Hard to believe that it’s that time of year again. The summer has come and gone way to quickly. I have mixed feelings about the kids heading back to school. I love having them home so much, but I'm excited for some structure to come back in to our home. Like a normal bed time.
Summer has been super fun with trips to the cabin (more than last year), Boise, Idaho Falls, Seattle, & Spokane.
Can you believe what grades they are all going in to.
I think the last time I blogged was a couple years ago. Shows how busy they have kept me. LOL!
Shaylie is going in to second grade, she really wants to do Gymnastics this year. That’s all she has been talking about. So I need to find a gym for her to do that at. She did dance last year and was mini-diva (performing group). We loved it but it took up so much time and I had no one to carpool with. Two nights a week was to much for me. So we will either do gymnastics or a rec dance class. Shaylie loves to read, draw, color, sing and perform anything and everything! Wishing Tavaci was still an option. Shaylie is our Diva but her love for life is contagious. She LOVES everything and is such a happy girl! Can’t believe she is 7 and going in to the 2nd grade.
Ayden is going in to 5th grade. He is playing baseball on an ALL-STAR baseball team for KN. He is a great athlete and has really become quite good at pitching. He talks with a british accent most of the time and always has us laughing. He also enjoys driving Shaylie crazy which makes me nuts. He is a straight A student and hopefully that will continue. Last year he played piano, basketball and baseball and that should be the same this year. Ayden continues to be the nicest kid ever and seems to have friends spilling out everywhere! You’re Awesome Ayden! Chase is going in to 7th grade at Middle School. This is the first year he gets to do sports for school and he is so excited about that. He has started Football and I would bet he will play baseball , piano and basketball, as well and maybe do track if he can fit it in. He is all SPORTS, all the time. He is great at everything he does and continues to be a great kid. Chase is is very responsible and is a Deacon at church. He always reminds me of his meetings and things he needs to do like collect fast offerings or get to church early to pass the sacrament. We are very proud of the young man he has become. You Rock Chase!
Brielle is going in to the 10th grade. WOW! Is that even possible. Seems like yesterday that she was going in to middle school. Brielle plays the piano and gets school credit for doing so. She is still a great help to me just with the occasional eye roll and teenage attitude. She loves to cook and bake and is always asking if she can make the latest thing she has found on Pinterest. She has a great group of friends and loves school and seminary. She is the Miamaid President and is very organized and knows what's going on for mutual. We are very proud of the amazing girl she has become. We LOVE you Brielle, you are amazing!