Saturday, May 27, 2006

Old, Old Tax Defeated

Astute libertarians have long and often cited an excise tax on long-distance telephone calls as proof that there is nothing quite so permanent as a temporary tax, and that yesterday's luxury becomes today's staple.

This temporary tax was enacted in 1898, in support of the Spanish-American War. Most Americans don't know squat about this war, much less remember the Maine, and yet they had been paying the tax on long-distance calls their entire lives. I guess this means the War is finally over! Hurrah!

The tax had been in the courts for years, and the federal government finally gave up after many appeals. From a Reuters report:

In a statement, U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow also urged Congress to repeal the excise tax on local telephone service.

The Justice Department will no longer pursue litigation on the long-distance issue, the statement said.

The Treasury Department said taxpayers can claim a refund on their 2006 returns for the long-distance tax, which was established in 1898 as a luxury tax on wealthy Americans who owned telephones.

Snow, at a press conference on Capitol Hill with lawmakers, said the tax was "antiquated" and well-rid of.

"It's not often you get to kill a tax, particularly one that goes back so far in history," Snow said, adding that Treasury was pleased to concede this tax was no longer useful.

There really ought to be deeper criteria for a tax than its usefullness. It would be useful for me to grab a million dollars from somebody, but that whole morality thing gets in the way. Still- I'm grateful for the result.

Outstanding additional info is available on the TaxProf Blog.

Hat tip to Leo Morris of the Fort Wayne News-Sentinel for his entry in his blog.

Update: See Michael Jarrell's entry in his blog Un-Civil Defence.

Friday, May 26, 2006

New Poll Time

I left the last on up for a long time. Here are the results:

In the major media, are Libertarians adequately included in coverage?

10% Yes- Until they are elected to more offices, they shouldn't get much coverage.
68% No- Libertarians have good policy ideas and ballot access besides. They deserve more.
2% No- They get too much coverage already! Whatever happened to the 2-party system?
21% Major media? You mean, old media.

The new poll tackles the Wasted Vote Syndrome. As a Libertarian candidate, I frequently hear this: "I like what you guys are about, but I'm afraid that if I vote for you, you won't win, and I'll help the party I like the least to win". That's the Nader Effect.

I'm not so concerned about Libertarians and the Nader Effect in this cycle. I am concerned about the Wasted Vote Syndrome. It is something my campaign will tackle head-on in the run-up to the election.

Be sure to vote!
Libertarians Party To Suit

The Libertarian Party of Indiana announced that it is party to a class action lawsuit in response to NSA interactions with telecommunications compaines. From the LPIN press release:

[T]he Libertarian Party of Indiana is a plaintiff to the lawsuit filed in Indiana and U.S. courts today against a group of telecommunications companies, including the nation's largest service providers.

The class-action lawsuit challenges the telecommunications companies illegal actions in permitting the National Security Agency ("NSA") and affiliated governmental agencies to intercept, monitor and conduct surveillance on their customers' wireline and wireless calls and internet communications without proper authorization.

“This is worse than McCarthyism,” [LPIN Chair Mark] Rutherford said. “These searches are so broad that people with absolutely no relationship with terrorists have had their phone records searched.”

While the LPIN is a state organization that has focused on state and local issues because our candidates run for state and local office, we have not lost sight of issues that affect Hoosiers that are outside the scope of those state and local offices.

The full release can be viewed on the Libertarian Party of Indiana's webpage.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Click It, Ticket, or Are All The Murders Solved?

I really don't like the nationwide Click It or Ticket campaign. Mostly, my safety is my business and not a police matter. Also, as police matters go, I prefer to have all the murders, rapes, and other violent crimes solved before police officers are directed to stand at the roadside to see if motorists are wearing seat belts.

Here's a great perspective on it from Walter Williams:

If we accept the notion that government ought to protect us from ourselves, we're on a steep slippery slope. Obesity is a major contributor to hypertension, coronary disease and diabetes, and leads not only to many premature deaths but billions of dollars in health-care costs. Should government enforce, depending on a person's height, sex and age, a daily 1,400 to 2,000-calorie intake limit? There's absolutely no dietary reason to add salt to our meals. High salt consumption can lead to high blood pressure, which can then lead to stroke, heart attack, osteoporosis and asthma. Should government outlaw adding salt to meals? While you might think that these government mandates would never happen, be advised that there are busybody groups currently pushing for government mandates on how much and what we can eat.
I love salt, and I can eat all I want. I have low blood pressure. I eat 3,000 calories a day and at 37, I'm rather trim. One-size-fits-all laws just don't fit.

