Sunday, August 16, 2009

Porter's 2nd Birthday

I have to write all of this down before I forget what happened when. Its official my baby boy turned 2 on Friday!! On Thursday Rob's Mom, Brother and Dad flew in, it was also Savannah's first day of school. On Thursday night we had a little party since Rob's Dad and Brother had to go t a conference about 4 hours away the next morning. We had yummy ice cream and cupcakes. Porter got some really fun toys. He's really into trains, planes, and he received a couple of each and he was beyond thrilled. He has the best smile, and we saw it often that night. Me and Rob also bought him a balancing bike, if you haven't seen these they are pretty neat!
On Friday Rob's sister Amanda flew in and we all went out to dinner, and grabbed some frozen yogurt. After we were back home Amanda let Porter open the presents she bought him, which included a remote controlled TARANTULA!! Yes he had tons of fun with this one!! We also discovered Savannah's deep rooted fear of spiders, at first she wouldn't even look at it, she's come around for the most part but she still won't touch it. On Saturday my parents and my brother Merrill came down and we had a mini party with them too! I'm sure Porter is confused by the more than one birthday. It was so nice to have everyone here. My Porter's a lucky man to have so many who came to show their love for him. I love you baby boy!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

First day of kindergarten

Yes my little baby girl started kindergarten today. I am so proud of how well she handled it. Not only is it everyday, its ALL DAY. Whatever will I do? She's always been pretty independent though. Rob went in late to work so he could come with us to walk her into school. She gave us hugs and kisses and walked right in. She sat down in her seat and began coloring. Porter kept yelling for her, then as we were turning around to leave he began crying for her, then as we were almost out of the building the bell rang, and scared him, which made him cry more. I on the other hand made it into the car before the waterworks began. She's my little girl, and I feel like she's growing so fast. I'm so proud of her and the amazing lessons she teaches me. I truly don't deserve my babies. I am blessed beyond belief, and am so grateful Heavenly Father trusted me enough to send her to me. I love you Savanni!

This week has been pretty busy and this weekend will be even busier, but so much fun. On Sat night our friends James and Lauren and their 2 boys stayed the weekend with us, and it was so nice to hang out with them again. We met them while we were living in St. Louis, and its so nice that we are still close to them and really enjoyed their company.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I passed

Oh yes my friends, the end has come, at least for another 3 weeks! I finished that dreaded summer semester! I finished those classes with b's which is quite amazing if you remember the crying and murmuring I did at the beginning of the semester! I have 3 weeks of freedom beofre fall semester begins, and oh I will enjoy it. I'm actually looking forward to my fall schedule . I'm taking 2 more history courses, a math course, and a science. Since I love history and science, I'm very excited and as a bonus I get the same 2 professors I've had 2 other times, so I should know what to expect from them.