Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Say It With Spaghetti

This was a sweet message that my sweet Faith left for me on the kitchen counter.

"I love you too, sweetheart."

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Hi everybody. Just a quick note to say that "I WON"!!! I never win anything. Wait a minute, I did win my hubby back about twenty years ago so I shouldn't say never. I do not, however, usually win drawings or door prizes or anything like that.

A couple of weeks ago I signed up for a drawing that Nicole at BugaBoos Creations was hosting and I won. How excited I was to receive her email informing me that my name was selected. I couldn't wait to receive my prize in the mail. Let me tell you...I was not disappointed.

Let me show you what I won....

I love my new clutch for my purse and my new key fob that holds the keys to my new to us Toyota Sienna that I also love. (boy that was a mouth full)

I want to say thank you again to Nicole at Bugaboos Creations for making my day with one of my love languages. (gifts that is)

Monday, September 14, 2009

No Slowing Down

I feel like my life is at full speed right now. I feel a little overwhelmed and a little impatient. Your prayers would be much appreciated for the next few weeks.

This is a brief look at my schedule so you can pray. My children's consignment sale begins full swing this Friday morning and will last nine days. We will actually begin collecting racks tomorrow and Wednesday. Of course, there is still life going in during sale time. We have volleyball practices and games, softball practices and tournaments. We have tutoring and Enrichment Fellowship (homeschool co-op). We have church. Of course, Donnie has his full time job on top of helping me. We do put most of our school on hold during this time because the kids are helping me make the sale run as it should. (I couldn't do it without them)

I know that all of you are busy and have hectic schedules so forgive me for complaining. Just pray for me, please, that all goes smoothly and that everyone stays healthy and strong. Also pray that my family will minister to many many people throughout the sale week. Pray that we will be a light to the community. Pray that we will have strength and energy and keep a smile on our faces. Pray that we will be like Jesus.

Thanks for hearing my heart....

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy Birthday, Papa Joe

We want to wish a great big, huge, enormous, gigantic HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dad today.

The kids, Donnie, and I love you very much, Papa Joe, and hope that your day is so very special. You certainly deserve to have a great day today and everyday.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR PAPA JOE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. (just pretend that we are there singing to you around a big, yummy birthday cake)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Garden Patrol

Our chickens love to eat the veggies out of our garden. They ate all (ALL) of our onions and then started on my tomatoes. They will eat half of a tomato on the vine and leave the other half for us to eat. (NOT)

Donnie and the girls decided to work on patroling the garden one afternoon while the chickens were feasting. The guns they were using were bb guns that wouldn't hurt, just sting and get their attention. And, yes, it worked, although temporarily. I guess the patrolman and patrol ladies just weren't scary or forceful enough.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sweet Dreams, Little One

Wonder what she's dreaming of. Knowing her, it is something sweet to eat, a barbie to play with, a song to sing, a dance to dance or maybe it's her favorite fluffy friend, Chloe. Maybe she's dreaming of angels all around her.

Oh how sweet they look when they are asleep. Oh how quiet it is....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

F I N A L L Y ......

Finally, after waiting and waiting, we now have our first two eggs. As you will see in the picture, they are small right now, but will get bigger. We are so excited.

Just a quick update on chicken counts. We have seven (7) roosters and five hens. Those are terrible odds. When we went to Tractor Supply and bought straight run chickens (didn't know the sex), we were hoping that we would have many more hens than roosters. DIDN'T HAPPEN. And, another funny thing is that we actually had three roosters killed by predators of some sort. That means we would have had TEN (10) roosters. NOT GOOD!! We don't want roosters. We want hens and we want their eggs. So, what to do...We know what to do, but I want share it on here.

Of our hens, we have beautiful Mur, named after one of my dearest friends ever, Mary. We have Charlotte, who is beautiful and red, named after a precious friend that works with Donnie, who has red hair. We have Oreo, who is black and white and crippled because a dog tried to eat her. (but boy she is determined and Beth loves her). We have Big Mama who is just perfectly named because she is fat and fluffy. And then there is Kramer...remember Kramer...with the big feathers sticking straight up on top of her head. She is a Polish Bantam. To be honest, we don't know 100% that she is a hen, but we do know that she has not crowed, she is small, and she does not seem to be chasing hens around like our other roosters. We are so hoping she's a hen.

We are still loving our chickens and even have more little chicks out in our garage that we are raising. We didn't buy these from Tractor Supply. We mail ordered these. They actually came to the post office. Crazy, isn't it? This time we were able to request all hens. NO ROOSTERS unless they gave them to us by mistake.

If we get enough eggs to share, I would love to share some with all of you, but things aren't looking so good when you only have five hens and one may not even be a hen. There may be just enough for the Kinsers to enjoy. Donnie LOVES eggs.

Aren't these eggs just lovely?

Sweet, adorable Kramer. This is BIG D!! He is a massive rooster. Look how long his legs are.