Mandates on food were laughed at as absurd by the people pushing smoking bans just two years ago. Within the last month, soft drink vendors pulled some offerings from school vending machines, seeing the writing on the wall. It's come further in a short time than I would have ever dreamed.

Look- I don't smoke, I drink rarely, I generally avoid fried food, I never use drugs. I even rarely use aspirin when I have a headache. I wear my seat belt, and I try to get regular exercise. I do none of these things because of any law or warning label. I do these things because they make sense to do them.

Culturally, there are good reasons to be concerned. Just wait until you see your restaurant menus after food gets worked over by snobbish health nannies who expect it only to hit McDonald's and other fast food joints. Ever taken a look at the calorie and fat numbers on Kobe steak or your brie? The entire menu of the average Mexican or Indian restaurant would be banned.

Life is full of choices- or should be. Sometimes, we like to enjoy things that we know aren't good for us. These things give us pleasure. At the rate the busybodies are going, life in America is going to go from the vibrant cornucopia of cultural opportunities to a gray, bland, but safe stale humdrum.

I find it very interesting and curious to learn who today's puritans are. It's time to step back and see what we are doing to our culture. What's the big deal about seat belts? To get it, ask a biker about lid laws, or ask a French chef what he thinks about doing without butter or cream. It's losing liberty and losing joy, bit by little bit.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Judge Rules Against Carmel in Forced Annexation Issue

Excellent breaking news for supporters of property rights and the right to self-determination, as a Judge has ruled against Carmel's effort to forcibly annex the Southwest Clay area. From the Indy Star's initial report:

Hamilton Superior Court Judge William Hughes issued the ruling this morning in favor of four petitioners fighting annexation of the area. The ruling comes after a three-day trial at the end of February.

Hughes found that Carmel had not met its legal burden to prove annexation is in the best interests of Southwest Clay Township residents. Hughes is the same judge who, in October, blocked Carmel's attempt to annex Home Place, the 1.4-square-mile community just east of southwest Clay Township. The city is appealing that decision.

Of course the City of Carmel is appealing. These are tax-and-spend Republicans at work!

Residents of Geist have been watching for developments in this case, as Fishers had shelved its' plan to forcibly annex Geist neighborhoods until they learned the results of the Carmel-SW Clay case.

It is likely that the Fishers Town Council will now either give up on its forced annexation plans or further shelve the item to await the outcome of Carmel's appeal. That could be a very lengthy wait.

Here are some details from Tom Britt's report on
First, SW Clay already receives adequate police and fire protection. The legal issue that arose was whether or not SW Clay “provides” their own fire protection since they hire Carmel firefighters and own the firestation that they use. In their case, just as is the case with Geist homeowners, Clay Township actually built the firestation and has a contract with Carmel to provide firefighters and staffing. The judge ruled in favor of SW Clay and agreed that through this relationship, they were already providing this service.

Secondly, the court agreed with landowners that the tax impact would be “significant”. In this case, SW Clay residents were looking at a 21.4% property tax increase; the same type of increase Geist property owners would be looking at. By pulling tax records of the remonstrators, Carmel tried to show that the residents could afford a 21.4% increase. However, the judge ruled that it didn’t matter if they could afford it or not, it was significant and that was all that mattered.

Thirdly, Judge Hughes did not see this annexation in the best interests of SW Clay landowners. Remember, in order for a municipality to overcome a remonstration, they have the burden of proof that the annexation is in the best interests of the residents. He cited that Carmel had not provided sewer or water to the entire territory, and therefore this was not in the SW Clay residents’ best interests.

Obviously these forced annexations aren't in the best interests of those being subjected to it. In business, this is the equivalent of a hostile takeover, or in foreign policy, an act of war. When people believe being added to a municipality is in their best interest, they voluntarily petition to be annexed.

Let's hope to appeal is summarily dismissed.
Marion County Meet-Up Tonight

Did you miss the Hamilton County Libertarian Meet-Up last night? No problem- go to Marion County's tonight!

