Saturday, December 22, 2007


Some of you may remember that Fevers use to be a regular thing for our family. I'll give you the background first - but feel free to skip to the end.

When Jackson was a young toddler (probably around 18 months old) he started to get sick a lot. Just a fever though, with no other problems - no ear infection, no strep throat - just a fever. After about a year we realized he was having them not only with more frequency, but with a strange cycle as well. When I started tracking them, they would come every 2 months. But as time went on, they became more frequent. When they got to be every 2 weeks (17-18 days to be exact), we got rather concerned. Up to this point, our Doctor would just say "it's not uncommon for kids his age to have a fever for some odd reason. He'll get over it." And he would get over it . . . only to have it come back again 14 days after the last one ended. The fevers would range anywhere from 101 to 106. They were not fun.

In the summer of 2002 (Jackson was 2.5) our family Doctor agreed that we needed to see a specialist. "I don't think it's Leukemia" he said, "but I don't know what is going on". AAAAAAK! Don't say LEUKEMIA to parents who are already worried! Anyways, he helped us set up an appointment with the Oncology Department of Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake. It was a tearful weekend for me while we waited for that appointment. I was so fearful of loosing my little boy. In the meantime, Jackson had to have his blood drawn - something that ended up happening on a regular basis as well. He hated it and would cry and cry every time. He never got so upset we had to tie him down or anything - as long as I was holding him he would hold still.

At Primary's they ran their own battery of tests. When the Doctor came back he said "The good news is your boy does NOT have cancer. The bad news is we don't know what he has". Then he helped us make an appointment at the U of U Hospital Pediatric Infectious Diseases. It took us a few weeks to see the Specialist there and in the meantime continued to get regular blood draws (during fever times as well as non-fever times). We learned from those draws that when he was healthy, his white blood count was normal, but when the fever hit they white-blood cells would sky rocket. White-blood cells are suppose to increase when there is an infection. But for some reason, Jacksons body was telling his white-blood cells to increase on a regular basis, even though there was no infection.

We saw Dr. Bythington at the U of U Hospital in the Fall of 2002. Jackson was still having fevers every other week. By this time, Jackson was so freaked out by doctors and hospitals that we had a hard time even getting his weight and height. Dr. Bythington did her own assessments and blood tests and told us to meet with her the next week.

PFAPA is what she told us Jackson had. PFAPA is an acronym for Periodic Fever, Aphthous Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and Cervical Adenitis. PFAPA patients have fever episodes that last an average of 4.8 days and recur every 28 days on average. She put him on Cimedidine (a medication usually used for people who have serious heartburn - go figure). He had to take it twice a day - forever. Ugh! It seemed stressful at first - any parent whose kid has had to take penicillin for 10 days knows how hard it is to remember to dose properly for the entire treatment. How was I going to do this forever? Fortunately Jackson was a trooper! At first he had the liquid version - a horrible tasting medicine. Then he learned how to swallow the pill form - much easier for him AND I. This medicine isn't suppose to cure him - it's just suppose to push the fevers further apart. It immediately started to work. Instead of having fevers every 2 weeks, he went to 2 months apart. It was wonderful!

This continued to happen through the winter, but in the Spring/Summer of 2003 his frequency seemed to come back to every 2 weeks even though he was still taking his meds twice a day. When we met with Dr. Bythington she was concerned, but said we should continue our routine and see what happens. She told us that a tonsillectomy is a treatment that is effective for 80% of PFAPA patients, but she felt Jackson was too young to undergo that type of surgery (being 3.5 now) and wanted to wait and see how another year of the Cimedidine worked. When fall came around, the fevers returned to their 2 month cycle. But in the Spring of 2004 they came back to 2 weeks. For some strange reason, the medication would work in the fall and winter, but not in the spring and summer. Bizarre!

This story is longer than I meant it to be, I apologize for anyone who is still reading this. ANYWAYS - it was determined that Jackson would get his tonsils out in August of 2004. I still don't understand why a tonsillectomy is related to Jackson's periodic fevers - but thankfully other people did. Jackson took his medicine the night before his surgery and has never taken it again. The surgery was a success and he has been the most healthy of any of our kids ever since . . .

