
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fun. Show all posts

Thursday, February 5, 2015

jalan-jalan melaka wonderland

that day jalan-jalan Melaka together with classmates, kali ni with ma familia plak.
lepas pick up den kat soromban abang nk mandi-manda katanya.
google la tempat mana yang ade. xtau jalan waze kan adoo.. haha

so stay kat homestay area bandar hilir for 1 night = rm200 .

tapi before golek-golek kat homestay tu, kami bersunset dulu.. aritu datang xdapat nk layan sunset cause mendung, this time Alhamdulillah dapat tengokkk :) Subhanallah, cantek !


ade model . eh !

weekend memang ramai orang..

dah kalau ramai orang gerai pun haruslah banyak.. sepanjang gerai bas tu macam-macam hado!
bas-bas terbiar tu jadi tarikan pelancong sangat. rare ! kedai makan inside a bus, hotel inside a bus . woah !

Klebang glamour with coconut shake, jadi kene pandai pilih kedai mana yang sedap.

Klebang pon ade aiskrim pasu ! hmmm buat duit betol la kalau kreatif ni..

tudddiiaaa .. rm5 sepasu . tanam leklok na~

tourists bought the pasu icecream. haha

ok, done with Pantai Klebang, proceeded with Jonker Walk kinda like night street market.
 Open on weekend ONLY ! Friday, Saturday and Sunday . 
for sure ramaiiii pencuci mata kat sini sebab 3hari seminggu je bukak..

kalau siang, lengang jee

sampai je terus jumpa kedai jual air kelapa muda.
 power cara abang ni keluarkan isi kelapa ! fuhh ade seni !

dah jom balek homestay .

as the sun has shine ..
so here we are, Melaka Wonderland..
masuk rm36 for an adult .
children not sure . 
little kids like them and my mom were free.

alaaa.. nk balek dahhh ..


sekian -the end-

Sunday, April 22, 2012

we won 3rd place !

assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera guys ..

alhamdulillah ! that should be me and all the vmc's crews should say (with louder ) .. after 1 semester of training hard, not really la_the truth was 12 days...we got a good result ! 
right after final exam has ended, all players have to joined their kem pemantapan percussion which was held for 12 days .
because of i'm not the player for this season, so i'm just doing the behind scenes job .. =)

after we had lost in last year's competition (ala..yg kt uitm perak tu), for sure we deserve for a victory this time ! yeah ! *semangat2* !

during practice at uitm machang, kelantan

and keep practice at uitm jengka, pahang

wait ! look at our instruments. spot the differences? haha .. saje je nk you guys take a serious look. well, we do not buy the new stuffs, just changing and adding (which should) to our instruments to be more powerful and good looking :)
but, you know what? after the instruments have a new look, our coordinator had a chat with his boss. what were the guys chat? *rupenye* we can't change the instruments ! because time audit nnt (audit is like checking the stuffs by uitm's staffs at the every end of semester), it has to be the same as we buy in the first. oh man, what have we done?!
relieved that his boss said : "tak pe lah abg zahid, nnt kite settlekan. budak2 tak tau ni semua."
=it's okay=
thank you en.khairul. and sorry. mmg kitorg x tahu.

xpelah kan .. dah menang pon .. we won 3rd place and the best bass drum category !

specially for syamil,*yg muke sedeh kt gmbr bwh ni*  .. all of us can see how excited him to win this season's competition. for your information, he was the leader for this percussion team .. mmg truly leader lah die ni ! his spirit was awesome ! *bangge lettew* upppppsss ^,^ .. also, thanks to adibah aishah who was our trainer for this comp .. she's from methodist girls school, pahang. a lot of new ideas that we had learned from her. xie-xie ibak mei-mei... u go girl ! and thanks to all yg terlibat =)

picture taken at medan ilmu version uitm pahang

picture taken at kolej kediaman lama uitm jengka 
after we received a bit of saguhati from timbalan rektor. tq sir.

