Saturday, September 16, 2006

Comcast Taping Notes

I received a couple of emails asking about the Comcast Candidate Show in Marion County. What did you talk about? When will it air? These are easy to answer!

Comcast Channel 72
Tuesday, October 17th, 7-9pm
Thursday, October 19th, 7-9pm
Saturday, October 21st, 7-9pm
Tuesday, October 24th, 7-9pm
Thursday, October 26th, 7-9pm
Saturday, October 28th, 7-9pm
Tuesday, October 31st, 7-9pm

Comcast tells us, "There will also be promotional spots on other more popular channels to draw viewers in". Sounds like an excellent plan.

Comcast Presentation Script

Hello, my name is Mike Kole.

I am the Libertarian candidate for Indiana Secretary of State.

As your Secretary of State, I will work to ensure fair elections, and to improve upon the dismal turnout we’ve seen in recent years at the polls.

We need to end the practice of gerrymandering districts to protect incumbents.

Did you know that 44 of the 100 House seats will be unopposed this November?

And that 9 of the 25 Senate seats will also be unopposed?

This is the result of gerrymandering- drawing districts to ensure that Democrats will win some seats, Republicans will win others, leaving them to contest just a handful. It leaves voters uninterested in elections, and makes elected officials unaccountable. It leaves independent voters without a choice.

Gerrymandering is bad for representative government, and needs to be ended.

Hoosiers need to have faith in our voting machines.

That’s why I support using machines that produce a voter verifiable paper audit trail.

It’s a shame our state spend millions of dollars buying machines that are not equipped with this available technology.

Voter verifiable paper audit trail machines have a printed paper that accompanies the electronic voting. The voter can see that the votes match on paper and on the screen. They leave the voting booth confident that their vote was accurately tallied.

As Secretary of State, I will lobby the legislature to purchase machines with this technology.

Hoosiers need to be encouraged to vote in our elections.

The turnout for the 2006 Primaries was embarrassing, with a mere 23% of voters casting ballots statewide.As the top elections official, the Secretary of State should actively urge Hoosiers to vote.The current Secretary of State spent $1.2 million in ads promoting voter ID, but spent nothing urging Hoosiers to vote. That’s a case of misplaced priorities. Let's make sure Hoosiers are getting to the polls first, then we can worry about checking the ID.

Per Indiana Election Law, the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s ballot status is tied to my outcome in this race. If you believe in smaller government and lower taxes, and you find that the other parties fail to deliver this to you, or if as an independent voter the Republicans and Democrats do not represent your views, please cast your vote for me to ensure that the Libertarian Party stays on Indiana ballots for the next four years.

On November 7th, please vote for me, Mike Kole, Libertarian for Secretary of State.

It wasn't like buying TV time, where you have complete direction control, so I'll look forward to seeing how this came off, and how my presentation stacks up against the other candidates.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Report From The Trail

No, not the Adirondack Trail, sadly. I'm so glad we took the family trip to the Adirondacks in August, because rumor is I will get to sleep a little bit over the next two months. It's just a rumor so far.

That's good, though! It means I'm very busy campaigning and sitting down with the media.

Tuesday: Met with the Indy Star Editorial Board, comprised of columnists Jane Lichtenberg and Dan Carpenter, plus Editorial writer Tim Swarens. This went very well. Carpenter has developed a keen interest in ballot access issues, and I have plenty to say about that. All three were interested in my position on the gerrymandering of districts in Indiana. I almost felt that the time wasn't contentious enough. Could it mean an endorsement? I'll be eager to see what is fit to print in the Star's candidate guide.

I later met with Nikki Kelly of the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, down in the Statehouse basement. She really covered a lot of ground with her questions, including much about my reactions to the current Secretary of State's performance, recent press conferences and statements. I had some fun commenting on the Securities Division's new Newlyweds' Guide. I will also look forward to see what Ms. Kelly writes as the election draws nearer.

