Tuesday, November 29, 2011

5 Years

Isaac turned 5 last week. It's hard to believe. We were still in Sandy at Pa and Grandma's house so we celebrated there. Here are a few pictures of the occasion. (The pictures are pretty bad. There is not a lot of light in the room and I'm not good at low light pictures at all.)

I love this one. It is classic Isaac right now, chapped lips, shirt on backwards with something Lego, Star Wars, or full of sugar (or all of the above) in his hands.

Here is his "cake" minus a few that had already been eaten. He requested cupcakes which didn't hurt my feelings at all.

We bought some big party poppers from Zurchers for like $1.50 and they were so awesome. They shot out a ton of confetti. It was really fun.

Isaac with his presents. I tried to take one after he opened them and he was not having it.

Isaac is such a great kid. He LOVES Keenyn. They will play together most of the day. A lot of that playing together is Isaac throwing Keenyn onto a mattress or the bean bag, or Isaac laying on him. (I had to veto Isaac throwing Keenyn off of my bed onto a mattress that was on the floor.)

He always wants to get Keenyn out of the crib when he wakes up from a nap. Isaac stands on the side of the crib, grabs under Keenyn's arms then leans back and falls off the side of the crib, leaning the crib over a little and they both fall out. No one has gotten hurt yet.

His favorite things are Legos, Star Wars and our neighbor Kalani. She is the only friend he wants to play with most of the time. He loves preschool and can't ever wait until the next time he gets to go.

He knows all of the letters and sounds they make and is starting to write and spell words. He does really well for the most part.

He still loves warm chocolate milk, especially when watching Curious George. (I showed him how to turn in on from the DVR. Not sure if that's a good thing or not.)

His favorite thing to say lately is "You're rude." which he says anytime you don't let him have his way. I'm rude most of the day as far as he's concerned.

He is still a hard worker and likes to work. He is usually happy to help and does work with a good attitude which I love.

He really is such a joy to have in our family and I'm so glad that I'm his mom.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Cascade Springs

We went on a drive up the canyon this afternoon. I have been wanting to go up to Cascade Springs all fall and haven't had a chance to until today. The leaves were mostly fallen already but the drive up was pretty and it was just fun to be in the mountains.

Keenyn had to walk everywhere ...

and sit on every bench we saw, by himself.

We saw a mamma and baby moose.

and took pictures.

Keenyn was so proud of himself for standing on this rock. He is such a cutie, even if he only slept for about 30 minutes total today.

Just walking around with dad. Chris walked with Keenyn the whole way which left me free to take pictures.

It was a great Sunday afternoon made even greater by the fact that we didn't run out of gas on the way home. The car is telling us we have 3 miles until empty. Just enough for me to get to Costco tomorrow to fill it up.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

New Blog

I started a new blog. Yes, another one. It's www.bubbasbabbles.com. It is something I've wanted to do for awhile and hope I can excel at. I'd love you have you check it out and tell me what you think.

Since I now have 3 blogs I don't think I'm going to be able to keep them all updated regularly. This one is the one that I've had the hardest time with lately and I think that will continue to be the case. I'll try to keep it up the best I can but I'm not promising anything.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Summer Catch-up

*FYI- this is a marathon catch-up post with a ton of pictures.*

We have had a pretty busy summer. Here is an overview of what we've been up to for the last month and a half.

Lindsey and Dan invited us up to Dan's families cabin for the weekend. I brought the boys up and we had a great time. It was much to short and we hope to visit again soon.

Chris didn't join us at the cabin because he was tearing our house apart. We're remodeling the bedrooms and it has been quite the job. When we got home from the cabin our upstairs looked like this...

and our downstairs looked like this...

and this...

So I brought the boys to Sandy to stay with Chris' parents for a few days. David was there too and they had fun playing with him and taking a bubble bath.

While we were there I tried to take 11 month pictures of Keenyn. They totally didn't turn out. I didn't have any clothes for him to wear that matched what I pieced together as a background, the lighting wasn't good and he would not sit still. This is honestly the best picture I got.

When we got home Eli played his last Coach Pitch game. He liked baseball until he got hit in the head with the ball twice. He was too cautious after that and doesn't think he wants to play it again next year. I guess we'll see.

We spent a week camping up at Timpanogous Campground with Chris' family. It was a lot of fun.

We went to see the hot air balloons and ran into these guys...

