Monday, December 7, 2009

Finally something to write about!!

I am a winner!! Yea! Thanks Mindi...

(Information taken from Mindika Moments blog ( Check it out!)
Monday, December 7, 2009

Burger Supreme Winner!
...and the winner is...
I will tell EVERYONE I know about Burgers Supreme and make them all come with me to eat there after I win! I LOVE it and I LOVE the owners for giving you the gift card! :) They're the best too!
I'm single and poor and have a hard time finding a good place to eat (cuz eating bores me) but I have NEVER been bored at Burgers Supreme! :) lol
Val, your gift certificate is on it's way!

Anyone want to go to Burger Supreme with me?? Everyone is invited!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Nothing Exciting

I just stole this off someones Facebook account, but I thought it was a good thought.

"A bar of iron costs $5, made into horseshoes its worth is $12, made into needles its worth is $3500, made into balance springs for watches its worth is $300,000. Your own value is determined also by what you are able to make of yourself." - Unknown Author

Great Quote!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Little boy!

Hey! Its Amber! ( Vals niece )

My Mom had a baby boy!

His name's Kyler! ( I took this picture )

He's one week old!

It is sooo fun taking care of him!
( haha )

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I've been contemplating the last hour or so some thoughts that have come into my mind about two miracles that have happened in the last couple of days. I'm not sure which is the bigger miracle.

First...My sister had her baby on Thursday...

That is a pretty big miracle. Not that she had a baby. Just the miracle of birth in general. I love holding brand new babies.

(I picked the better picture of me rather than the better picture of the baby. I'm a jerk!)

The 2nd Miracle just happened today....

(Hey..I don't look too bad for just having run 13.1 miles) :)

(Had to get a picture of the professional photographer I hired...
Thanks Tim!!)

Now do you see what the dilemna is?? Child birth? or Valerie running a Half-Marathon!

How many times have I said "I would never be able to run a half-marathon". Now look at me! I did it! Not sure of my time yet, but it will be around 2 hours 23 minutes. I am very happy with that time. My knee has been bothering me a lot and I thought I'd have to walk more than I did. But, hey...why walk through pain, when you can run through it?

So glad to be able to go with Chellese and Estela too. Great job to both of them. They both had killer times. Well done to everyone who ran!! WE DID IT!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My luck...

I love Bejeweled Blitz. I am addicted to it. So it seems the last week or so I have to end my day at work with a few games to help me "unwind". Usually however, it makes ornery because I am not so good at it and my friends always have huge scores and I can never beat them. Once I did...FINALLY. Then the next time I played all the scores were wiped clean.

Well today was a Bejeweled Blitz day. I ended work around 6:20 and swore I would just play until 6:30. Well 6:30 came and went and next thing I new...7:00pm. This is not uncommon, and normally would be fine. Tonight however, a storm was coming in. A friend texted "Thunder" to me and I knew I had to go home to sit on the porch and watch it Thunder and Lightning. So finally I leave.

I walk out to my car excited to get home to watch the storm, but instead.... My car is dead! Nothing! It was so dead I couldn't push the button to lock my doors. Of course there is no one else in the office because I had to waste 45 minutes playing Bejeweled. Had I left on time I could have had someone help me at work. Luckily I was able to summons some help, so what do I do while I wait? Go back in and play more Bejeweled. :) It really is addicting.

Meanwhile....It starts to POUR! lol Just my luck. Apparently I need a new battery. We get it started. We go get me a new battery (luckily my "help" runs an auto parts store so we can just "run grab one"). I drive home (my battery isn't installed yet) and turn off my car and it is still totally dead. NOTHING!

It's amazing to me that it was totally fine this morning when I go to work, but when I leave work (and I didn't leave my lights on either) there is not one ounce of juice? I should think they should give you some warning. But then, that wouldn't be my luck!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ice Baths...

So in the "Runner's World" Magazine there was an article on soaking in an ice bath (which covers your legs) after a long run. So I thought I'd try it. I went for a run tonight. About 6 miles. To many this is a short run, but to me...A long run. My legs were feeling it a little when I got done, so I thought I'd go relax them in an ice bath. :) Ahhh.

I didn't have any ice this time, so I just filled up my tub with cold (very cold) water. Enough to cover my legs. I put on a fleece jacket and jumped in...Well ok...I very slowly lowered myself in.

I've decided Ice baths are both horrible and wonderful....Getting in is horrible. Getting out is wonderful. I thought it was hard walking up the stairs after my run. My legs felt a little like jello. But try walking down stairs after sitting in ice water for 10 minutes. Your legs are so frozen your feet feel like they're going to crack off. But once your legs start warming up it feels so nice.

