

I'm in love
~The Cure~

Tomorrow we're going to Amsterdam to celebrate my sweet sister-in-law's birthday.
Back home in the evening me & the mister will go into town for drinks & a movie. Haven't done that for ages!

On sunday my biggest goal is to just sit down & write some way overdue letters. Maybe even do a bit of crocheting as well. Hug my kids. Drink tea. Snuggle up on the couch with the cats. 

Hope you have some nice weekend plans!

Ps have you seen this weeks giveaway?!


Random Halloween


o dear...
The boys & I had a blast with our little Halloweenparty this afternoon!
They both had invited 2 friends, we drank green brainjuice with spiders & played a game with a grab box (parts of a skeleton were in there as well as spiders & glow in the dark eyeballs...)
I decorated the living room with purple & white cobwebs, some spiders & bunting. And ofcourse the Lego storage heads did their part as well, storing candy, popcorn & the partybags.
T. looked more cute than scary with pumpkin-hat, from the Kinderverkleedwinkel, but don't tell him :)!
Have a spooky night y'all!


Monday Giveaway Marathon

This weeks giveaway is from 'Ierdwyfke, mei leafde makke' (translates from frysian to: little eartwoman, made with love), she recycles & up cycles some wonderful stuff into dresses, stuffed toys & these amazing 'knibbelstikken' a.k.a. kneepads!

Yay! She's giving away this set of autumn kneepads!

 Great for all those worn-out knees in your kids jeans!
How can you enter this giveaway? Visit the Ierdwyfkeshop &
leave a comment here!
x x x x x x x x x x x
The winner of last weeks giveaway by Mijnes is: MiM! Congrats!
Please drop me an email with your address at saskia.vanderzee [at] yahoo [dot] com
Have beautiful new week!


Count your blessing

This autumnbreak was mostly spend indoors due to a sick T. but we enjoyed not having to rush in the morning. I had to work this week as well so we kept it pretty simple. This weekend we spend playing boardgames, playing with Kapla, reading magazines, drinking tea & watching Wallace & Gromit on DVD!

* The cards from Oerrr came in with some great nature-discovery-tasks (taste the rain, make a leaf-blanket, look at & draw the bottom of a mushroom).
* The LEGO Halloween heads Room Copenhagen send us were good for many scary moments (flooting headphoto's, putting them in place to scare me & having them scare people in the streets by putting them on the windowsil!).
* Making pumpkinsoup & my love roasted the seeds with some salt, pepper & olive oil! Mmmmmh!
* Today my second blog on Boyslabel went online!

For more blessings look here on Zilverblauw.

Have a great new week!

Ps last chance to enter this weeks giveaway!



# 2

No plans what so ever over here & I actually like it that way.
T. is done with the flu, all the trees in our street decided this is the time to let go of their leaves, it's cold outside & grey.
This weekend we'll set the clock back an hour, welcome wintertime!
Happy weekend to you!

ps. check out this weeks giveaway!


Random wednesday

Having a lazy wednesday with the boys. Had some plans on going places today but T. got sick last night so we are doing a movie-day at home complete with fresh popcorn.


Meanwhile I am making plans for a little ghostparty next wednesdayafternoon. I've learned that if I make a little party out of our wednesdayafternoons we're all happier at the end of the day!
Found something at the Kinderverkleedwinkel that was probably made for a make up-klutz like me: Stickers! Now even I can make scary-faces as well! 
The LEGO-pumpkinhead is from ROOM Copenhagen.

Have a great day!
Ps Check out the latest giveaway!


Monday Giveaway Marathon


This weeks giveaway is from Mijnes! Mijnes is a dutch designstudio that designs & produces articles in small batches with lots of love!

She's giving away this beautiful grey/pink guardian angel, made of woolfelt, with 2 charms: 1 angel that reads 'made for an angel' & 1 hand that reads 'handmade'. The ribbon is printed with the text 'love & happiness'!
How can you win this sweet angel? Well visit
Mijnes & leave a comment here!
Good luck!
x o x o x o x o x
The winner of last week giveaway by Stoffies is: Puur Arnika! Congrats!
Please mail me your adress at saskia.vanderzee [at] yahoo [dot] com
So sorry not tho have heard from the winner of the Broesj giveaway, so I asked the Random Number Generator for a new number: Iris could you please send me your adress?!