That evening, I attended a sloppy joe supper to benefit the Concerned Citizens of Home Place, who are fighting Carmel's unwanted attempt to forcibly annex the area. Isabel was a big hit eating sloppy joes. I was delighted to see Matt Milam wearing an NK Hurst "I Helped Save The Bean Plant" t-shirt. He gets the correlation between forced annexation and eminent domain abuse both as affronts to property rights and self-determination. Met many residents who were pleased to know that there are candidates who support their position. Also ran into David Orentlicher, the Representative for House Distrct 86. I had a great conversation with him, asking if he would be willing to sponsor legislation outlawing the practice of forced annexation in our state, and he said that he would! I would love for Libertarians to back David and any other legislators who will sponsor such law, as we did with the eminent domain law put forward by Dave Wolkins in the House and Senator Jeff Drozda.

Wednesday: Comcast was taping candidate presentations that will be aired systemwide on a program featuring the candidates who will be on the Marion County ballot. With my radio background, I'm always confident in my spoken delivery. TV's a different game, though. On my first take, I was a little too focused on my TV delivery and tripped over a word. I felt the overall result was 95% right, so I asked if I could do a second take. Comcast agreed, so I ran through again. I really nailed it this time. Problem was, the videotape ran out as I finished my last sentence! This brought huge laughs in the studio, and I was given another take, which I was happy with.

The Indy Chamber Hob Nob event happened later in the evening, and unfortunately, it was crafted to spotlight the candidates for Marion County Prosecutor. It's an important position to be sure, but the narrow focus on the few contests that are extremely close leaves me flat. The other offices are no less important, and with the focus off so many races, the public is missing out on important and interesting dialogue. The opportunity to meet Chamber business owners and so many media personalities cannot be topped. I really enjoyed speaking with and campaigning to these folks. I met the Democratic candidate for SoS for the first time, which is pretty astonishing when I think that I've been to nearly 200 events. Actually, I encountered would-be Green Party candidate Bill Stant more times this year than the 'D' and 'R' combined: 3 to 1.

After the Hob Nob, I joined the monthly Libertarian After Hours party a few blocks over at Bearno's. There was still a group of about 15 left when I got there, and conversation covered a wide range of topics, from Iraq to religion to all the nutty conspiracy theories proliferating about the events of September 11. We could really distribute a lot of tinfoil hats, I'm afraid.

Side Note: I was really disappointed at two things that happened at the Hob Nob. Someone made off with my display of golf balls towards the end of the night, even though I posted a sign saying that they were for display only. Also, someone trashed my display, using Democrat Joe Pearson's materials to cover all of mine. I have no belief whatsoever that any of Joe's people did this. I don't get why supporters of one political party would do something as childish and cowardly as to trash the materials of the candidates of two other parties. It really speaks poorly of whomever did it. This was the first time that anyone has treated me with disrepect on the trail in over two years of campaigning. I was really surprised and disappointed.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Busy Two Days

Tuesday and Wednesday will be very busy and important days for the campaign:

Tue 9/12, 10am: Meeting w/ Indy Star editorial board
Tue 9/12, 1pm: Meeting w/ Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
Wed 9/13, 10am: Taping for Comcast (Central IN) Candidate Show
Wed 9/13, 5pm: Indy Chamber Hob Nob

I'll be working to earn the endorsement of the newspapers in these meetings. The Comcast taping is for a 2-minute presentation that will be shown repeatedly on the candidate show that cable system is airinig frequently in the run-up to the elections. The Hob Nob is one of the biggest political events of any election season, with more candidates for office from central Indiana in one room than at any other time.

I'm glad that I've pretty much gotten over the cold that has dogged me over recent days. Nobody presents well with the sniffles and a nasal voice. I will present well tomorrow and Wednesday!

