Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Cookie Transfer

What a fun game Mason created. 

He has become fascinated with our mouths lately.  He always wants to put his toys in our mouths, feed us his food, and he tries to stick his hands and sometimes feet in our mouths too.  He's also figured out that if we won't let him put food in our mouths, then the dog will.  I'm not thrilled about that part.

Monday, November 1, 2010

 So I was going through pictures today and realized I have a lot of pictures with the same theme.  Mason on the stairs.  He loves those stairs.  He runs at full speed and throws himself on them.  He sits on the second step, stands up and then walks off the first step and falls on his face.  He likes to play with his toys there.  He likes to walk backwards and plunk himself down on the bottom stair.  He lays back and lounges on them.  Of course they also have been the cause of a few rug burns on his face, some bumps and bruises, and one really hard bite of the tongue, but that doesn't stop him.

Piece of cake?

I have now in my life decorated four cakes.  That's right.  4.  I don't count putting frosting on a box mix with a butter knife.  That isn't decorating to me, but until two months ago that is all I had ever done.  Then my Mason turned 1 in September and I wanted to make him a cute cake, but was too chicken to try so I just figured I'd once again slap some chocolate frosting on a chocolate cake and call it good.  Lame I know.  But my wonderful sister Laura made me realize how lame I really was for even thinking of doing that, so with her help I decorated my first cake ever.  I was nervous about ruining it so she had to hold my hand the whole time, but it turned out okay in the end.  After that I decided I should learn the basics of cake decorating just so I would feel a little more comfortable with it.  So here are my four cakes: 

This is the end product of Mason's first birthday cake.  I realize it could have been better, but since we had no plan for it and it was my first attempt at decorating, I am happy with it.  Thanks Laura.

This is the first cake I made for my Basic Cake Decorating class.  It was a short 4-week class and we learned just a few techniques, but it was worth every penny to me.  I didn't actually finish decorating this cake.  Oh well.  It is kinda hard to tell what it is because of the techniques I used on it, but it is a green apple with the middle being made up of a red apple slice, an orange slice and a lemon slice. 

This was the other cake I did for class.  It took awhile to make all the icing roses but it was fun to make.  Here it is without the leaves.  My brother-in-law said that if he was making a Tim Burton-ish movie that required a cake then this is the exact cake he would want.  I took that as a compliment.

Then I added leaves to it and it brightened up a lot.  My hand was pretty cramped up by the time I finished the dots all around on the side and the base.

And finally, I just made this one on Friday for Keith's work.  My mom says she used to make spider cakes all the time but I don't remember her ever doing that.  But anyway, the idea was hers, so thanks Mom!  I thought about just icing it black, but then decided that the fuzzy look would be cute, so he got hair!  I think he turned out good.