25 July 2010

Colorful Results

All my new skeins in one picture
Triadic Colors: Purple-Green-Orange

Almost Solids Raspberry



Spice Rack
These are finally pictures of the dye meeting of my knitting group, as you can see I got 5 different skeins, and am looking forward to knitting them up, soon.

18 July 2010

Ice Sandwich Socks

Eissandwich Socken

I have finished those socks on Thursday and hadn't taken a picture of them when at the Dyeing meeting we figured they fit Eva better and I have given them to her. However I managed to snatch a pic before they went to live with her.

This is the second pair I have done from the Socks form the Toe up book and I have decided to knit them all, joined the KAL at Ravelry and started July's Snaking Socks.

04 July 2010

World Cup Toe Up break the Trend

Here the promised break of the trend: wild green socks. Drachenwolle, knitted after my own interpretation of Wendy's basic toe up sock. I wanted to see if the slip stitch heel would work when doing it in stockinette stitch. It does.

30 June 2010

Notice a trend?

These are the last three pairs of socks I knit. Anyone notice a trend? Well I can promise you that the next pair to be displayed are not going to be neutral colored cotton socks.

27 June 2010

Lace and Cable Toe ups

Lace and Cable Socks from Wendy Johnson's Socks Toe Up book, finished during the Formula 1 race today.

20 June 2010

Stoney Socks

The latest cotton Regia socks, boring two by two rib.

Sicilian Impressions

View on the flight to Catania: the Alps.

View from Taormina: Etna.

On the top area you can reach on the Etna with the smoking peak in the background.

A view of our hotel and the blue blue sea.

From Sicily with Love

19 June 2010

Old news

Finally a few pictures of the last knitting group meeting.

23 May 2010

Sock pictures

These are my Winterstrand socks, done in time for the warm days we are finally having.

And these are MyGuy's boring blue socks taking it easy after their first outing with MyGuy last week when the weather was still nasty.

20 May 2010

and more socks

As I had the Winterstrand socks going, I cast on for another pair of MyGuy socks. Greyish cotton two by two ribbing for summer wear. Not that we have had much summery weather this month so far. April had been kinder to us.

Apart from that I have decided to join the WIP cup on ravelery and finish my Green Bob during the Worldcup (Soccer).

13 May 2010

Boring Blue Socks are done

The stockinette socks were finished on Tuesday and given to MyGuy who was pleased with the addition to his wardrobe.

New simple socks were cast on, double lace ribbing from more sensational knitted socks. The yarn reminds me of a winter day at the beach, so they are called Winterstrand. It has taken 5 attempts to find a pattern that worked with the length of the color changes, but now I am pleased.

11 May 2010


As we have just booked a week of vacation in Sicily for the beginning of June, I have read the third Commissario Montalbano mystery: Dieb der süssen Dinge. I have enjoyed it and am looking forward to reading more of them, but am looking to mooch them.

I have now restarted Nick Hornby's Slam.

09 May 2010

Mindless Knitting

I finished knitting my Thuja Sunrise yesterday and you can see them relaxing with part of their namesake on the balcony. I hope to get some action shots when MyGuy is around, but until then I will leave you with this relaxed picture of my fraternal twins.

After having needle and scissors out from kitchenering my second Thuja sunrise sock, I finished off the first one of the boring blue socks for MyGuy.

30 April 2010

Die Maske des Ra

One of the few times I was actually reading an english language book in translation, I normally go with the originals. The book is a mystery about how Thutmosis II died and once I got over the inital stuffiness of the protagonist it was a quick read.

Previously I finished reading Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond and as I had already read his Collapse of Societies it did fit with that quite well.

I am now reading McCarthy's Bar about a guy visiting bars with his last name (McCarthy) in the name.

29 April 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my Brother who is turning 39 today!

26 April 2010

Quilting again?

It's been quite a while since I had a hankering to do any sewing. But Bonnie's pattern that she is going to sew with her overabundance of 2" stripes is giving me the itch. Of course there is an unfinished Jared (and I have dug out some of the parts this weekend) plus some chore type sewing: fixing MyGuy's T-Shirt and sewing up Cory's secong bag, but at least I had the need to sort some fabric.

