Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Coco's Ears

So this little Coco bug got tubes put in back in December.  I was so nervous and actually cancelled her surgery appointment the month previous. When she then got another ear infection I knew it was time to bite the bullet and get them placed.  We have been through this three time before with Porter so I really don't know what I was worried about. I guess that's not entirely true...I was nervous about having them placed here at the military hospital. When we lived in Oklahoma we were able to go off base to whatever doctor accepted our insurance and we had amazing medical care. The only experience we have with military doctors were when we lived in Florida and it was a horrible experience. Well, while we are living here all of our medical care takes place in base and we even have a fully functioning hospital. After meeting with Cora's ENT for a couple months in a row, I knew she would be in good hands.
The morning of the surgery I loaded her up while Rob stayed with the other two and got them off to school. As soon as we arrived to the surgery center, we were greeted and shown to our room. I was so impressed by the staff of nurses and doctors who took special interest in my sweet baby girl. Everyone was so attentive and caring. I was very impressed. She screamed as soon as they took her out of my arms and as soon as the surgery was over, I could hear her screaming for me as she was coming out of anesthesia.  I soon held her and sang to her while someone found her favorite blanket. She was soon back to her silly self and watching cartoons in the recovery room. They gave us clearance to go home and she was acting normal by the time she woke up from her afternoon nap. I am so grateful everything went smoothly, and just for the record her ears have been infection free since her surgery. We hope it stays that way.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Beginnings

Happy New Year!

 I would have to say that 2012 was very good for us. I don't believe in making resolutions but goals...I do believe in. One of my goals for the new year was to be better at journal keeping and picture taking. I want to remember as much as possible of this time when my babies are young. Speaking of babies my oldest will be nine next month! NINE! I cannot believe it! That's for another post. We had an amazing Christmas and my parents were able to come up for Christmas. They actually came in on Christmas Day. We got a couple great days of sledding before we got a small warm front...warm front being 40 degrees. After having a couple weeks of -15 temps, it felt so warm. I loved having them here! I am looking forward to this year and all it has in store for us.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Day of School

My two older babies started school in August. Savannah started the third grade and Porter started kindergarten. The school is down the hill across the street so they were excited to be able to walk to school together. I walk to the end of our driveway and watch them walk to school. The mornings here are really crisp, so I'm grateful we live so close.  I miss having them home suring the day but I love the individual time I get with Cora. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Po Man!!

My sweet little boy turned five!!! My in-laws came to visit that week, which was so great! I wanted to make it special for my Porter, so we made all of his favorite foods and invited some of the neighbor kids to come play. He requested dirt cake for his birthday treat and really wanted Ikea meatballs for dinner. Well since Ikea is no where to be found...I did some searching and found this recipe:
Almost Famous Swedish Meatballs

I love you so much Porter and am so proud to be your Mom.


Happy Birthday Robbie!

My sweet husband turned 35 in July! It was our second day in Alaska and staying in a hotel. It wasn't as special as I usually try to make birthdays, but I tried my best. I love him so much and am so grateful to have spent another year with him. Happy Birthday my handsome man!

We're Back!

We had one adventurous, crazy summer. We loved every bit of it...for the most part. We made our big move to Anchorage in July. It was an 11 day journey, and when everything was said and done I am so grateful we did it. The roughest part was on the Al can. The ice has destroyed parts of the road so while it is very curvy and steep...it also is very bumpy and at some points it felt like we were on a boat going over waves. The kids did such an amazing job and I am so proud of how well they handled the LONG days in the car. One of my favorite towns along the way was Whitehourse, Yukon. It was breathtaking. I will leave this post with pictures of  Whitehourse. We made it safe and sound and our prayers were definitely answered.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Porter has been walking laps every Friday with his class and last week they added up their laps and rewarded them for completing a half- marathon! Go Bubba!