Update: Add to Tuesday's line-up a visit to the Sloppy Joe Supper fundraiser held in support of the Home Place property owners fighting Carmel's attempt to forcibly annex them. 5:30-7:00pm, at the Orchard Park Presbyterian Church at the corner of 106th & Westfield.
Libertarian Candidate Tracker

The national Libertarian Party has a new feature on its website, the Candidate Tracker. It ranks all the Libertarian candidates across the country in terms of their activity, scoring based on funds raised, public appearances, TV & print article appearances, and others.

Currently, the Kole Campaign is ranked #2 in the country! Click here to check the Tracker! Dr. Eric Schansberg, candidate for US Congress in Indiana District 9, is ranked #4.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Cambridge City Report

It was a Sunday afternoon delight to be among Wayne County Libertarians, including several candidates for office, marching in the Cambridge City Days parade. Among the local candidates: Cheryl Heacox and Marvin Heacox, both running for Township Board; Rex Bell for Indiana House 56; Jon Bell for Indiana House 54.

About 20 Libertarians marched and handed out candy to kids along the route. For my part, I ran back and forth across the National Road (US 40) and shook hands with everyone.

Big thanks to Rex Bell for the invitation to march, and to Ray Blevins and Marvin Heacox for carrying my banner along the route!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Shakin' Hands Flu

Sooner or later, I knew this would happen. If you shake hands with 1,000 people on any given day, you run the risk of picking up a cold. The law of averages finally caught up with me, and I now have Candidate Flu. Fortunately, I do not have any events planned for the next two days, so I can rest. The upside is that I have time to fill out more candidate questionnaires.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Fort Wayne Notes

Another day, another garage sale. This time, the Allen County Libertarians staged a sale at Foster Park. Turnout was very heavy with many deadly serious bargain hunters at work. I was able to talk politics with many inbetween finding deals.

TV-15 WANE sent a camera to cover the event, and aired segments in the afternoon and evening.

Jack Evans ran an excellent kitchen! I bought some of his homemade blueberry-lime jam!

Many thanks to Doug Horner, Jack & Hilary Evans, Mike & Karena Sylvester, and Mike Stacy for inviting me to this event!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hagerstown Report

Rex & Susan Bell hosted their fifth annual garage sale this weekend, and it was another large event. The areas on and around SR 38 through Henry and Wayne Counties have huge garage, yard, and barn sales, and the Bells take part, with the whole extended family.

With Hannah and Grandpa Rex Bell. Love Hannah's onesie!

I was relieved of cotton candy making duties this year, and left just to greet bargain hunters and discuss Libertarian politics with those so inclined.

Many were so inclined. Many cited disappointment with the Republicans since Mitch Daniels took office. They repeatly expressed the expectation that taxes would be lower. Many pointed to the big cash windfall from Major Moves and the eagerness to spend it, rather than return it to the taxpayers. I spoke less here than at any event in recent weeks. I didn't have to. I just kept listening and nodding in agreement.

Actually speaking, with folks from Henry County. Thanks to Rex for the picture.

The Wayne County Libertarians have always done well at the ballot box. I expect that will continue this November, with their best returns ever.

Big thanks to Rex & Susan, Ross, Gayle Bond, Cheryl & Marvin Heacox, and everyone else. I appreciate the consistent effort of the Wayne County folks, and appreciate their support of my campaign as well!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Campaign Issues

Naturally, I use this blog to state my positions on many things. Some relate to my campaign for Secretary of State, many do not.

For the most concise look at my positions that relate to my campaign, please go to my Campaign Issues blog.

At that location, I have definitive posts on issues regarding the duties of Secretary of State and the policy directions I would take towards being accountable and responsible with taxpayer dollars. There are several issues I would champion as the state's chief elections official towards having elections with the utmost integrity.

These will be updated through the remainder of the campaign, so be sure to check the page regularly!