Where: Borders Book & Music, 8675 River Crossing Blvd, on Indy's north side. Borders phone: 317-574-1775

RSVP if you will be there, or if you can't and would like to get on the email notification list. Follow this link to RSVP.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hamilton County Meet-Up Tonight

Come out to Claude & Annie's in Fishers tonight from 7:30-9:00 for a casual Libertarian Meet-Up. No boring business meetings, just fun, stimulating conversations on issues of the day and libertarian perspectives.

Claude & Annie's is located on the southwest corner of SR 37 & 141st Street in Fishers, in the strip behind the Speedway station. See you there!

RSVP by following this link. It's useful to sign up so that you can get notifications of future Meet-Up events.
Finally, Another Challenger

I was beginning to think that the Democrats were going to forget about running a Secretary of State candidate, but yesterday a soft announcement was made that there will in fact be a Democrat in the game.

The reporting was interesting. The Indy Star report pointed to a wonderful reason to elect Mike Kole Secretary of State:
After governor, no office is more important to the political parties than secretary of state. If the House is tied 50-50 after this November's general election, the party that wins this office also wins control of the House.

Take us right to the top in the House! Elect Kole!

Big numbers in this race will make political life in Indiana very interesting. I think it's clear that the Ds & Rs underestimated Libertarian tenacity and endurance when they wrote the rules, never expecting that we could reach their thresholds. We have, and we are continuing the climb up the ladder!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Great Time in Harrodsburg

Big, big thanks to the Monroe County Libertarians, including Margaret Fette, Bob Grisham, Duncan Adams, and Sandy May Parkes, for putting together an excellent parade and fair presence in Harrodsburg Saturday.

This event helped kick off Kole's Parade Brigade. After all, everyone loves a parade. I think the pictures show that abundantly.

Photo info: Top photo, from left is Margaret Fette, Sandy Parkes May's son and two friends ready to pass out candy. Second photo: Sandy and Margaret enjoying a moment just before the start of the parade. Third photo: Bob Grisham staffs the Libertarian Party booth at the Community Center. Bottom photo: Duncan Adams gives me a good-natured ribbing.

This was just an excellent event. The people of southern Monroe County were very interested in Libertarian postions on issues such as extending I-69 and taxes, especially. There was a lot of 'looking for a complete change from Rs & Ds' sentiment expressed. We made it a point only to distribute literature to those who wanted it- and we gave it all away.

I love doing the small-town events, because the statewide candidates rarely appear here. People were very appreciative. Plus, I had an awesome lemon pepper pork loin sandwich!

We'll be at parades and fairs around the state this year. Come join the fun and support the campaign! Contact Rob Place to join the Parade Brigade!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Black & White Fundraiser

The Geist United Opposition held it's dinner fundraiser tonight at the Bella Vita Restaurant, and it was quite a success. The upstairs bar area was packed, and the auction items saw a lot of bids.

In fact, Ame & I won two bids- for wakeboarding lessons (Alex will get those) and for house cleaning service (we'll all enjoy this!). Here are some pictures from the evening.

Talking forced annexation issues.

Having fun with Geist residents

With Ame at the auction tables.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Where is the Libertarian Party Going?

Leo Morris recently blogged his thoughts on Ryan Sager's recent Real Clear Politics article on the Libertarian Party. Interestingly, Leo says:
It's astonishing, really, that libertarians have split themselves almost 50-50 between the two major parties. If they both advocate big-spending government, I suppose it doesn't really matter much who libertarians let themselves be marginalized by.

He's absolutely right.

If you believe in libertarian principles but are voting either Republican or Democrat, you are wasting your vote. Look to Mike Pence as the prime example.

Pence took a completely libertarian position on federal spending- it's out of control, it's too much, and it's his party that needs to change things because they control majorities in both the House & Senate, plus they have the Executive branch and the veto power.

So what happened? the GOP leadership took Pence to the woodshed, smacking him down hard. Republicans are addicted to spending.

Mainly- why should elected Republicans change their behavior if the small government people keep giving them their votes? Answer: They have no reason to. They keep getting the votes.

Unless and until small-l libertarians vote capital-L Libertarian, Republicans can take fiscal conservatives for granted. Of course, this equally applies to the small-l libertarians who vote Democrat because they seemingly line up on many social issues.

