I feel a little bad that we haven't had things for Mason to ride on around here. I don't know why we waited to get him a bike or something that moves, but I'm glad that we finally got him something. And I think he is glad too, although it was a small struggle getting him to move his legs to pedal that bike. He just simply refused to even try and just wanted me to push him, which I refused to do. So we did a lot of me standing next to him while he just sat on the bike, not moving. After a couple days of doing this (and maybe realizing that I'm even more stubborn than he is), he finally started to really try. So now he is getting better and having more fun.
I think he likes his scooter the best though. He has a hard time saying the "s" in scooter, so when he wants to ride it he asks to go "cooting".
He has a tendency to not pay attention to where he is going while on his wheels though. He likes to watch his shadow as he goes and that doesn't really allow him to watch what is in front of him or where the sidewalk ends. This is especially a problem when his shadow is behind him! He has gone off the sidewalk inumerable times and tipped over, and he's even run into a tree! I've caught him every time before he could get hurt, but now I'm thinking...helmet? Maybe some elbow pads? Maybe a neck brace so he's forced to look straight ahead and see where he's going? Okay, maybe not that last one.