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Showing posts with label SVG Attic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SVG Attic. Show all posts

Feb 13, 2012

You Light Up My Life ... Blog Hop

You give me hope
To carry on
You light up my days
and fill my nights with song

Jearise from Lorby's World  is our hostess for today's hop which takes a look at all those things that light up our lives be it a significant other, children, place or pets. Enjoy what they have come up with as you hop along and please leave a comment on each blog to light up their life today. Some may be giving blog candy away so keep an eye open to see and you never know...You're life may be lit up.

Leave a comment at Lorby's World and become a follower (or let her know if you already are one) to be eligible to win a $10.00 gift card to Joann's Crafts and Fabric.

SVG ATTIC is sponsoring this hop by giving away a $20.00 gift certificate to her store. SVG Attic is the last stop on our hop and to qualify for the gift certificate you must do two things. 1. Visit the SVG Attic Store and then 2. Become a follower of SVG Attic's blog and leave a comment telling which svg file from the store you like best.

If someone turned off the lights and you ended up here by accident, please follow the lighted path as you begin your hop at Lorby's World .If your hop stayed lit, you should have ventured over from Jearise and will continue on to Lisa.
Lights on....

For me....My Family Lights up my life...
My home Lights up my life...
So my project is a Lantern from SVGCuts Crisp Days of Fall SVG Kit
I added my own touch to the lantern by adding My Family ... I added some twine to the project...
Oh and I used LOTS of Powdered Chalk from Chalk Ah Lot, the colors I used were Velvet and Sunshine...I used white card stock and did not like the look, so I used the chalk to give it some color...
I used another file from SVGCuts, Chamomile Friendship Cards for the fence and the flowers..

Now I know alot of us feel like our family is who lights up our lives....but my dear husband has been by my side thru thick and thin, I am not the easiest wife...I had lots of baggage from a prior 'life'...and now Josh and I were set up on a blind date...and the sun has never shined so bright in my life since...I have a beautiful daughter and step son and step daughter...I have a home full of love...that's what lights up my life...

Now find out what lights up Lisa's life by visiting her blog....

If you get lost along the way, here is a list of the whole line up, so please keep the light going...

Dec 20, 2011

SVGAttic Tuesday!!!

Jessica over at crated this wonderful and easy set... I used the O Christmas Tree Set & the Cozy Christmas Captions to create this wonderful gift card holder...

I don't think anyone can have too many gift card holder, they make such great gifts all year round. And this file that was used can be made for just about anything, any colors and any title...
How fun is that?

Happy Crafty Tuesday!!! I hope I have inspired someone to
make something speical for that someone special...

Dec 13, 2011

SVGAttic Tuesday!!!

Hey to all my new and old followers...I am so enjoying that I have peps to watch my blog...I hope you choose to stick around and watch my crafty ways develop...
Today and every Tuesday, is my time to shine for and share what I have come up with using Jessica Brashaw's talents...

This week I used the Stop N Shop SVG Collection & the Santa's Little Helpers ....
I always like to find ways to re purpose files...this way you can learn how to use files in different applications.
This was made with AC Card stock, some white rick-rack, candy canes, used some DCWV patterned papers. I covered some hot chocolate pouches and in they went...What a great and simple gift...hope the receiver of this gift likes of all I hope I inspired someone to re purpose their files...

Happy Craft'n

Dec 12, 2011

Thank You...all my new followers, Welcome

I hope you enjoyed the blog hop this weekend, and hope you come back by often...I love comments, or as I always put it...Leave some lov'n....I will try to follow each of your blogs as a thanks for following mine...
I wanted to let you know that each Monday you will see a MyGrafico Design Team project and each Tuesday you will enjoy a project using files...

Remember over at the SVGAttic Blog we have a monthly contest that is so easy peasy to play along with. And there is always something to win with all my crafty followers please get those crafty minds and hands going so you can put your projects to

I will be sharing other files on other day...or I hope to anyway...I still love SVGCuts, but WOW now that I design for 2 teams and work full time, I sometimes spread myself too keep me going by leaving love and that helps inspire me to continue to post more projects...

I wanted to share just a little something ... This is a file for the Silhouette program that is a free program for my Cameo, oh and the Star is from SVG Cuts, Made in the USA SVG Kit...I love it but it does not do SVG files YET...I hope to get the Designer Edition for my birthday, next month...but it can't come soon enough...
Well have a great day...Happy Craft'n

Dec 9, 2011

Gifts From The Heart .... Blog Hop !!

1st - I want to say a BIG THANKS!!!
Thanks for hopping and hang'n around a bit to check things out ...

2nd -
Design Team
Brings to you
Gifts from the Heart Blog Hop!!!
Here is the line up...if you have come across my blog 1st, be sure to go back and start at the beginning.... 
it just might be worth $25.00 $50.00 gift certificate and other goodies....
so hope to each blog, leave some love and become a follower...
We all have some pretty great gift ideas for all you crafting peps....

Katie - ---- You Are Here

Well now it's time for me to share
My Gift from the Heart....
My darling 20 year young daughter was the recipient
of this great Gift from my heart!!!

These darling little boxes are fun filled with a 'Kiss',
so for 12 days of Christmas my daughter can get a long distance kiss from me!!!

Hope you hopped from
to get here....
Now Go

Now for the Blog Candy!!!
Jessica is the owner and designer of
has two $25 gift certificates up for grabs
The catch is you must visit each blog starting from the start, become a follower and leave some love for each of these desingers (including me).... is having a HUGE Sale...use the word "GIFT"
and get 50% off your total purchase during this blog hop...

I know there is lots of info in this post .... but just one more thing....

This months challenge is a color challenge...
You can create ANYTHING using ANY SVG Attic files but you must include at least one element from and use at least two of the colors listed below. Be sure to check out the Christmas and Winter collections. Get creative, think outside the box,and have fun!


So Please become a follower to each of these friendly blogs, leave some love and most of all

OMG.....Another thing....Be sure to check back all weekend long...I just might have some more
Gifts from the heart....a crafter can never have too many

Have a Great Blog Hopp'n Weekend !!!
Thanks for playing.....

Now hop on over to Sandra's Blog 

Dec 4, 2011

SVG Attic Monthly Challenge

Going on hop on over and enter your
Red/Green/Pink/Blue/White project of choice...
the rules are:

'You can create ANYTHING using ANY SVG Attic files but you must include at least one element from and use at least two of the colors listed below. Be sure to check out the Christmas and Winter collections. Get creative, think outside the box,and have fun!'

It's a link up type challenge and its so fun and easy to enter....
Blogging tips