Everyone should try it once. You never know. You may love it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Improving ourselves...

Today I had an early morning meeting at work. My boss is great. He is always encouraging us to improve ourselves and find ways to become better people. This in turn helps us become better employees which is a win win.

I just loved something he said today..."We are in the positions we are because of the choices we make. No one else is to blame for our circumstances". (Or to praise if our circumstances are good). So if we want good things to happen we need to make good choices. Sounds easy enough.

Our subconcious mind is very powerful. If we feed it positive thoughts we produce positive results. If we feed it negative thoughts, well then guess what?? We produce negative results.

Thanks for the reminder...
I will stop harrassing the drivers on the road... Positive Thoughts!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Dragster Racing...More than meets the eye!!

What a fun day I had Drag Racing...

Well...I didn't actually race. I was the golf cart driving supporter. Yea. One more thing I've never done. Gone Drag racing and Driven a golf cart. The golf cart part was a piece of cake and I didn't get yelled at once for being somewhere I shouldn't. (Although I was later told I shouldn't have stopped in one spot, but hey, no one yelled at me! Yea!)

I got to go back in the Restricted Area, cuz I got a coveted blue band around my wrist, so when it was time to race...I was right there at the starting line in the Golf Cart cheering!

I then floored the Golf cart and by the time I got to the end where the racers end, there were two other races that had happened. They're going 180+ mph past me! yikes.
I learned a lot about Drag racing that I had no idea about. And I still don't know anything.
Here they are lining up to get ready to race...

Two of them all ready to start!
After we were done we sat at the finish line to watch some and we went up in the stands and watched a bunch of others. There were funny cars, motorcycles, trucks...

They even have a Jr. Dragster section for kids. They can start racing at 8 years old. Here are a couple of the Jr. Dragsters.

I pretty much sat in an air-conditioned trailer, chatted with dragster neighbors, napped, colored, ate, blew bubbles, and took lots of golf cart rides. :)
It was a long day. But overall was a lot of fun!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July!!

I love the 4th of July. I love watching fireworks. This weekend has ended up being packed with fun things. It started Thursday night. I went and picked up my sisters kids for a sleepover.

When we got back home a neighbor told us we should come over to the ward party. They were just getting ready to light fireworks. So we grabbed some sweatshirts and blankets and headed over. That was fun. Snow-cones, popcorn, candy, food, fireworks, and lots of friends. After we got home we decided to walk to the gas station and get a Red Box. And watched a movie that night.
That next morning they were playing on my piano when they came running in saying the ice cream man was coming. I said..."well you better find some money" and one niece said.."ah could you be a little more specific?" :) So I gathered them up some money and they flagged down the ice cream man. I still wonder how they heard him while they were playing on the piano. :)
When we were done having fun here, we went home and helped them decorate their bikes for a 4th of July parade in their neighborhood. They looked cute! My sister and I went and looked for stain for a chair I bought. I've never stained anything before, so any volunteers to help would be great! :)
That night I was invited to go to the Real Salt Lake Soccer game. That was fun. I was even loaned a shirt, so I wouldn't look so out of place! :)

We had good seats. The guy holding the American flag in the picture below is where our seats were. They were really good when the teams goal was at this end.

We ended up sitting up higher to get a better view of the whole game. Real didn't play so hot, but we ended up tieing, (by luck really), but that is much better than losing.

After the game they had performances by David Osmond and someone I'd never heard of. Then they did a fireworks show. I love fireworks shows.

The next day I was actually semi-productive. Cleaned my house, did laundry, went shopping, and got in some TV time too. I ended up going with a friend to the Freedom Festival and looking at the booths. I found the CUTEST pair of shoes on clearance for $10.00 but they were a little big in the toes. I was soooo bumbed. For only $10.00?? I passed and we went to dinner. I then went to another friends house who lives across the street from the Stadium of Fire. I pretty much got the performance and didn't have to pay. We could hear the concert and everything. Just couldn't see the performers, but that's ok, cuz I could laydown on a blanket and just relax while listening. Then came the fireworks. HOLY COW! They were LOUD and HUGE! It was like lying right under them. It was so cool.

At one point it scared some birds right out of their nests. The momma bird and two tiny babies came walking right up on the blanket. The babies were tiny. Poor little things.

Well, all in all, it was a very fun weekend.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I love music. It can be so theraputic.