Friday, September 01, 2006

The Difference Between Libertarians and Republicans

Sometimes people ask me what the difference is between Ls and Rs. Both claim to be fiscal conservatives, so what would a Libertarian do different if elected to a position such as Secretary of State. After all, that office is not legislative. It cannot raise a tax.

That is true. What is also true is that the office has a budget, so it spends tax money. The Secretary of State interprets its' statutory obligations and sets policy accordingly. The current Secretary of State is a Republican. I am a Libertarian candidate for Secretary of State.

My objective would be to consume only 90% of the budget allocated to me, and to return the remainder to the taxpayers. I believe this should be the goal of every elected official who heads a department and commands a budget.

Also, as chief of the Securities Division, I would never have authorized publication of a 12-page glossy booklet called, "Money Skills For Newlywed Couples". While the info contained is sound, (it is essentially a reprint of a lengthy Kiplinger's article,) and it is plainly a good idea for married couples to have financial goals and plans, it is not the proper role of our state government to provide this kind of service. This is where Libertarians and Republicans differ. The booklet was produced under a Republican.

The booklet notes that, "The Investor Education Program and the creation of this brochure were funded with proceeds from investment fraud legal settlements".

I believe that the proceeds from investment fraud settlements should go entirely to those defrauded, not towards producing glossy booklets with the office holder's name prominently displayed. Investor education is the responsibility of the investor.

Republicans may talk about being fiscal conservatives, but when the rubber meets the road, they expand the scope of government and its' activities, which is the antithesis of fiscal conservatism. SOS press release for the booklet.

To be fair, I've never heard the Secretary of State describe himself as a fiscal conservative. Maybe it's not on his radar.

So, if you want the Secretary of State to contribute to smaller government, there are two choices out there- Republicans and Democrats. Those who want smaller government need to vote for me, Mike Kole, for Secretary of State.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Finding A Way To Survive

I was in Franklin, the Johnson County seat today doing business and I picked up a newspaper for my lunch read. I noticed the headline immediately and began to read the story about Don & Dona's, a restaurant that became a private club in order to continue to allow their patrons to smoke. I knew where I would be eating lunch.

I'll always eat where the 'Don't Tread On Me' flag flies!

The owner, Mary Barnaby, concluded that Franklin's smoking ban would severely damage her business, so she looked for ways to survive. She decided to change Don & Dona's to the D&D Club, a non-profit, private club. From the Johnson County Daily Journal report (paid subscription required):

The restaurant is incorporated under Indiana's nonprofit statute, which would be evidence it is a private club, city attorney Rob Schafstall said.

It looks like Barnaby hired a Libertarian as a design consultant. The striped "Don't Tread On Me" flies outside the entrance and is for sale inside. Quotes from Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson on freedom line the walls and display cases. Barnaby gets that this is a property rights issue.

"So, the future looks bright. All of our members are like-minded people. They get the picture, and it's called free enterprise," Barnaby said.

I joined the Club. Here's my card. I don't smoke. I give my support.

Barnaby knows her business and her customers. She made a decision that would help her survive. If only the town councils would fully consider the effects their laws have on small business owners!

Smoking bans have swept Indiana this year and last, with laws being passed in Franklin, and also Bloomington, Greenfield, Greenwood, Carmel, Indianapolis, and others; and considered in Fishers, Angola, Jefferson City among others.

The health aspects of smoking are not in dispute. The right of the property owners to set their own policies within their four walls is in dispute. I favor the owner's right to decide. The patrons and employees also have the right to decide whether or not to work or eat there. Republicans and Democrats alike are enacting these bans in disregard for the property rights of the owners.

Next time you are in Franklin, stop by the D&D Club. I had their huge pork tenderloin. Show your support for small business and property rights!

Debate Season Underway

I have learned that the first debate for Indiana Congressional District 9 wil take place tonight in Bloomington. It's a closed event, but you can see Libertarian candidate Dr. Eric Schansberg mix it up with Mike Sodrel and Baron Hill. Kenn Gividen and the other candidates for Indiana Senate 41 are working to stage a debate at Franklin College.

