Tuesday, May 10, 2011

catsup or ketchup or CATCH UP

ugh I have so much blogging to catch up with! like journal writing, blogging can feel overwhelming when you dont do it for so long and then want to get back in. where to begin? I'll try to give a brief overview and perhaps someday come back and fill in some details and add pictures.

1. In November 2010 we officially left our Eagle Mountain home and moved in with my parents. We lived there until Christmas. It was a wonderful time. Even though we only saw Brian on the weekends, it was great spending special time with my mom and dad. I had to drive the kids to school in EM/SS every day (and back) which was the worst part. I ended up spending 4 hours a day in the van (Savannah and Jainna in tow) which adds up to 20 hours a week. I also gained 15 pounds in 3 months. Not Fun.

2. Christmas was a blast. The 3 youngest kids each got one gift from Santa - the rest was a super fun scavenger hunt for the older kids. They got a few "family" gifts (wii games, books, dvd's), but the main part was a 4 week vacation touring California - including a week at Disneyland. The day after Christmas we left a snowy Utah and headed for Vegas. We stayed at a hotel for a few days while Brian did some work and the rest of us did some sight seeing and checked out the house we were going to start renting in January.

3. After Vegas, we went to Sunny Palm Springs and spent several days leading up to New Years with the Kirkby's. It was great - the kids spent most of the time in the pool. From PS, Brian had to go back to Vegas for a week to work and I took the kids to Irvine. We stayed with my cousin Char and her family. We had a different adventure almost every day. San Diego, LA, Newport, Swap Meet (yes Swap Meet is a city in California) - had a great time.

4. The next week was all Disney. What a fun time we had. Perfect weather and low crowds. With the Johnsons Handicap passes, we didnt have to wait in line more than 10 minutes for anything! My mom came with us and made it the perfect vacay! Brian and I wanted to amputate our feet afterwards, but we decided against it.

5. After Disney, Brian went back to Vegas for work and I took the kids up north to see my sister and her family in San Fran! It was a really long drive and I was so tired of driving at this point I wanted to declare that we were moving in. We had a bunch of day trips while with the Pattersons. Going into the city, jelly belly factory, tide pools, and aquarium in Monterey. Such a good time!

6. Finally it was time to quit playing and get serious about life. I was sick on the morning we had to leave, but I didnt have any choice. I needed to get my kids to Vegas so we could get in the schools and start our REAL adventure. I REALLY hated that drive - stomach cramps the whole way - and the thick fog for 4 hours didnt help either. But we made it safely and the next day (Friday) I got everyone checked into their schools.

7. Brianne has early morning seminary at 5:45 am. It's held at the high school, so she goes straight to her regular classes afterwards. She auditioned for the school musical the first week she was there. And they just had their performance two weeks ago. It was cute, despite her complaining of it being very disorganized, she really enjoyed being a part of it and is making friends. She also recently had her Patriarchal Blessing which was a very spiritual and inspiring event for her and us (her parents).

8. Hannah takes the bus to her school every morning. She says the kids on the bus are nice and friendly to her. She is making friends in her Beehive class and one of them lives just around the corner from us (although they are moving this weekend to a neighborhood down the road). She likes her classes - except for Dance. The teacher is completely clueless and has them doing "Just Dance" on the wii for the last 8 weeks. Hannah is a great student and doing us proud :)

9. Jackson and Maegann go to an elementary school just one subdivision over from us. They walk/ride bikes with the family from the ward around the corner (same as hannah's friend). The school has a Uniform/Dress Code that they have to adhere to. Both kids hate it, but they comply without too much trouble. Their teachers are nice and even Jacksons teacher lets him email some of his homework since he was having such a hard time doing it the traditional way (he hates writing, but will do it more willingly if he is typing on a computer - he is his father's child).

10. Savannah and Jainna just hang out with me all day. I got a gym membership for a place just down the street and it has FREE child care while you are exercising. Its made such a difference. I've only lost 12ish pounds, but i'm not gonna let that stop me.

11. I finished my year without candy. Although my girls say I cheated when we went to the Jelly Belly factory in San Fran. because I ate the sample jelly bellys while on the tour. It probably should be counted as a cheat - which is why I actually went one day longer than one year.