picture taken at kolej kediaman baru uitm jengka
on the day before the real competition.

wanna know why we keep shows the 'L' sign? haha
ni semua aizat fathi aka aizat lara punye pasal..sume dah ikot..peace.. ;)

'L' is stand for LARA which the mean is same as berangan? koya? em..daydreaming? haish, i do not know the actual meaning actually..sorry..but for me it's stand for being not focus on doing something. vmc's gang kindly crazy, ya, you know .. tu yg .. ah,, so whatever ! haha

more pictures of us : 

and the final result for 'beat the hit, hit the beat' uitm jengka 2012 competition : chekidouttt yo !

5-shah alam

next year competition will be held at uitm merbok, kedah. 

erm, don't know either can join it or not because i will grad this december 2012. 
insyaAllah if nothing to do, we will meet there ! see ya.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

zebra sensation night

a black n white dinner for all commanders...also for our seniors who'll be saying good bye to us because they will grad from uitm mache...happening~!

with kak mia, shah n raz..
macam mane la bband when u guys not here nnt???

may 1st...will be miss this moment...
~love u all~


Tuesday, January 25, 2011


gong xi gong xi gong xi ni~(betul ke eje tu???_x tau_hehhe)chinese new year datang lagi~!!.. 

well, this is 1 malaysia country ya~..

about one more week our chinese malaysian will celebrate their new year...for sure that must be have sales everywhere...this time like this is the suitable time 4 shopping_isn't it???haha

my roommates and i had planned to derak at kota baru..sesaje jalan aka window shopping, even i has went to this area last week with the other friends..^_^..kaki jale meme gitu~!

firstly, we went to pasar siti khadijah bcoz tiqa said her mom asked her to buy a hijab with dark chocolate color and her sister with purple color.

then, tiqa want to buy gajus 4 her father..something not expected happened~haisy,,mak cik,mak cik...berniage  sampai mcm tu skali???ape jenis peniage da???sombong to the max~!~just look and see,smpi bile mak cik dpt brthn dgn sikap mcm tu...xkan laku barang2 tu~! (jahat x saye??abes,,dah knyataan..)..we went to other places..

after that, me and tiqa bought kepok sira 1 bundle@30 packet=rm25, we share it, so 15 packet each person to bring to johor~haha. tiqa also bought her gajus here..

no more pasar,,we continued our walking to the malls_parkson and kb know what???we got a parking warrant at parkson!."hey,asal plak???krete laen x kene saman pon parking kat sini" , my friend yelled..all of us feel weird and angry with the warrant.what actually we have done??..never mine la..we continued our next station.

actually we want to go to the tesco kb bcoz i wanted to,but we got the wrong way..hmm..x pe, we went to kb mall..yeah~it's sale!. i got 2 pairs of shoes since it's buy 1 free 1..hihiii..same with dayat and wanda...wanda also bought a new hp printer..

it's 4p.m. already..we checked out from kb mall and went to met wanda's mom after that. wanda wanted to ask her mom about the warrant we have got. 

later, wanda brought us to Pantai Irama, Bachok. wa~bestnye!!! it has been a long time i didn't go to the beach. we only had 20mins to be here bcoz we have to arrive at uitm before 7p.m.. the things that we can do with this 20mins is take more pictures..girls,,let's posed with kind of pose~!yeah!haha=)

precisely at 6p.m. we went back to uitm..
-ended for our jalan-jalan-

_around 8a.m., area of uitm_

_this is the Pasar Siti Khadijah, it's big enough, right?_

_me, mas, tiqa n dayat_

_yeay, the beach time!_

_enough, last picture..nak blik dah ni.._



My photo
Ni hao ! Wo shi suhaida . Ups, iam not chinese but in love with huayu :) kalau dapat kawen ngan chineseeee ; homaiiiiii . Kakaka °◆•◇▼←◇←○↓▶←•→ tingtong☆☆★
