thought that was rough. You learn to adapt, I get it. But some most days three kids might as well be ten around here. Challenging is how I could describe a typical day at home with my three beauties. Impossible? No. But Challenging, yes. Yesterday was a mommy fail. It started out in the worst way. Immediate bickering from the two oldest and it continued and continued and continued. Fifteen minutes felt like forty five and I was quickly unraveling. Ed called not long after and could tell from my voice I was nearing my breaking point. It was only 8:45am. Needless to say we made it through. Barely. That night we had a little reprieve when we dropped the kids of at my in laws house for a few hours. While we were driving back I looked into the back seat and Masyn was holding Elins hand in between their car seats and they were both asleep. It calmed my heart to see that. Maybe I'm doing something right! Hallelujah. I was trying my hardest not to cry when Ed told me I was a good Mom. I had to chuckle at that. Today I wasn't! I told him. Instead of trying to smooth it over and make my miserable day into something I know it was not, he told me.. ya maybe today was. But tomorrow I know you'll try harder. Oh that man! He holds my heart. I loved him a little more in that moment right there. He of all people knows I'm not perfect, but that I try to be better than I was yesterday. Hearing him give me that positive support was just what I needed to make today the fabulous day that it was. He makes me feel like I can do anything. Even raise four children. Ha! I'm funny.
Here is my unique little family enjoying our latest couple of weeks...
The little culprits I was telling you about getting ready for tubby time.
I love pictures. They're so deceiving. From this one you would think they are friends when really Masyn was about to steal that baby in Elin's lap and a full on baby tantrum ensued. :)
I made these chocolate mustaches for Ed's birthday party and the kids had a good time playing with the ones that didn't turn out.
She looks good in a handlebar.
Where was the heat from the last couple of weeks I ask you? I'm not a fan of heat so I was near death every day, but the kids enjoyed it. Especially when the ice cream truck rolled around and Grandma was here!
Noah loves to share with his baby sister.
Who says we have to stop at snow angels? Here in the Caballero home we like to make grass angels and yesterday after I vacuumed we just had to make carpet angels too.
They can be soo sweet when they want to :)
Thank you pinterest! Although this did not hold the attention of my two year old for more than one minute, my four year old was in heaven for at least twenty.
This was a before church picture on Father's Day. I remember because I wanted to take pictures of the kids that week and make a present for Ed but Masyn went a got herself bitten by a mosquito right in between her eyes the week before and it stuck around for awhile. She's going to love the documentation I'm sure.
She used to sit nicely. Now she crawls! Eight and a half months. Only one month before Noah and two and half after Masyn. It's fascinating to see how each of them conquer their milestones at their own pace.
Who doesn't love bubbles?
Ed and his little shadow. The sun rises and sets with his Dad as far as Noah is concerned. :)
The ruffles on this suit did nothing for my baby girl and her chubby little figure, nor does that lovely hat but oh how I cant get enough of her!
Showing mommy the goods. I bet they wish Grandma was around more often!
I am working on a catch up post about our first family vacation to California and my the kids favorite, Disneyland so stay tuned!