12. We had 4 broken bones in a 24 day period. First, Savannah fell on the stairs at home. We couldn't get an xray until the next day, and on the way to the doctor I got a call from the school that Jackson had fallen on the stairs at school. So I picked him up and brought him with us to the doctor. They were both diagnosed with broken left arms (Savannah near her elbow, and Jacksons near his wrist). Savannah had her cast removed last thursday (after 3 weeks), just before we went to Utah for Maegann's Baptism. (cast story to be continued in #14).

13. While in Utah, we had a beautiful baptism for Maegann and her cousin Emma. It was such a sweet and wonderful day. The Whipple girls sang a sweet song on Baptism. Its a new one I wasnt familiar with - hopefully Laura can respond what it was called. And our kids sang The Family is of God. Its our new favorite song. Maegann was very happy to have been baptized.

14. Mothers Day: While in Utah, about an hour before we were to leave for Vegas, Maegann was swinging on the swings at my mom's house and fell. She landed with both arms extended in front of her. She was taken to the ER and we found out she had broken BOTH arms. Her right arm was about the same severeness as the other kids, but her left arm was really bad. Her left radius bone had broken completely through and the broken section had moved out of place about half an inch. It needed to be "reduced" (meaning put back where its suppose to be), but it was very stubborn and took much more work and time than anticipated. The Orthopedic Surgeon really had to push, pull, twist, and bend to get it back in place. He was grunting and panting and putting his knee in it. It was so hard to watch - not because it was gross, but because I didnt like to see my baby that way. Her arm was being bent where it shouldnt bend and it made my heart sick. She wasnt completely conscious during the procedure. It was called "conscious sedation" where they gave her propofol that made her loopy and she wouldnt remember anything. We were warned however that she would "react" to the doctor's movements. She had a couple of funny moments where she blurted out "Jacob get OFF ME!" or "Libby, seriously, GET OFF!!!" The poor thing had been playing with her cousins the last two days and apparently thought they were still playing. But the best one of all was when she blurted out while trying to sit up "Cause baby youre a FIIIIIRE-WOOOORK" at the top of her lungs. Finally, what should have taken 5 minutes but ended up taking 45 minutes, they were able to get the radius bone where it needed to be. They put temporary casts on her and left us alone for her to finish waking up and get read to go. We asked her if she was feeling hungry and what she wanted for lunch. Instead of thinking of herself, she said we should go home and make a special lunch for mom since it was mothers day. What a sweet girl! Best Mothers Day gift ever :)

15. So to finish off, in a period of 24 days: 3 kids, 4 casts. It's pretty freaky. It was funny joke about at first that CPS might come after us, but I'm not really laughing about it any more. Not that I mind if others want to joke :) Thank heavens Savannah got her cast off last week, otherwise we'd be quite the freak show at church. Brian took Jackson and Maeg to the grocery store last night and said several people were giving them weird looks and one lady even approached him and demanded to know what happend. I'm glad it was him and not me.

So that's our life in a nutshell. I'll try to add some pictures to the blog, but we are having camera battery issues. Thanks to everyone who has blessed us and helped us over the last few months. We are so blessed to have such wonderful families and friends.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

the mouse

warning: there are pictures to go along with the story. not for the faint at heart.

I've been suspecting a mouse for about a week or so. I had caught a glimpse of a possible mouse scurrying under the stove and have been weary ever since. Other "clues" have added to the suspicions. So last night I finally set a trap.

Everyone had gone to bed. It was just after 10 and I was heading to bed. I put some peanut butter on a tiny section of american cheese and placed it on the trap. Set the trap in the corner by the oven where I had the "sighting" a week previous. I went about the house turning off lights and locking doors and went up to bed. As I was pulling down my covers I heard the SNAP of the trap. "Wow, that was fast" I thought. But when I checked the trap, it was empty! That bugger had stolen my cheese! I reset the trap with a smaller piece of cheese and smashed it more into the trap.

Again I went to bed and within 5 minutes I heard the snap again. I was getting nervous and didnt really want to see a mouse squirming in the trap. So I gave it ten minutes before I went down to check. Sure enough, there was a grey blob attached to the trap. The trap had flipped over, thank heavens I couldnt see the head. But the body of the mouse was as big as the trap itself. It totally grossed me out! This was WAY bigger than the tiny mouse we caught a few years ago.

