Sunday, November 18, 2012

Happy Anniversary...last year.

Happy Anniversary to us!
 It has been 12 wonderful, happy, short, fun, exciting, long, loving years ago that Peder and I got married.  Lots of great memories...including these. I thought I could share them this year...ya know cuz i stopped blogging...for a year.  Last year for our anniversary we went on a cruise with our friends Graham and Sarah. I can't even tell you how much fun we had. Great times. Here are a few of the things we did... 
safety first!

laying on the beach in the Bahamas ='s wonderful.

we spent tons of time here at this table, playing Settler's of Catan.
and tons of time here-outside on the deck watching movies and eating french fries, popcorn and
Turns out I am also a bit (lot) sea sick. Eating dinner in the dinning room was the worst. Can you say low ceilings...can't see out the windows...feel every movement of the ship...picturing the scene from Titanic where all the water comes rushing through the windows and the plates and glasses float around...and everyone dies. It made me a little (lot) nauseous. I made it back to our room before I threw up though so that was good. I got it under control after a few days so it didn't ruin the trip all together.

We went on a tour of some cool caves.

Aruba jeep tour...
Natural Bridge
Aruba is many different this kind...
and this kind...
and this kind...
and of course...the best kind.
coconut water... turns out it's not that good.
some old church on the top of a hill..

shopping center in Aruba

Formal night
This was our anniversary night too, which was fun.

They sang to us and brought us a really yummy dessert
Then we hit the show...which turns out was not too good either =) pretty weird actually.
Peder got me a lovely corsage to celebrate our special day...ahhhh.

more and more and more Settlers...
The last night we went to a different restaurant on the ship..and it was pretty much the best. meal. ever.

Peder was singing Hallelujah.
We may have ordered all of the desserts...and then asked for our favorites again. It's a cruise. That's what you are supposed to do.
And we had the tallest. waiter. ever. Sarah needed proof to take home...
It was a wonderful way to celebrate our Anniversary. Love your guts honey. Here's to many many more happy years!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

It's Great to be 8!

Yesterday Lincoln got baptized! It was a wonderful day with family and friends.
We always do a little photo shoot for their 8th are a few favorites of that cute boy.

The special day...

Love these guys.

The silly shot... 
 Grandpa gave a phenomenal talk about the Holy Ghost, where we all learned that the Holy Ghost speaks Chinese. Great stuff.
Lincoln Charles and his namesake
The hurry up and take a picture so we can go picture... 

Auntie Paige and Uncle Sean
Somehow we missed the other Aunts and know how that goes when you are trying to leave and go eat yummy food.
Speaking of...we had a delicious dinner with everyone afterward. Peder is amazing and smoked some pork for some super yummy sandwiches. And everyone chipped in with all the fixins'.
Beautiful weather, wonderful food, loving family and friends.
We are so blessed.

Congratulations Lincoln!