I understand that one of the most powerful reasons small-ls vote major party is to vote against the major party they fear the most. However, voting for something that's half awful in order to prevent something that's completely awful still yields something half-awful. Do half-awful frequently enough, and you get something completely awful anyway.

As for the Sager article, I don't deny his assessment of the Libertarian Party overall. Indiana is one distinctly different state, as compared to the national party and most state affiliates. I really wouldn't expect him to single out Indiana as an exception in a generalized, short article.

Indiana is setting the example for the national party and state affiliates by taking an incremental rather than absolutist, utopian position. We have listened to the concerns average voters have about the utopian positions. Heck- listening to the public is something the major parties' officials ought to do more of. We have a well-organized party, we run a good number of qualified candidates, and we are talking about issues that matter to people- not merely our pet issues.

I hope Libertarians across the country read the Sager article and take heed. There is much to learn from criticism, and Sager's is fair.

I also hope small-l libertarians take heed of Morris. There is much to learn in his criticism of small-ls who vote major party.

Thanks to Jeff Pruitt for pointing out the Morris post!

Update: The Cato Institute's John Samples has a blog entry on Pew's research, with analysis:
One-third of Pew’s libertarians are between 18 and 29 years of age. Libertarians are thus fifty percent more likely to be found among the young than in the population as a whole. They are also much more likely to be found among the youngest cohort than are conservatives or populists.

So the present may seem bleak for libertarians. But just wait. Help is on the way.

Indiana Libertarians have already discovered this trend. One of the most successful outreach areas has been the numerous College Libertarian groups statewide. I have visited the Notre Dame and Indiana Wesleyan groups, and they draw numbers that exceed their Democratic and Republican counterparts.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Kole's Parade Brigade

They say everyone loves a parade. This campaign season, we're going to be enjoying a lot of parades!

Join the fun with the Kole Campaign Saturday afternoon at the Harrodsberg Heritage Days, in southern Monroe County. Mapquest link. Line up begins at 1pm, and the parade starts at 2pm.

There is more Libertarian outreach available than just the parade, as there will be an info booth staffed with volunteers, Friday from 6pm-dusk, and Saturday from 10am-dusk.

This is a great opportunity to increase Libertarian visibility, Kole name recognition, and to promote our positions on key issues, such as opposition to new terrain I-69; support for referrendums on DST towards self-determination on the county level; and support for property rights.

I'll look forward to marching with you Saturday!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Help Needed!

The Kole Campaign Team are always looking for ways to learn the best techniques and strategies for winning the election. Therefore, Campaign Manager Rob Place will be attending Elections & Campaigns magazine's upcoming seminar entitled "The Art of Political Campaigning". The seminar is in Washington DC, and runs June 1-3.

Serious teams subscribe to Elections & Campaigns because their insights are proven and invaluable. Serious teams attend E&C's seminars for the same reasons. Link to the seminar details.

We're serious about this election. We need $1,000 to get Rob there. Won't you help today by contributing?

Please follow this link to donate.
14 Days, And Counting

14 days after the primary election, the Secretary of State's website still does not have all of the numbers from the elections. Link to 2006 primary results page.

Significant counties such as Allen and Hamilton are not even listed. Why the major delays? The press releases out of the Secretary of State's office prior to the primaries indicated that everything was working smoothly. Is this smooth? Link to SOS press releases.

This info should have been fully compiled and available online within 48 hours of the conlcusion of the elections.
Rex Bell's View on Libertarians and the Star

Wayne County Chair Rex Bell's "My View" letter was printed in today's Star. It addresses recent Star columnist comments about Libertarians, but more importantly, shows the value of our presense on the ballot and addressing policy issues. From the letter:
All across Indiana, the Libertarian Party steps up whenever the government feels its interests trump the rights of property owners.

From LaPorte County, to Hamilton County, to Floyd County, people can depend on the Libertarians to be the only party that will consistently oppose forced annexations and smoking bans on private property. The Libertarians are the only party that consistently and honestly calls for an end to property taxes, and for reducing the size, scope and cost of government.

Is there a place in our political system for a party that is uncompromising in its quest for limited government and individual freedom? Is there a place in that system for a party that is unapologetic in its support for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? I think there has to be. I also think it will be a sad day in our history when there isn't.
Thanks, Rex.