Aparently I am not the only one: SoScrappy is at it too.

09 April 2010

Knitting Slump

Currently I am not knitting much, mostly because all the current works in progress have a problem that I need to fix:

- Lace and Cable toe up socks: I can not count to 4 and have messed up the cable bit on the first sock

- March Mystery Sock at Sock Knitters Anonymus: I made assumptions instead of looking at the chart and messet up the second bit on the first clue on the first sock

- Mindless Sock: can not make up my mind on the pattern

- Knotty gloves: Spring and Gloves? no inspiration

- Selbu Gloves: see Knotty gloves

So instead I have been swatching for an Avocet B cardigan with yarn that should come out at 21 stitches (I need 20 for the pattern), but I get 17. Oh well, try again.

At least that means I currently read a good deal more, I read 3 books within the last week: two Kate Fansler mysteries by Amanda Cross and one urban fantasy by Patricia Briggs.

22 March 2010

Knitty Spring/Summer 10

The new knitty is out and I think Que Sera will have to be one of my projects, soon.

21 March 2010

March Knitting Meeting

Just two impressions of yesterday's meeting which was lovely as usual. We got to meet some additional knitters/crocheters and to see Anouschka after her move.

Some others were missed and knitting was set a side to fondle yarn and have a look at books and patterns.

20 March 2010

Some Wips and some FO

Front and back of my first Sebu glove, the tension is a bit uneven, the glove a bit wide, but I love it.
A picture of our friend with the Tychus I made for him, thanks for being a good sport and wearing it for the wedding celebration picture.

These are the two girl sized Opus I made. I have now one in yellow and black on the needles, but that might go to a future beekeeper, so I still will not have a Opus of my own.

19 March 2010

Busy Week

This week was not much for knitting or any other sort of crafting (which I haven't really done any off lately as my craft room is a mess and still has a leaking roof). But on the upside we went to the movies and had a 3D screening of Alice in Wonderland (is it just me or does the Mad Hatter look like they recycled ideas from Willy Wonka?). I enjoyed the movie and have dug out my copy of the book to read on the train if I can finally stop knitting my Knotty gloves. (It will be about 18 degree C here on the weekend.) Yesterday we went to a comedy show by Christoph Sonntag and though it was not as good as his old programm, it was very enjoyable. I did not care for his integration of a plasma screen, but otherwise it was a witty, Swabian programm. Tonight we will have my parents in law over and celebrate his 80th with chinese take away (his choice, we would have cooked).

11 March 2010


As well as hats, I currently have gloves on the needles. Knotty by Laris. And yesterday evening I cast on a pair of two color gloves of my wonderful new book Selbuvotter.

07 March 2010


Currently I am knitting hats and have finished two for me, so with todays sunshine you finally get a picture.

This is a Tychus from Knitty.

And this one is a Conway Cloche from Shetland Trader.

03 March 2010

Interweave Knit Spring 2010

I go it yesterday and think the format keeps getting more and more confusing. However I think this cardigan is on my list: Double V

01 March 2010

Weekend Quilts

Not me, I was away for the weekend, but my new book came and it is enjoyable. I like Judy's blog and have made some of her quilts. Of the ones in the book there is the black-white-red one that I really want to make for my brother.

26 February 2010

More pictures

More pictures from the last meeting to be found at Betty's blog: Meeting.

23 February 2010

Hat: Dancing Ladies

I really like this hat that I have found while blog surfing: Dancing Ladies.

21 February 2010

Knitting at Eva's

Some busy knitters with our mascot Emily Strickliesel before the migration to the couch happened.

Hish is fighting with her wool to get it wound up.

Betty3 with her newly aquired wine red yarn before taking on the wool winder. (Betty your eyes were about the same color as the yarn, hope you don't mind that I changed that.)

I have ribbed back the top of my hat twice at home. Once due to not liking the result as per pattern and once due to not being able to count to 13 more than once. Now I am on track again and hope to have another hat finished soon.

Seeing all the lovely Calendulas makes me want to dig out my Ringelblume from Ramona and cast them on, but I have a few things to finish first. Among them my Ravelympics socks.