. . .Until this weekend. And hopefully we are just being paranoid parents - but Jackson has been having a fever for the past two days with no other symptoms. I decided to make this post this morning so that I could have documentation of when his fever came on. So if he has another fever in a few weeks we can see how far apart they are. We'll keep you all posted!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Getting Ready for Christmas

I haven't posted in quite awhile. Christmas is just days away - is that good or bad? I'm not sure. We've had a pretty calm season this year, not a lot of party's or shopping to do. Just keeping things sane with 5 kids is full time business for this family. Our Grandma and Grandpa Kirkby will be here soon - we are all very excited about that. We only get to see them a few times a year.

I'll start posting some pictures again soon since my sister Nicole is lending me her old digital camera until we can find our own or get a new one. And mom just told me today she and dad are giving us a new camcorder for Christmas this year - so look for some fun vid's coming soon!

Maegann's school got out last week for the break and she is going crazy. The other kids end tomorrow. Our 14th wedding anniversary is this friday, so Brian and I are going to spend some time together this weekend (thanks to Nicole and Angela for helping take care of the kids).

Instead of trekking to SLC to see the lights we decided to go to Thanksgiving Point where we could stay in the Van and see the lights while driving through. It was quite fun and much warmer than Temple Square. (are we getting old or WHAT!)

As many of you know, Brian and I are gaming geeks - we play World of Warcraft together every night. It keeps us busy and we enjoy the time "together" (even tho we play in different rooms of the house). Brian is the Guild Master - it's a love/hate responsibility for him. But if any of you play WoW and want to hook up sometime we'd love to have you!

I hope everyone has an enjoyable Christmas Season. I am having to re-train myself to enjoy Christmas fully instead of over-stressing. It's working so far. Love to all!

Friday, November 9, 2007

How to "do" dinner of the never ending jobs of mom. I've tried many different methods to help me in this endeavor but have come to the realization that there is no magic "quick fix".

It seems to me that the two most common problems with the "dinner dilemma" is a) what am I going to make? and b) do I have what I need to make it? If I have both these problems solved, then I feel much better about making dinner.

So one day I sat down to make a menu list for the upcoming week and realized that I have quite a long list of meals that my family likes, so why do I always stress about what to make? Let me show you what I've done lately -

1. Each day of the week gets assigned a "food category":
Monday = Chicken
Tuesday = Cheap 'n Easy (no jokes please)
Wednesday = Food Storage or Soup
Thursday = Cheap 'n Easy again
Friday = Beef
Saturday = Chicken
Sunday = Crock pot or other "slow cook" meal

2. Find 4-6 meals the family likes for each of the above categories. If you need to start out small, then just find 2 meals for each. I suggest you only use meals that you KNOW your family likes to eat and YOU like to make it (if you put too many meals on that are new then you may end up not liking them and then you've wasted time).

3. What does "cheap 'n easy" mean? Something that takes very little brain power. Something that possibly my 7 year old can make himself: leftovers, corn dogs, mac & cheese, hot dogs, frozen pizza, etc . . . Right now I have 2 nights a week for these dinners, but often times it is 3 or even 4 times - don't judge, just love!

4. Fill in a 4 week calendar with your meals. When I did this I had enough meals to go a 5th week and a few leaked over to a 6th week. Then rotate through these meals for the month.

5. Make your shopping list in 2 week chunks. I usually do one main shopping trip to get most of the food for 2 wks, but end up doing a 2nd shopping trip later on to get a few more "fresh" items like milk, fruit, and vegetables.

I am liking this system because I feel like I can still save money like in freezer cooking but without the hectic day of cooking for 8 hours straight. Plus the fresh meals vs. frozen meals is a plus. I rarely have the miserable thought "what should I make for dinner tonight?" And I know that I'll have the supplies to make it.

Here is my 6 week schedule (click on link, then "download" on the left) for ya'll to see and get ideas from. I'd love to hear what you think about it and what other ideas you have for a successful dinner plan.

Love, Liz

Eye of the Tiger - w00t!

This is video shot at Jackson's first football scrimmage last September. Right before the game was to start the coaches turned on some music (Eye of the Tiger - RAWR) to get them "pumped". I noticed Jackson and the boy next to him were really getting into it with some hilarious dancing. By the time I grabbed the camera they had stopped, but fortunately he added a few more grooves for the camera's benefit.

