Sunday, August 3, 2008


I was tagged by my sister in law...I usually forget to do these things if I don't do them right off the bat, so here I go!

7 interesting/quirky (or not so interesting) things about me:

1. I wear sandals in ANY shower, even my own and even after my husband has bleached it (I don't clean the showers. I am afraid of the germs).
2. I used to dream my mom or dad would work at a fun fruit factory and bring home bowls of leftover fun fruits for me to eat...specifically the blue and white shark fruit snacks.
3. Some of my college roommates know me as "Scuttle" because I sing all the time around the house/apartment but I am not a good singer. Usually I mouth any songs I sing in front of people, like at church.
4. I only shave my legs once a month (sometimes less) because I don't hardly have any hair on them.
5. I don't eat any sugar whatsoever. Only honey. It all started with a bet in college and six years later, here I am! If I ever break my diet, I will eat an oreo cookie blizzard with extra oreos, Swedish fish, and sour gummy worms. My mouth is watering at the thought. Yummy!
6. Someday I would like to work at Dairy Queen and make swirly ice cream cones. That has been my dream job since I was little.
7. I am very shy/nervous when it comes to meeting people and creating conversation, so it often takes me a very long time to make a good friend.

Friday, August 1, 2008


Maddox's entrance into the world was preceded by two other baby boy cousins. Matthew, who lives just down the road and is pictured below, is about five weeks older than Maddox. Simon is in the following picture and is about three months older than Maddox and lives in Washington. Here is the best shot I have of the three cousins together in the same picture frame. They were all over the place, except for Maddox, who is still immobile, although getting very close to changing that one.

First Tooth!

This is about a month late...okay, almost two months late as you can tell from the date on the picture, but Maddox cut his first tooth! You can't really see it, but it is his bottom right tooth. He is still waiting for more to come out, although we can definitely feel the other bottom tooth right next door and can see his two front teeth hanging out as well. He really hasn't shown any symptoms of teething though. Most moms have said their children got low fevers and diarrhea, but Maddox actually was constipated while he cut his first tooth. I haven't ever heard of that happening, so I attribute his constipation to carrots. I tried to give them to him twice and both times he got plugged up for a few days. Boy was that not a fun diaper to change when it all finally came out! No more carrots for Maddox! He is such a trooper!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Maddox Favs for June and July

We recently got back from an extended stay to Montana, where I grew up and my family still resides. I will post more about that later, but for now I will just say that Maddox absolutely adored my brother's dog, Alice. He would hear her nails clicking on the tile and turn his head and start giggling and laughing and looking for her and then got really excited whenever she was near enough for him to pet her. Mainly I think he wanted to eat her cuz several times I had to pry his head back from trying to bite her. Needless to say, she was not too fond of him...unless he had one of his biter biscuits he was chewing on. Then she would happily approach him and sneak his biscuit out of his hands. Of course, Maddox was just so happy to see her that he happily gave his biscuit away and belly laughed at the result. It was just too cute! This is my mom in the picture...Grandma Sneck. This in my mom's old walker that my sister, brother and I used when we grew up. After this picture, she finally threw it away. It was kind of sad to see it go, but before we threw it out, we got this cute picture of Maddox using it...for about a minute or so! He was way too big for it.
Just a cute smile!

Maddox loves spoons. Any spoon, any size. It will entertain him for hours at a time or stop him from being fussy. I think it is because he is teething and got his first tooth about a month ago. We are still waiting for others to pop through!
We have had family around for the past 1 1/2 months. During a trip to Indianapolis to visit Jeff's parents, we brought Maddox's mattress up there because he doesn't sleep well without his bed. We put it in their walk in closet and stacked water bottle cases around it...except this one side we overlooked. Here is how we found Maddox after one of his naps. He wasn't crying, but just grunting and protesting his uncomfortable-ness.
Our cutie in his swim shirt or muscle shirt with my cousin, Whitney. He had a bit of bead head.
Maddox's first bump on the head and pretty much is first "owey" (sp?). We were fishing at a lake in MT. Maddox was sitting playing in rocks and dirt and was going nuts having fun when he lost his balance and toppled forward onto his head. He cried a little, but mainly because he was really tired. What a trooper!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Giggle Baby

I just love his giggles. Here is a snap shot of them.

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband! From the cutest baby boy in the whole wide world! Do you think they look alike? Maddox's first swimming experience happened last Thursday...He didn't like it at all, but we had fun regardless. I think it was a bit cold for him and he didn't know what was going on. He just looked at the water the whole time.

For Valissa

To make this post absolutely perfect, I would have to have a picture of my sister when she was younger, but I am far from home. Regardless, almost every picture of my sister when she was growing up she had her tongue sticking out. A couple days ago Maddox started sticking his tongue out too and now he won't stop! He just lays around with his tongue hanging out.
He plays with his tongue hanging out.
He gets his diaper changed with his tongue hanging out.
I will continue to document these random tongue exposures, for you, Valissa!