I think there are so many good songs out there that can express exactly how you feel. I wish I had the talent to write a song about exactly how I feel sometimes.
Unfortunately, I do not have that talent. Maybe fortunately for you all. :)

I have found so many good songs out there lately that express almost exactly how I feel.
I love it. I need to re-do my ipod with some of these new found songs so I can run to them.

I should make a good running playlist so I can get out some energy in a good run.
Maybe I'd be willing to run a little further and harder, just so I could hear all my good songs.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

PG Triathlon

I'm a little behind. But I did another Triathlon June 13th. It was a good Triathlon. The course was a good one, but hard for me. It seemed like the majority of the run was up hill. And the bike had some good hills too. I was glad to be able to run the whole thing without stopping. The weird thing is that I got really bad side aches on the down hills. Guess I better start practicing down hills more.

My time wasn't great, but I finished before the last person, so that is good.
It was a reverse tri. And I'm not exactly sure why they did it that way.
We ran first.

Then biked. The bike was shorter than usual, but I'm totally fine with that. I stink on the bike.

Then we swam. I actually enjoy swimming the most, but for some reason, this swim about killed me. I had to stop several times for fear of drowning. But I made it to the end alive. Yea!

It ended up being a wonderful workout on a beautiful Saturday morning.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Memorial Day & the Heber Creeper

Memorial Day with the Family on the Heber Creeper!

I went with the family on a train ride through the canyon. It was a perfect day. Sun was shining, cool temperture. Perfect for sitting outside and relaxing on a 3 hour ride. It's 1 1/2 hours to Vivian Park and another 1 1/2 hours back. Going down was great. We were in an outside car and enjoyed the cool temperature and beautiful views.
And even watched waterskiiers on the lake (it was GLASS! Wish I were skiing). On the way back we moved to an inside car and pretty much read and relaxed. It was fun spending time with the family.
Some got bored and had to find ways to stay busy. Hide from the camera.

Over all it was a good day! Good food (ok not so much), Good "Friends", Good Fun.

Friday, May 29, 2009

2009 Breast Cancer Run

This year I went up and participated in the 2009 Breast Cancer 5K. It was amazing how many people come out to it. If you can blow up this picture you can tell there are people as far up the street as you can see. And probably that many more behind them. Some racers were finishing before others even started.

I decided I wanted to run the whole thing and that was interesting, trying to dodge in and out of people without knocking into them. It was a fun race. And I think it was one of the first times I've actually felt like I love running. Not sure if it's because I was going slower than I normally go, so I could enjoy it more. Whether it was the number of people around me, or the nice weather. Maybe it was all of the above. Maybe it's because I am actually starting to like to run??

What a great cause this is helping and hopefully they can continue to fight cancer with all of this support!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Timing is everything...

Someone said to me "Timing is Everything" and as I was thinking about it in the shower one morning (I don't usually think in the shower, must of been an off day), I got thinking how that is so true in so many situations.

I've had my fair share of car accidents. If I'd have been one second earlier or one second later, the outcome would have been so different. Bad Timing!

Getting your finger slammed in a car door....Bad Timing!

When buying one of my houses, I saw it and couldn't afford it, then I get a call a week or so later and I'm offered a job with a company I've wanted to work for for YEARS! Now I got to work for a great company and got a house! Good Timing!

My old place went up in equity $25,000 in 7 years, and just before I got my 2nd place it jumped another $25,000 in 1 year!! VERY Good Timing!

Deciding to start exercising only 3 months before being invited by a couple girls at an Enrichment Committee meeting to sign up for a Triathlon. Had I not started already a little there is no way I would have ever done that, and that has been a great blessing to me. Good Timing!

In Relationships...
Crashing on your bike...
Meeting new friends...
Getting a free cell phone because they're trying to reach a sales quota....

Pretty much in every situation, timing has something to do with it.

I also know that Heavenly Father has a huge hand in it. I've needed changes in my life and he has prompted me to do things I thought were crazy, but had I not done them so many things would not have happened how they did. Now whether other options would have resulted in worse events happening I don't know...But I would probably still be lazy, sitting on my butt doing nothing, instead of running triathlons...I would still be living at my old place and would not have met all the great people I've met since moving to my new place. Things seem to come together better when you follow HIS timing! And I'm so glad I've listened at least some times! :)

Monday, April 27, 2009


Thanks to those who have been there for me these last couple of weeks. For those who just call to see how I'm doing, or who have just made me feel included and important to you. I hope I am/will always be there for you when you need someone. I have great family and friends.
Thanks Again!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Can anyone help me??