GG jack! (he's the one with the red mouth guard)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

JibJab fun

After my sister Laura sent us her JibJab movie I knew we had to make our own. We spent hours together laughing about the movies we were making. I apologize in advance for the "graphicness" for some of them, but they were too funny to pass up (nothing too horrible so don't worry).

here are some more if you'd like to see the others we made . We made over 20 movies in all (I told you we had fun)! But these are the best ones, ENJOY!

1. Unnecessary Force. Same movie as above, but different faces.

2. The Can-Can. A better version where Brianne doesn't look dead.

3. The Hussle #1

4. The Hussle #2. Maegann didn't like being the "guy", so this is the one where she gets to be "beautiful". Co-staring Grandpa Kirkby.

5. The Chiquita Girl. Don't tell Jackson I published this one!

Monday, November 5, 2007


Whew! I finally did it! I've been wanting to start a blog for a long time, but have always had excuses as to why not. My biggest set back has been that I can't find my new digital camera - and since I want to post pictures on our blog I've been waiting to find it. I still have not found it and am starting to really stress about it. Is it silly to pray for a lost camera? I think I'll try!

To start with, I think I'll introduce the kids . . .

Brianne Elizabeth - our first born, 11 going on 18! 5 foot 9 inches and lovin' it (sometimes). She started 6th grade this fall and I think she is enjoying it. She doesn't have any "boyfriends" at the current time, but she does have boys that are friends. She has developed some great talents over the last year - cooking and sewing are her favorites. Remind me sometime to tell you about how my girls made dinner for us all summer long. It was great! Brianne has been taking piano for awhile now and is starting to enjoy it.

Hannah Nicole - 9 years young and loving it! Hannah is maturing so nicely and is so beautiful! She has been growing her hair out lately - thank heavens "straight" hair is in style. Hannah has always loved animals and has officially learned the difference between wanting to be a "vegetarian/veterinarian" when she grows up. At first we didn't know which she meant and after explaining to her that a vegetarian doesn't eat meat (i.e. chicken wings, hamburgers, etc ...) she quickly realized she meant "veterinarian". After a few tongue-tied attempts at saying each of the V words, she has it straight!

Jackson Brian - turns 7 this week. It became official last May, Jackson is "Girl Trapped"! Our only Boy so far, Jackson has 2 older sisters and 2 younger sisters. I told him a few weeks ago that he will one day love the fact that he has all these sisters around him - just wait 'till you can meet all their CUTE friends! He's not convinced. Jackson just finished his first season of football. It wasn't quite the thrills and excitement his dad was hoping it would be - but we all survived! More than anything, we were glad he persevered.

Maegann Kathryn - large and in charge! Our Little Miss Maegann is 4 and a half - a cutie pie with attitude! Her preschool this year is in Lehi (a twenty-five minute drive), but it's definately worth it. She is getting the attention and training she needs for her speech delay and I think it is working well. Maegann's best friend is her brother Jackson - the two of them play and play and play and play. When the giggles turn to screams (of joy) I have to remind myself that it is a good thing that they like to play with each other so well. Jackson won't admit it, but she is his best friend too. The thing that's so great about Maegann is how much she loves her family. She gets along great with all her siblings - even baby Savannah gets special attention from Maeg. Now if we can just get her to be a little more submissive to mom and dad's requests we'd be a lot better off!

Savannah Lee - our latest bundle of joy! This little girl is the BEST BABY EVAR! I've heard of these types of baby's, but never thought I would get one. She sleeps 12 (or more) hours at night! Down at 7ish and doesn't make a peep until after 7:30 am. Not only is she a good sleeper, but her temperament is so happy. She is also very "transparent" with her needs. In other words, when she does cry, it is very easy to figure out what she wants/needs - food? sleep? diaper? comfort? The first baby I've ever had that gets fussy when tired and then is happy when I finally lay her down in bed to sleep. She drifts off to sleep without a binki or a feeding. So great!

Well, I think I'll end it here for today. We'd love to hear from you!

Brian, Liz, Brianne, Hannah, Jackson, Maegann, and Savannah