Actually, it's a great letters section today. My second-favorite is from Gary E. Spittal of Indianapolis. Here's just one great line from his letter:
Is there a Republican left in Congress who can claim to be a fiscal conservative without provoking raucous laughter?

Sure, there are a few. But they all get taken to the woodshed by Republican leadership when they push too hard.
In The Eye of The Beholder

I was somewhat mystified by this recent Indy Star article, that featured widespread complaints about heavy truck traffic on I-465.

I find that I-465 traffic is actually fairly pleasant, especially when compared with Chicago, or with Cleveland, where I spent many years on the highways. In my work as a Right-of-Way Agent and as a statewide candidate, I am driving I-465 virtually every day, at virtually any time of day. Sure- rush hours can be rough, but at least things generally keep moving.

Besides, the heavy truck traffic is very positive in a symbolic way. The trucks represent thousands of logistics jobs located in Indiana. You can't have those jobs without the trucks. From the Star report:
Capitalizing on the city's central location, as well as FedEx overnight service, manufacturers and distributors have filled about 16.5 million square feet of new distribution space since 2002. Projections call for at least 2 million additional square feet to open this year, reports Colliers Turley Martin Tucker, an Indianapolis real estate firm.

The new construction would bring the total volume of distribution and industrial space under roof in metropolitan Indianapolis to 217 million square feet -- a 9 percent gain since 2002.

That 9 percent equals the space in 20 buildings the size of Downtown's tallest skyscraper, 48-story Chase Tower, which contains 905,188 square feet.

FedEx officials say their 600,000-square-foot addition will increase traffic flow only a trickle, by about 25 trucks daily.

However, the sheer accumulation of warehouse space across the region has driven up truck traffic.

Empty roads are more convenient to drive, but represent a lack of economic activity, let alone growth. As for me, I'll smile today when behind a semi-trailer.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Calendar Filling Up

Be sure to go to my campaign website frequently to look for events near you. I'll make appearances in Hamilton and Monroe Counties this week.

The next one is Tuesday evening in Fishers. The Libertarian Party of Hamilton County is hosting a 7:30pm Meet-Up at Claude & Annie's Restaurant, at the intersection of SR 37 & E. 141st Street.

All are invited, whether dyed-in-the-wool Libertarian, curious about Libertarian politics, or interested in a spirited debate. Register here, or just show up.
Complete Numbers, Please!

13 days after the primary election, the Secretary of State's website still does not have all of the numbers from the elections. Link to 2006 primary results page.

Will we have to wait this long after the general election, too?

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Geist Notes

Friday, May 19 is the next fundraiser for the Geist United Opposition, with a "Black & White" dinner at Geist's own Link to online registration.

The theme is "Black & White"- so named because to the GUO members, the issue is black and white, and forced annexation is wrong. Attendees are encouraged to wear black and white business casual attire.

The purpose of the fundraiser is to prepare for the legal costs of fighting the forced annexation. The cost is estimated at $120,000. Bella Vita is donating the food & drink, so the donations will not be chewed up by the costs. Thanks to Bella Vita!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Dinner In Vincennes

Last night was delightfully spent in Vincennes as the guest of J.A. Thomas, at the 630 Restaurant.

Thomas is a Libertarian candidate for Indiana House in District 64, and hosted the dinner as a means to introducing himself and the Libertarian Party to the people of Vincennes and Knox County. LPIN State Chair Mark Rutherford and Executive Director Mark Rutherford also made the trip.

The dinner setting allowed us to have more intimate conversations on Libertarian policy and issues than a routine stump speech with Q&A would ever permit.

Those dining with us were very interested in our ideas and expressed a theme we hear statewide: we gave the Republicans a chance with a majority, and they blew it. It was perfect, as I have been very eager to take the "wasted vote syndrome" on directly. I pointed out how there certainly are wasted votes each November. Every time someone votes Republican expecting lower taxes and smaller government, that person wasted his vote. If you really want these things, you have to vote Libertarian.

Rutherford & I were interviewed by Tony Cloyd of WVUB-FM, the 50,000-watt NPR radio station at Vincennes University.

630 was an amazing surprise. The decor and atmosphere are what you might expect of an upscale, exclusive downtown Indy restaurant. And yet, the offerings were extremely reasonably priced. Excellent pick, J.A.! When in the area, you owe it to yourself to check out the 630 in Vincennes.