Monday, January 17, 2011

By the grace of God, my FINAL semester of Nursing school!!

Nursing classes start this week! I love my schedule this semester. I only have class on Thursday & Friday!! :]

This semester I'm taking Community Nursing. My clinicals for Community start next Monday for the next 4 Mondays! I will be working at a Public Health Center.

Advanced Critical Care- I took Critical Care last semester & I am looking forward to Advanced Critical care. After this class, I will be advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) certified. I hope to learn a lot from this class, so that I can be better prepared to work in the ICU!

And Leadership in Nursing. For Leadership, I will be on the Surgical Trauma ICU (STICU) night shift for 5 weekends during the semester. I am SO excited, I really wanted to work on this unit for Leadership. This class will also help us get ready to take the NCLEX, by reviewing questions & test taking strategies.

1 Corinthians 15:10 says, "But by the grace of God I am what I am, & his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was NOT I, but the GRACE of God that is with me". I love this verse by Paul. I know that I have made it this far because of God's amazing grace in my life. There is no way I would be where I am without my Savior, Jesus Christ. I have felt His grace in numerous ways during Nursing School. May I never forget His work in my life. May I honor & glorify Him this semester!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Today my quadmates & I took pictures in downtown Lynchburg.

Future Nurses

Future Teachers

I always wanted a pictures with this bug downtown :]]

Thankful for these godly ladies I live with. We have grown so close over the past semester. Our favorite thing to do is watch movies together after curfew! So grateful for their friendship this year!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Back to LU for my LAST semester of Nursing School!

Back to LU today! I had a great trip, NO traffic! I am SO thankful! :]
Here are some pics from my dorm @ LU.

Love Sock Monkeys
Thanks Marguy fam!
My Bear from Dad & Mom :]

Looking forward to my last semester of Nursing School! I'm so excited to see what God has in store for this semester! My prayer is that I honor God in all I do this semester & that I will be a witness for Him in the hospital with the staff I work with & the patients I take care of. May God be glorified in EVERYTHING.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

We celebrated New Year's Eve in Connecticut with the Marguy family! Thank you Edward & Diana for having us over! Great memories! Can't wait till next year!

Dad & Sisters

Annabelle's birthday is December 31st!
Happy Birthday 4th Annabelle Grace !

Cousins- What a precious baby!

Our yearly tradition!

Joshy LOVED the confetti!

Happy New Year!

What a great year 2010 was.

I'm thankful for all God has taught me this past year.
Top Highlights of 2010:

1. Going on a medical missions trip to the Bahamas. It was a pleasure to show Christ love to others around the world.

2. Deciding to stay home for summer vacation instead of finishing up school early (which would mean missing my summer vacation with the family and not seeing my new niece & nephew) -This was a rough decision for me to make. After lots of prayer & advice from family, God moved my heart. He has taught me to trust in Him & His plan for my life.

Psalm 37:3-5
Trust in the Lord, & do good; dwell in the land & befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, & he will act.

I'm so glad I followed the Lord's prompting, even though at the time I was disappointed. Staying home for the summer was the best choice for me. No regrets!

3. Baby niece, Gabrielle Adora was born in May

4. OBX vacation with the family

5. Baby nephew, Stephen Lawrence was born in July

6. Starting my last year of Nursing School

7. Seeing my Grandpa Marguy before he went to be with the Lord & celebrating his life with family

In 2011 I'm looking forward to :

1. Getting to know my Lord & Savior more through His Word. & Seeking his guidance for the future.

2. Graduating from Nursing School

3. Taking the NCLEX & becoming Kelly Kovlak, RN

4. Moving back home from Virginia

5. Staring my first job in the hospital

6. Meeting my baby niece/nephew in August!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Grandpa Marguy

Over break, Mom, Tootie & I drove up to Connecticut to see my Grandpa Marguy (93 years old)
. He had been very sick with pneumonia & had been in the hospital for a couple of weeks. He passed away December 27. That night, my Mom & I saw the most beautiful sunset. I told her Grandpa painted it for her ;]]

I am so glad I got to see him the week before. I cannot wait to see him in Heaven one day!

"Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ." 1 Cor 15:55-56

I am grateful for the promise of Heaven and that Grandpa is in the presence of our Lord.

One semester left!

My second to last semester is FINISHED! :]
Here are some pics from the end of the semester with my roommate & nursing friend.

Chels & I met in Anatomy and Physiology our freshman year! Before every class we would eat a muffin together! To celebrate her finishing nursing school we had our LAST muffin together! Time flies by SO fast!!

From our nursing lounge

Matthew 25:40 "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers & sisters of mine, you did for me".

Nursing Class of 2011

We finally made it to the wall! I never thought I'd see this day! I am so grateful for the wonderful experiences I've had in nursing school. Nursing school has been one of the biggest challenges, but I'm so blessed. I cannot wait to use what I have learned, as a nurse, in a few months!