Tuesday, January 6, 2009


So between Christmas week and the last two days, we've gotten a good amount of snow.
My Brother, who lives in Texas, sent us a couple of pictures of all the snow they got there.

Here they are...Ready???

So I thought I'd send him a picture of what I have, most of which came from the last two days!
The bottom of my ruler is 20. The snow is at 7!! That makes....13 inches. Un-touched snow in the back yard.

We all just laughed when we saw the pictures, which I'm sure is the reason he sent them. He's lived here. He know how it can be. We took a picture at Christmas at my parents of their sidewalk in their backyard and the snow came halfway up my thigh. I know I'm not super tall, but that is still quite a bit of snow.

I don't feel like I can complain. We were in a drought for how many years? 7?10? Who remembers...And now after a couple of good storms everyone is yelling, WE'VE HAD ENOUGH!!
Too bad it can't just snow like this in the mountains so we still get the water, but we don't have to drive in it. Oh well. Since we have it, we might as well play in it right?