As for myself, there is a Secretary of State candidate forum- not exactly a debate- scheduled for September 26 in South Bend. Kole's September calendar.
Trail Photos

I recently stopped at IUPUI for a student community involvement event. Civic groups and campus groups such as the IUPUI campus Libertarians participated.

Dan Drexler & I gave the World's Smallest Political Quiz to see where students plotted on the political spectrum. IUPUI is a commuter school, so we weren't terribly surprised to see that fewer students placed in the left/liberal area, and more centrists. Plenty of Libertarians, most of whom signed up for the campus organization.

Thanks to Ben Rubin for the pics, and to prof Cindy Kirkpatrick for her work with the IUPUI students and the invitation!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Election Follies, Part 13

Didn't think the Attorney General could get involved in wacky behavior regarding elections, that it was the domain of the Elections Division and the Legislature? Think again. Apparently everybody wants a piece of this action.

A pronouncement has been made regarding automated phone calls from political parties and candidates: they're illegal. From the Indy Star report:
Attorney General Steve Carter warned the political parties today not to make automated phone calls to voters -- a traditional election year practice by both Republicans and Democrats.

Carter, a Republican who ran for attorney general in 2000 and 2004, said the practice violates a 1988 law prohibiting automated calling devices.

What I thought I knew was that the ban was not extended to political calls, as there would not have been broad Statehouse support, and that it would certainly bring a Constitutional challenge.

This important news to me, because I was considering using automated calls myself. My plan was to use them as a get-out-the-vote tool with Libertarian Party members, supporter, and contributors, along with Kole Campaign supporters and contributors.

So, how did I learn of this important news? From the Elections Division? From the Secretary of State's Office? From Attorney General Steve Carter?

No, I learned it from Mary Beth Schneider, in her Indy Star report:
Carter said he sent a letter on Aug. 22 to the chairmen of the state Republican and Democratic parties to inform them of the law. He did not send the same warning to businesses, he said, nor to the Libertarian Party.

Asked why he singled out the two major political parties for this kind of warning, Carter cited the upcoming election season as well as increased public concern about telephone privacy.

What was keeping Carter from sending a message to the Libertarian Party? Did he run out of stamps? Maybe the printer ran out of paper or toner? Did someone cut his phone line? Maybe Carter should look into that and then learn how many political parties are on the ballot in this state. Here's a hint: It's slightly more than two.

First, I want to see the law. I'm not convinced that any of the laws on the books apply to political parties or candidates. Show us the law.

Then, I want to know how the kole Campaign sending automated calls to Kole supporters violates the privacy of people who want me to be in contact with them, and who gave me their phone number so that I could do so.

Lastly, I'd like an explanation on how the First Amendment doesn't apply to political phone calls. Political speech is crucial to a free society.

Update 8-30-06: I was reacting to Mary Beth Schneider's preliminary report. She followed up and included my comments in her subsequent report:
While Carter sent a letter to Parker and Clark warning of the 1988 law, which carries a penalty of 60 days in jail and a $500 fine, he did not send a similar warning to other political parties.

The Libertarian Party, he said, didn't have the resources in his experience to pay for such calls.

Actually, we do. It was also Carter's experience in 2004, 2003, and 2002 that the parties were making automated calls. Why the sudden interest? He's been on the job six years. More:
That surprised Mike Kole, the Libertarian candidate for secretary of state. He'd planned to use such calls to encourage people to vote for him on Election Day.

"I cannot imagine that my supporters and contributors would feel violated by these calls," Kole said. "Who exactly is this supposed to protect? The people or incumbents?"

This is like taking auto-nailers away from framing carpenters. Sure, you can go back to hammers, but it is more time consuming and costly that way.