I'm in a "feeling down and out" slump. I know I'm a dork, but it's happened and I'm having a hard time getting out of it. Anyone need service?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Telos Timp Tri

I did the Telos Timp Tri yesterday, April 18, 2009.
I did the same one last year, although the one last year was my very first Triathlon ever.

Here are the results of both...

Run: 33:38.210
T1: 2:18.350
Bike: 50:09.310
T2: 2:12.44
Swim: 11:35.060
Total: 1:39:53.37

Run: 31:18.905
T1: 1:38.927
Bike: 45:57.297
T2 & Swim: 15:59.046 (those two were combined, so I'm not sure exactly how much of it was my Transition time and how much was my swim time.)
Total Time: 1:34:54.1

I added time to my swim from last year, but I beat my times in all the other areas. I'm happy I took off 5 minutes from my last years time, but had I gone swimming more and really worked on that and biking, I think I could have been under 1:30. I felt a lot better this year. I ran the whole time without stopping to walk once. Even up the hill. And I didn't walk my bike up the hill like I did last year. So I'm very happy about those things. So next year (or maybe even for the one in November) my goal will be to improve my swim and bike and get under 1:30. :)
I got 1:31 on the "I can Tri" in Sandy last September, so I was a little bummed that I didn't hit 1:30, but then I realized I wasn't comparing apples to apples. The swim and bike were both shorter distances. So I think I actually did beat my times.
I felt really good during the race too, which made it that much more enjoyable.

I ran along side a friend of mine for a bit and kept saying she was loving that she could be out running. She was telling me that a good friend of hers is dying of MS and is in the hospital right now. My friend kept telling me that she is so greatful to be able to do these triathlons and what a blessing it is for her. She's learned from her friend that she might not always be able to enjoy stuff like this. We need to love it and enjoy it because we can! It's a blessing to be able to go out and do stuff like this. Not torture. In the short time I talked with her, she helped me remember that there are a lot of people who wish they could do this. I'm greatful that I can!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I get laughed at because I squeegee the shower door. So...I was having a conversation with someone about drying off inside the shower before getting out so you don't drip water all over. So this person asked me if I squeegeed myself before getting out of the shower. lol They asked if I had a "Human Squeegee". I laughed thinking that was pretty clever...

Well....Leave it to my friend to go search the internet for a Human Squeegee...
Come to find out! There really is one!

Introducing..."Bodyflix...The Human Squeegee".

So, I was just curious...Does anyone else get made fun of for squeegeeing the shower? And next...Would anyone use a Human Squeegee?? lol I think I should get one and see how it works.

This could be a good little tool for my triathlons. Squeegee myself as I'm running to my transition so the transition won't take so long. hmmm

Cleanliness at Restaurants??

So I'm sitting in....Well I won't mention the name of the food joint we were at...but I was sitting there with my nieces and nephew. I noticed as I was eating, that my niece never put a straw in her cup, so she was drinking the drink through the hole that the straw goes in.

I looked at her and said "Do you know how many dirty hands have touched that lid?" :)
She stopped. Looked at the drink, then gave me this totally disgusted face and said...
"Employees must wash hands before returning to work". I laughed at that. Pretty clever.
Then I said...But how do you know they did?
She got a straw.

Well about 10 minutes later she and her sister went to the bathroom. What was the first thing she said when she came out??

There wasn't an "Employees must wash their hands before returning to work" sign in the bathroom!!! lol

Moral of the Story?? USE A STRAW!

Monday, February 16, 2009







Tuesday, January 6, 2009


So between Christmas week and the last two days, we've gotten a good amount of snow.
My Brother, who lives in Texas, sent us a couple of pictures of all the snow they got there.

Here they are...Ready???

So I thought I'd send him a picture of what I have, most of which came from the last two days!
The bottom of my ruler is 20. The snow is at 7!! That makes....13 inches. Un-touched snow in the back yard.

We all just laughed when we saw the pictures, which I'm sure is the reason he sent them. He's lived here. He know how it can be. We took a picture at Christmas at my parents of their sidewalk in their backyard and the snow came halfway up my thigh. I know I'm not super tall, but that is still quite a bit of snow.

I don't feel like I can complain. We were in a drought for how many years? 7?10? Who remembers...And now after a couple of good storms everyone is yelling, WE'VE HAD ENOUGH!!
Too bad it can't just snow like this in the mountains so we still get the water, but we don't have to drive in it. Oh well. Since we have it, we might as well play in it right?