Things have been busy as usual. I had my first doctors appointment 2 weeks ago. I was there 3 hours! I had to call Klaine and tell him that he was going to have to pick Jonathan up from school and Chloe up from her friends house. The doctor was nice, but come on... 3 hours!! I have another one
on Tuesday and if I am there more than 2 hours I am leaving and finding a new doctor. I had my first ultrasound at the first appointment. That was exciting. I was about 13 weeks and could actually see a baby in there! It was amazing. I guess this doctor does ultrasounds very often, which is kind of neat. I am suppose to bring a VHS next time. I am now 15 weeks. I doubt we will find the gender, that happens around 17-20 weeks, I think.
Klaine in the last couple of weeks has been collecting wood and
Halloween stuff for our church's
Halloween party. He was in charge of the spook alley. He got a company to donate some plywood and he made a maze-like spook alley with them. It was awesome. Everyone at church was so impressed, and had never quite seen a spook alley so well done at a church Halloween party. He spent a lot of time on it!
Hailey has been doing well in school. I think the smartness comes from the Tanner side! I know Lauren and Jacob always seem to do well also! Hailey's teacher sent home a paper this week saying Hailey is reading at a 4th grade level. I was amazed. Hailey said to me, does that mean I should be in 4th grade? I said NO. There is a lot more to 4th grade than reading. She has also had her first piano recital, and did awesome! She played her piece perfect. She has another recital with the same piece in a couple of weeks, it is some kind of contest or something. She also took the state theory test
on Saturday. She said it was easy, we won't find out how she did for a couple of weeks. Yesterday I also took her to see
High School Musical 3, it was her reward for doing so well in school and piano. It was a cute movie, we both liked it. For Halloween she was a witch.
Jonathan is still loving preschool! He looks forward to it everyday! He is now getting smiley faces everyday and his teacher told me he is doing very well. I guess it takes him a couple of weeks to figure out how he is suppose to act and what he is suppose to do. We are so happy that he likes school. Next year he will be in
Kindergarten, I hope that the transition will be a lot smoother! And actually next year I think the kids will be going to two different schools. They are building a new elementary and it will open in
January 2010, right in the middle of the school year. I hope that that won't be hard on them. For Halloween Jonathan was a pirate.
Chloe is Chloe. She is getting better at not being whiny, but I guess it is hard when you are 22 months. She wore Hailey's costume from when she was little. I think it was a
tinkerbell costume, but looks more like a flower petal dress. Diane made it several years ago. She is still having a hard time at church going to Nursery. The last two Sundays she has been by herself for 15-20 minutes, then melts down. Today she made it 5 minutes! I don't know if she will ever go by herself. She goes to a friends house once a week and does fine there. Maybe that many people at church is overwhelming? Anybody got any suggestions? When we are in there she is fine. She participates and has a lot of fun, while we just sit on the side and watch her, but the minute we leave, forget it. Life comes crashing down.
Next weekend were are going camping with another family in our ward. We are going to
Guadalupe Peak, the tallest mountain in Texas. It should be beautiful. We are planning on leaving Friday and coming back Sunday. We are all looking forward to it!