The boys were pretty happy about that.

On the 4th of July we all ran the Freedom Festival Race. The boys did the 1 mile and I did my first 10k. I survived it even though we were late and I was the last one to start.

After the race we went to the parade and thoroughly enjoyed the overcast weather.

We had family over for a BBQ in our unfinished house. No one complained about the arrangements even though we were squished and hot. It was fun to get together.

Later that evening we went and lit a few fireworks. We have never lit our own because we can't at our house and it's always too late once it's dark. The big boys loved it. Keenyn wasn't a fan of the noise.

We did more a few nights later once it was dark. They liked that even more.

And Keenyn received his first real haircut.

He got the Kroeber boy buzz cut and looks adorable.

Most of our summer has been our remodel project. Chris has done most of the work himself. We hired out drywall and mud because Chris didn't want to do it. Everything else he has done himself including replacing the electrical panel and rewiring all of the rooms he remodeled. We still have to do some trim work and refinish the floor but we are enjoying the new layout and updated rooms.

Keenyn's Party

We celebrated Keenyn's birthday on the 17th with family. It was a fun time. We didn't do cake and ice-cream until about 7:30 which is an hour and a half past Keenyn's bedtime. He was super tired as you can see in this picture.

After we sang to him and he had help blowing out the candles he poked at the cake a little bit.

Then opened presents. Chris helped him open presents. He wasn't interested at all but he did like the new (to him) toys.

Here is the cake I made. It turned out cute.

One Year

Keenyn celebrated his 1st birthday last weekend. I can't believe he has been a part of our family for a year already.

Here is Keenyn at one year old.

He loves ...

to smile,
(He smiles so easily, especially for his mom. He gives me this cheesy, toothy smile all of the time but I've never been able to get a picture of it. I LOVE this picture for that reason, plus the colors are awesome.)

balloons, ceiling fans and doors,

to eat,
(especially bananas)

to climb up stairs,
(as evidenced by our recent trip to Timp. Cave where he had to climb all of the stairs in the cave by himself, in the mud, or he would scream.)

his brothers,

playing with the pots and pans

getting into things,
and baths.
(Whenever he hears the bath water turn on he gets a huge smile on his face and crawls to the bathroom as fast as he can. Lately he loves to lay down in the bath. He thinks it's funny when he does it. He tried to lay on his stomach a few times but figured out quickly that it doesn't work as well.)

He doesn't like...
Publish Post
getting thrown up in the air,
being left in a room alone,
being "held" (smothered) by Isaac
and loud noises.

He had his check-up this week. He is 21 lbs (25th %tile) and 30 in (58th %tile). He isn't walking yet but is cruising all over and has stood up on his own for a few seconds a few times.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Happy 1st Birthday Keenyn!!

We love you and are so happy you are a part of our family.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Time

School has been out for two weeks and it has finally warmed up so I think summer is upon us. We have had some summer fun already. The boys had a few days of swimming lessons. Eli made great progress and can now swim on his own. Isaac has also learned a lot.

Isaac during his lesson.

While trying to find rings. (They usually don't wear goggles. We were trying to figure out what was making Isaac nervous. We figured out that it isn't water in his eyes but being alone in the water. He doesn't like when his teacher would let go of him.)

Eli paitently waiting his turn.

Keenyn trying to keep himself awake. Swim lessons were right during nap time.

Finally Eli's turn. See, he's swimming all by himself.

Backfloat by himself to get a breath.

Back to swimming.

We also spent an afternoon making ice-cream. It was fast, easy and a lot of fun. Plus, the ice-cream was good. I didn't get any pictures of mixing all of it together but you put half and half, sugar, vanilla, and anything else you want into a small ziplock bag. Then you put that bag into a bigger ziplock bag that has 2 cups of ice and 3/4 cup of salt. Then you shake it up.

I didn't get any pictures of us putting it all together but here is Isaac shaking it.
You had to shake it for 10 mintues. The bag got really cold and wet so we put them both into the biggest bowl we have, put the lid on and then shook away. That way the boys could take turns and didn't freeze their hands. It worked great.

Isaac with his blue ice-cream. Just and FYI, if you make this be sure to rinse the small bag off before you open it. I didn't with Isaac's and the ice-cream got salt in it. Ice-cream doesn't taste good with salt in it.

Ice-cream in bowls.

I was surprised at how well it turned out. I'm pretty sure we will be doing this again.