Last night's Project Runway was kind of a snoozefest. The contestants had to design an outfit for Tiki Barber, which was cool, I love Tiki, but except for maybe two of them, it seemed like they didn't listen to the challenge directions.
Tiki is fabulously dressed man who always looks like a million and two dollars. He asked them to design an outfit he could wear on the Today Show, told them he wasn't afraid of color, loved details and about his specific fit needs.
The contestants then basically ignored that and did whatever they wanted to, which in most cases meant making a suit. Fine. Great. Good. But if you've never made a suit before or haven't even thought about doing menswear, why pick perhaps the single hardest piece of clothing to reproduce? Why?
Not only that, but the fabrics most of them chose were bor-ring. And the style of some of not Tiki. Let's discuss.
Okay, what is this? Tiki as Oliver Twist? I think not. And the crotch on those pants is the funniest thing I've seen all day.
This wasn't the winner, but it was in my book. Yes, the colors a boring, but the jacket is made of fleece, not suiting material, which gives it a casualness that works. The pants drape nicely, too. I would have gone with a patterned shirt and some nice buttons on the jacket to jazz it up.
This would be great for Tiki. When he moves to Sunset Village and takes up canasta. Hello! He's not 70! Quit trying to dress him like he is.
Um. Yeah. Nice, um, neckline. (Actually, if this had been made better, it would have been in the running. The pants were great, but from the waist up it's a disaster zone.)
Tiki Barber in a cravat? Are you freakin' kidding me? Did you look at the man? Does he look like he ever wears a cravat?
Anyway, there were more I wanted to talk about, but Blogger isn't letting me upload and more pictures. Grrr. Any thoughts on the show? Did you watch?