Saturday, September 16, 2006


At the request of ANONYMOUS FB, Kelso returns for a primary recap. The three choices of the K Korner, Tassini, Suozzi, and Green, barely got 50% amongst them, so we're in a bit of a quandry as to what to do in November. We are happy, though, that Tassini's 19% is being interpreted as a win of sorts, enough so that Hillary neglected to have a victory party, nor did she give a speech. Wayne Barrett of the Voice, on WYNC, made the point that she could not do this because unlike other pro-war Democrats, she was REALLY pro-war to the point of not supporting relatively hawkish Democratic alternatives to the final authorization allowing Bush to do this. Tassini's 19% isn't bad for $200K and if Lamont can pull it off against Lieberman, Hillary's pretty much dead. Nevertheless, she has an iron chin, and never has had a problem with being on three sides of every issue, so she may yet get the nomination for President away from Warner or Edwards. Right now, she's a +140 underdog against the whole field to get it. She's planning to debate Spencer in the NY Senate general election because she can certainly run to HIS left. But we may go with the Nazi Spencer anyway to make an affirmative vote against her.

What can be said about Spitzer other than that he's a fucking disgrace? His whole term as Attorney General has been about securing the privatization of the New York Racing Association for his father and shaking down Wall Street for campaign dough. That everyone believes his hype beggars the imagination. What a sad commentary on the electorate that a legitmate opponent like Suozzi -- a County Executive -- could barely manage 10%. Spitzer as the first Jewish President????? What hath god wrought? Looks like the K Korner's with the slightly less Nazi Faso against him for Governor.

In the election for the Democratic nominee to replace Spitzer, Mark Green has shown himself truly to be the Anna Kournikova of New York politics: looks great, never wins. He couldn't beat Andrew Cuomo even with the endorsement of the Tissue Of Lies and a final week revelation that Cuomo accepted $2mm from a developer whom Cuomo had sanctioned while at HUD. So, what defines corruption in a New York State Attorney General. Spitzer needed a piece of the $10bn+ privatization of NYRA; Cuomo needed a couple of million, and Cuomo's opponent in the general election, Janine Pirro, was happy to settle for a couple of questionable tax deductions and a new fence. That makes her the honest one, one supposes. Guess another Republican vote from the K Korner.

The other significant race in NY was the primary to replace Major Owens as U.S. Representative which is tantamount to winning it. In a major upset, the rank outsider, Yvette Clarke, beat Chris Owens (Major's son), Yassky (the only White), and Andrews (the Clubhouse man). Kelso had to turn to AnitaXanaxNow for an analysis, and it is her opinion that the coincidence of Carnival falling just before the election gave it to her, Clarke being the only candidate of Caribbean extraction in the race. Major Owens was far from the cleanest politician that's ever graced the House and far from the sanest, but Clarke is too conservative for Kelso's taste and she may well be as goofy as Owens was.

Hats off again the the Republican National Committee for their intense commitment to WIN. They threw everything they had to Lincoln Chaffee in his RI primary race against Laffey, with the full knowledge that Laffey is totally down with Bush and the entire Christian agenda and Chaffee is anti-Bush, easily to the left of a third of the Democrats, and has admitted to having enjoyed the rock in his day. Whitehouse may still pull it out for the Democrats, but the difference in approach is clear: Republicans play to win; Democrats don't. That may be changing under Howard Dean's stewardship, but we'll see.

The Scarlet Knight Of Moscow's TAKE THE BLUFF is in with a very good chance at long odds in the Brooklyn Handicap today. And here's the college footy (sorry for late posting)

* Florida Atlantic +29 over Oklahoma State
* Army +27 over Texas A & M
* Utah State +20 over Utah
* New Mexico +13 1-2 over Mizzou
* Rice +32 over Texas
* Baylor +13 over Washinton State
* Duke +34 1-2 over Virginia Tech
* Cincinnati +29 over Ohio
* Temple +41 1-2 over Minnesota
* Illinois -3 over SoreExcuse

Kelso's Nuts love you