weekly update for all our loved ones who live so far away:) we love and miss you!
Brig learned to snorkel! he thinks its the absolute coolest, and that he now is the absolute coolest kid around:) which he is! it has been so fun here with Brig, I think he has really come out of his shell here. He has always been our picky eater, our mellow and non daring little bug but since we have gotten here it seems like everyday he is wanting to try something new and completely unexpected..example.. he has never eaten an onion, wouldnt touch a happy meal burger if it at one time had an onion on it and the other day he randomly says mom i think im going to like onions now..and since then he hasnt complained once when dinner has onions! awesome:) he was scared to ride his bike with out us right next to him and now he is snorkeling, boogie boarding and wanting to go into a cage while sharks swim around him..
I dont know what brought about all this change but it sure has been fun for us watching him bloom and enjoy life!
Gravy- pushing trucks, anytime, anywhere..you can find him with at least one car in hand, if not five or six:)
huge whale sand sculpture we watched a bunch of kids make
Our boys new pets! two jackson chameleons. ( he is holding CRAB..named by gray) I have never been a fan AT ALL of reptiles but our boys get so stinking excited to see a gecko and not being in the country we just dont see them as much as they would like so Seth thought it would be fun to get a pet for them..all fine and dandy until you have bought them and realize.. um.. sick these eat CRICKETS!...I HATE CRICKETS! eewwee! so for the past few days the boys have been on cloud nine while I never stop itching because i swear i have those dang bugs crawlng on me..not so fun but im glad my boys are having so much fun watching them.
"mom.. I am the REAL ironman mom..I am.. Im serious." typical Brig Quote
Brig holding REX (the male)
Brig is the slowest eater of all time..not joking. A bowl of cereal can take him well over an hour! needless to say a full plate of dinner has gotten beyond ridiculous. on evenings when seth is actually home we are always trying to eat, clean up, and get out the door quick so we can go out and do something but getting brig to finish in under 1 1/2 or 2 hrs is not easy..it usually doesnt happen. haha so a few days ago as seth was washing dishes, he in an attempt to get Brig to eat at a normal pace said "ok Brig, if your not done eating by the time i finish washing dishes then you have to wash your own plate" thinking that would do the trick because who likes to wash dishes? ..well Brig of course didnt finish and low and behold..He loved washing dishes..
nice try babe:)
Brig @ Our favorite "Burger joint" so far anyway:)
Gray getting right to business!
This smile= watch out mom, I am about to go crazy..literally (picture the Tasmanian devil)