Maybe that's what Carter really has in mind.
Katrina Anniversary

I know this is nothing to do with Secretary of State, but sometimes significant evetns warrant discussion whether or not the office being sought has anything to do with it. Certainly people ask me about things that have nothing to do with SOS more than to do.

Much is being made in the media about Hurricane Katrina having happened a year ago. Much should be made about it. This is a classic example of huge numbers of citizens not taking responsibility for the choices they make in their lives.

If a home's ground floor elevation is below sea level, and the area has a hurricane season associated with it, the only reasonable expectation is that disaster will that home.

I do not think that living in such areas should be banned, as some are calling for. I hold that anyone can build and live where they choose, so long as they accept full responsibility for that choice. One who chooses to live in such conditions had best get a solid insurance policy and have a solid evacuation plan. Anything less is poor planning.

The people of the region are victims, but mainly of their own poor planning. The unheralded victims are the people who live outside the Gulf. These are the people who are paying, via FEMA, for the poor planning and lousy decisions made by too many in the Gulf.

It's getting worse. Notice how with Ernesto, a weak tropical storm so far, FEMA and governors around the Gulf are over-reacting. They don't want any part of the negative PR FEMA and the President took last year.

In fact, this was an opportunity for the President to be an advocate for self-responsibility and fiscal conservatism. It's understood that people buy land without thinking of all the possible consequences. But with Katrina, there was a real example, and a chance to change FEMA's role forever.

The President could have, and should have said to the country, "We will pay for you to rebuild a home. If you build it where it once stood, you take full responsibility should disaster strike again. We will not rebuild these areas a second time. FEMA's role is to assist in disaster, not to justify and forgive bad decision making, and certainly not to relieve anyone from thinking and planning. Choose carefully this time. This is the last FEMA bailout, ever. If you live in other hurricane magnet areas, in tornado alley, on a steep cliff where the waves are undercutting, or any other place with obvious risk, it's time for you to get insurance and to make a plan."

Alas, President Bush and the Republicans are just as committed to the perpetuation of big government as the Democrats.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Travel Log

Very early on, I thought I should keep a milage log. I wish I had. It would be interesting to see the numbers at this point, as I began campaigning in September 2004, first working to secure the nomination of the Libertarian Party, then to reach the voters of our state.

Thus far I have visited 27 counties, reaching the corners of the state, including all nine Congressional Districts. I have visited many of these locations on multiple occasions, with some of the furthest counties from home being the places I seem to land the most, such as LaPorte County, and also Allen and Wayne.

With 70 days left, this exceeds the reach of any previous statewide Libertarian campaign. In the remaining 10 weeks, I'll visit plenty more counties and meet many more voters. I'll look forward to meeting you on the trail, too!
September Calendar Filling Up!

I've been promised a busy home stretch into Election Day by my campaign manager Rob Place, and it's definitely getting there. We're filing the calendar with solid events.

Thus far, there are nine events on eight dates, taking me to Wayne County three times, and also up to South Bend. That's not a huge number, yet, but the events are excellent. It seems we add two every day!

Three of these events will have winning an endorsement in mind. Another will put me in front of TV cameras. There is even a Secretary of State candidate forum, which was somewhat unexpected given that there weren't debates for the candidates in 2002.

It is not too late to schedule an appearance. County Chairs and supporters should contact Rob Place to make the appointment. In the meantime, check the schedule like they vote in Chicago- early and often.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Kole Campaign Schedule

Kind of a skinny week, which is okay, as there are many big events coming up in mid-September, and it frees me up to make the necessary fundraising and team-building phone calls.
This week's events include:

Tuesday, Aug 27, 11:30-1:00pm: IUPUI Fall Service and Involvement Fair. Libertarians will have a booth, and I will stop by. The fair gives students the opportunity to find meaningful extra-curricular activity, and it's hard to top working for liberty.