But now I was in a dilemma. With Brian gone, who was going to dispose of this mouse? Then I remembered how brave Brianne was last time when we caught a mouse. She nonchalantly picked up the trap with mouse attached and put it in the sack. No biggie! I went to bed certain that Brianne would throw it out in the morning.

Unfortunately Brianne has gotten more squeemish in her mature teenage years. In the morning she not only refused to take care of it, she wouldn't even go in the kitchen to get breakfast.

Hannah was no better.

I had to wake up Jackson.

The weird part is, when I had gone to bed the mouse and trap were both in plain sight. About 8 inches away from any of the cabinets or appliances - in full view. But in the morning, the trap was right up next to the oven and I couldnt see if the mouse was still there. I was afraid he had gotten away again. I got the broom handle and pulled on the trap. EWWWWW! THE MOUSE WAS STILL ATTACHED! But how the heck had he gotten himself and the trap over to the oven? Had his little army mouse friends tried to save him? Had he himself wiggle over trying to escape? Oh my gosh! What if I had tried to throw him out last night and he had started wiggling? /shiver

He was definately dead now. Can you say RIGAMORTIS?

OK, so I pull Jackson out of bed and give him a big speech about how he is the man of the house right now which requires him to take certain jobs upon himself. I hand him the walmart sack and point to the trap. He was a bit uncertain at first. But quickly got a glint in his eye that tells me this is every 10 yr old boy dream come true. He pulled on the trap - sure enough - grey mouse, legs sticking up, tail curling. AACKKKK!!!! /insert girlie screaming here. I'd blame all the screaming on the other 5 females that live in the house, but I admit it was all from me.

Some comments from Jackson include: "oh look at his guts!" then "i'm gonna flip it over to see his head" and then "wow his teeth are really stickin out"

/more screaming from mom

I did manage to snap some pictures. Not because I want to inspect it, but to prove how big the mouse was.

The first one shows how he was under the stove. The second one is, well ...

I've set another trap in case he has a friend. I'll give an update if anything happens! I think I'm ready to move in with mom for a few weeks. /sigh

Jainna "crawling"

ok, she may not be actually "crawling" in these videos, but it was her first attempts. Please excuse the annoying chipmunks singing in the background.

These videos were taken about a month ago. now she crawls all over the place. We are on constant vigil to keep tiny objects off the carpet so she wont put them in her mouth.

jainna growing

Savannah the Photographer

the camera is always FULL of pictures taken by Savannah. She usually points the camera backwards and upsidedown. Here are some of my favs.

again, naked, i know ...

Savannah the Baker

I was doing some baking the other day and Savannah decided she wanted to bake too. She pulled up a chair to the counter and proceeded to take pinches of flour from the flour bin and sprinkle it all over her tummy. I looked down at myself and saw flour all over my torso. I laughed as I realized what "baking" means to a three year old.

and FYI, my bread turned out great!

and yes, savannah is always naked down to her pullup whenever she is home. ALWAYS.

Monday, September 20, 2010

a new life...gonna make new friends, but keep the old!

This is not a new announcement, but we are moving to Las Vegas/Henerson, Nevada. Brian started working last month at a great company and has been commuting on the weekends. We've been trying to purchase a house in Vegas, but the market is so overwhelmed that its taking the banks forever to make any decision. And since just about every home there is in shortsale, we are at the mercy of the banks. So we finally decided this weekend that we are moving at the end of October whether we have a home or not.

Ironically, the lesson in church yesterday was on Faith. I really feel like this is a huge leap of faith on our part. We have no idea where we will live, but we are moving forward with those plans. We need to be together as a family.

Brian will start looking for houses to rent and I am going out there the first weekend in October to look as well. We may even look at homes to buy to put another offer in, in case our current offer gets denied.

Truth be told, I am nervous. But I think that is normal. I hope . . . :) Each week at church is getting harder and harder to face. But I know we are being led by the Lord to our new location.

Packing is such a pain! I've only done a little bit, but I'm gonna kick it in gear this week. I've set a goal to pack for 2 hours a day. It doesn't sound like much, but with 2 little ones at home, 2 teenager schedules, and a fund-raiser bake sale I'm doing - it's pretty hard to find 2 hours.

Brianne has started a new blog about our move from her point of view. Check it out, she is a great writer :)