Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy Birthday to a Very Special Person

I don't know when you will see this but I (Keith) wanted to be the first to wish you a Happy Birthday before anyone else does. :D


and we are VERY VERY glad that you dont look like him!

We all love you very much and hope you have a fun and relaxing day.

Love Keith, Beth, and Faith (Especially Keith) ;)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Trophies and Good Byes

My girls had closing softball ceremonies this past weekend. 

 It was hot but it's always fun to see your kids be awarded for their accomplishments and hard work.

This was Beth's last year playing recreational league softball.  She has played for, I think, nine years.  Wow!  I can't believe she is at the age now where she can't play in this league anymore.  The time has flown.

She will now move on to playing travel softball and is so excited.  This is a really big thing for her as she is hoping to pursue college softball.  Our summer will consist of lots of weekend tournaments.  Can't wait!!

Now, Faith takes up where Beth left off. 

 This was Faith's second year to play and hopefuly will continue for lots more years.  She seems to enjoy it, but maybe not quite as much as Beth.  Of course, Beth is a different kind of kid.  She totally LOVES all sports and anything about sports.  She loves the dirt in her mouth mixed with her chewing gum. She loves the strawberries she gets sliding into home plate.  She loves it all.

Faith is a little more of a girly girl.  She likes sports but she also likes major dress up time with all the bling and frills.

This is how Faith loves to be.

Beth and Faith both got participating trophies and also both made the all star teams for their age groups.

Beth also got the Best Sportsmanship Award for her age group.

Faith got first runner up for the same award, but no trophy. 

As parents, we were thrilled that both of our girls got recognized for their good attitudes.  We prayed before every game that the girls would play their games "as unto Him". 

Faith receiving her trophy.

I love this picture because Beth had to go up three times to receive her awards.  I love the look on her face.

Can you tell that I am proud of my kiddos?  Let me explain "pride" here...

I am proud of the gifts and abilities that they have gotten from God and how they are using them.  I believe that all three of my children are seeking to live for the Lord and be like Him in all that they do.  I believe their character is Christ like and I am so thankful for that.  I love that they are recognized for being "different", for saying yes maam and no sir.  I love that they pick their opponents up off the base if they fall.  I love that they smile even if they lose.  I love hearing their words of encouragment to their teammates and seeing the pats on the backs.  That's what I am proud and thankful for.

I have to put Keith in here, also. 

 Keith doesn't particularly enjoy playing sports, therefore I have no trophy pictures of him.  BUT, let me tell you what.  If there was a trophy for the best son in the world...for the son who would give you the shirt off his back...for the son that is so unselfish (especially when it comes to his mama)...then that trophy would go to Keith Thomas Kinser.

Keith's gifts and abilities lie with most anything that has to do with electronics.  He is just like his daddy and loves computers.  I call them my computer nerds. (in a very loving cool kind of way, of course)  He is fascinated by weather and would be a great meteorologist or storm chaser.  He is also a great cheerleader of his sisters.  He may not play ball like them, but he sure likes to cheer them on when they are playing.

So, our ball playing continues...

Traveling we will be...

Sweating we will be...

Smiling and cheering we will be...

Making more memories we will be...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Beach Time Again...

Another vacation has come and gone. 

We just spent eleven wonderful days at the beach with our family, Donnie's parents, and his twin brother and his family. 

Days filled with sunshine, seafood, ocean waves, hot tubs, and swimming pools are what I long for over the winter months. 

It was a wonderful week that went by way too fast.  Isn't that the way it always goes?

I will share more pictures later, but for now, just want to show you who we spent the week with.

My sweet family in our swimming pool best.

My in laws with their boys and all the grandkids.

These kiddos have a blast being together.

I couldn't leave out my sis in law who was in none of the other photos.  She is my sister in law and my friend.

Are you like me and get so overwhelmed with all of the stuff to do when you get back home?

I get spoiled on vacation. 

Back to reality...