Saturday, Sept 2, Noon- 2pm: LP of Wayne County's 5th annual garage sale. The Rex & Susan Bell give Libertarians the opportunity to part with unwanted stuff, and the good people of Wayne and surrounding counties to buy same at bargain prices. They had me make cotton candy last year. No telling what they might put me up to this year! Event runs all day Saturday and Sunday, at 17059 State Road 38, Hagerstown.

Pink sugar. The kids love it.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Great Indy Star Editorial on Restricted Ballot Access

The Indianapolis Star made note again today of how Indiana's election laws stifle participation in the electoral process, by beating down qualified and eager candidates, thus reducing choices for the people of our state. From the Star editorial:
State officials take pride in efforts they've made to tighten the gears of the election process, and they've had plenty of incentive by way of mandates and funding under the federal Help America Vote Act.

Unfortunately, a couple of little-noticed tweakings have cost voters some choices in the November balloting.

This should prove to be a temporary hitch. However, ballot access will remain an issue in Indiana as long as the state retains one of the nation's highest barriers to third-party participation.

Eleven Libertarian Party candidates for Statehouse offices were denied certification by the Indiana Elections Division because their party failed to state in writing with 10 days' notice that it intended to fill vacancies on its ticket.

The ongoing writing of new election laws, essentially more meaningless hoops to jump through, assures that some candidates will be barred from the ballot, as happened here. Observe that election law is written by Republicans and Democrats. Think maybe they have a motivation to keep some Libertarians off the ballot?
Given the dearth of interest and competition in the electoral process, it's a shame to see a dozen aspiring public servants sidelined. Hopefully, lessons have been learned and the T's will all be crossed in future elections.

Meanwhile, though, a much larger problem, the prohibitively high number of signatures required to attain ballot status, continues to be accepted by Democrats and Republicans alike. This means security for the two big parties; intense pressure on the Libertarians to fixate on the secretary of state's race, which determines who stays on the ballot; discouragement of other parties and independents; and reduced selection available to citizens. Why not add that big job to the election fix-up list?

So, yes, Libertarians have learned some lessons. We'll probably nominate all our candidates for Statehouse office at conventions from now on, and we'll hire legal counsel to review election law every year for new hoops to jump through. While the public did clamor for election reform, this is what you got. Is this reform, really? Does anyone feel that they were in some way protected from shady behavior?

Unless the public begins to clamor for fuller ballot access, election reform will merely amount to increasing mountains of paperwork and bureaucratic snarl, which only prevents little guys from running. The Ds & Rs can afford to burn dollars attending to this nonsense.

I am grateful that the Star has taken notice and is pointing out what Libertarians have been saying for years- the Ds & Rs act like two business giants engaged in a relative duopoly, and are guilty of collusion, and actively work to exclude other competitors. It's illegal in business, and should also be in our elections.

Voting for me will help send the message to Ds & Rs that you want more choices on the ballot. See my campaign website for more positions on elections.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Putting The 'Fun' in Fundraising

Big thanks to Todd Singer for hosting a fundraiser for me at the Taj Majal of bowling alleys, Pinheads in Fishers. We bowled in a private four-lane suite with theatre screen TVs, sofas and easy chairs, and a cool musical selection. Supporters came from Marion, Hamilton, and Hendricks Counties.

Two favorite moments- We badgered LPIN State Chair Mark Rutherford long and hard into bowling, mainly because we wanted a picture of a guy bowling in a business suit. Wouldn't you know Mark threw a strike! No warm up, just dead-eye accuracy.

Like Barry Bonds after a home run, Rutherford admires his strike.

Alex cracked everybody up with his calculated five-bumper strike. Here's the suite with the giant TV screens above the pins.

From left: Jo Coleman, Eric Barnes, Todd Singer, Mike Kole, Mark Rutherford, and bowling champ Kevin "Jerry" Hood

Marion County Treasurer Eric Barnes presented me with a check for $500

I appreciate the support from the bowlers and non-bowlers who attended tonight, and again, thanks to Todd Singer for a great event!