Monday, April 28, 2008


I think it is so funny that in the last 2 months the only entry is about cookies...well an update is due then. Yes, I ate the cookies and now I am still working out to work off the cookies. I still have a few pounds left that I gained while taking the "drugs." I am really busy now reading Twilight by Stephanie is an awesome book and I am happy there are three more just waiting to be read. I love that it is a great book with out the swearing and inappropriate stuff. It is still plenty steamy without all the extras. I can't wait to tell my little sister and see if she has read them....well, I have spoken to Jessica since and she said she has not read them. I told Jennifer too,and she said she would check and see if they are the library. And I am on the second book now. Right now it is Tuesday, May 6th and I am in the car with Kim driving to Jackson Hole, WY. I will have to say I love air cards and laptops. I love being able to get onto the internet in the car, on the couch, or in bed. Kim has a food show, and I work Saturday so I only had to use one day of vacation. I think it is fun to go to his food shows with him...sometimes it is nice to get away for a few days. It is getting closer to Bandon and I am so excited. I love the beach and relaxing. I don't like the 13 hour drive, but it is worth it! I have a count down at work I made on post it notes so that I would not forget! Believe it or not it SNOWED May 1st! I took a picture I'll have to upload it. I was rather surprised to see the snow! I am so ready for spring, but with the weather we may just go straight to summer. Wow! I just love road construction. It seems like Utah is always working on EVERY road at the SAME time all year long! Well...I'll write more later. I will try not to wait so long next time. I just have to remember this saying I saw in the Desert Book catalog

Enjoy the little things in life...for one day you'll look back and realize they were the big things.