16 February 2010

Mom's Quilt

This is what my mom made in that class we took late last year.

14 February 2010

Some Knitting Pictures

This it is the second Tychus I have cast on, the first already went to a friend for all his help. This one is for me. I think I have figured out a way to reduce the holes at the turn and as with the first I did a provisional cast on and will graft the hat.

This is my project for the Ravelympics, cast on yesterday morning which is as close to the openig as I could make it. As toe up is still a new thing for me the cast on was not so nice, but practice will improve that I think

Lastly my last pair of commuting socks that I finished. These ones are for me, out of one of the Regia balls Betty sold me. Her hubby is allergic to Regia, but I am pleased to have them. Especially I love those colors and think a sweater like that would be fabulous.

12 February 2010


Yesterday I have given our friend, who has done a lot of taxi duty for MyGuy and keeping him company, the Tychus hat I specifically made for him. I believe he was very pleased! I threatened him with the need for a photo, but have not been able to get one yet.

MyGuy is still on sick leave, but has been able to tie his own shoes and to drive locally (stick shift is not easy if your right hand is wounded). So getting better!

05 February 2010

MyGuy progress

My Guy has on Wednesday for the first time since his accident driven a car. It was akward and slow and he does not want to go long distances, but at least he knows it will work again.

03 February 2010

Bonnie's new book

I received the new books for Elke, Renate, Luisa and myself the day before yesterday and yesterday finally had time to look at mine. Some of the quilts I knew from Bonnie's blog, but others were new. A nice book, however it needs to be aired first.

I am thinking of making a patriotic Irish chain (block background, red and yellow chain), but for it to be leaders and enders I would have to get back to actually sewing. Need to clean that room up first.

01 February 2010


Betty was in the Wollmeise Shop and one of the hanks is mine! Yeah! But I have yet to pay her, so better get that done.

I finished a hairband, but need to block it. MyGuy says it looks like socks, but that is because I used the left overs from his get well socks. He is doing much better with physiotherapy and patience, but has another week of sick leave and we are not sure if that is all. The poor dude is getting cabin fever.

I have started the second of his Valentine's Day Hugs and Kisses socks and hope to have them finished in time. I also started a pair for myself from the Regia Betty has sold to me: blue and purple after all this brown and beige is such a joy! They are easy ribbed ones as I was knitting them while watching the skiing events this weekend. Now they are done until the Olympic games.

Apart from that we had a quiet weekend enjoying each others company and the snow outside.

29 January 2010

Knitting Books

I finally broke down and got the second Mason Dixon book. I am pleasantly surprised. The text is funny and I enjoyed the hints, but that I expected. However this time the patterns are also speaking to me, I am looking forward to making some of the things in there or take them as points to start from.

The other book I got is Reversible Knits. The patterns are technically interesting, though if I want something that looks like crochet, I will crochet it. The projects however are fugly in my opinion. Some of it is just unwearable with my figure, that is ok, but some of it is just plain no way, Jose.

20 January 2010


I have just finished the latest Leary book I had: When the Tide Rises . I enjoyed it, light reading with likeable (for me) characters.

I am currently reading Eat, Pray, Love and have finished the first two parts. It is good reading for the train as it contains short pieces.

Also finished during MyGuy's hospital stay: Italienische Reisen from the SALTO series by Wagenbach. That was so,so. Some of it more interesting, some too much art history for me.

I have also finished reading Gwen Marston's book Liberated Quiltmaking II which I found disappointing as most of it I already knew from her earlier books. It also seemed Liberated Quiltmaking light to me compared to the original book. But the quilts, especially those of the students, are inspiring.


18 January 2010

Blog Break

I currently do not have much time for blogging or crafting, as MyGuy has hurt his wrist and is needing a bit of comforting.

14 January 2010


Please consider making a donation for the earth quake victims, I have done so at Aerzte ohne Grenzen.

Or shop on Etsy: Craft Hope

Or Ravelry: Help for Haiti

06 January 2010

Another Hat rework

Last Saturday we also had the first knitting meeting of 2010 and as usual a lot of fun. I showed the others my "slightly" oversized hat (fit for a teapot not a human head). If you want to see a picture head for this post in Nadelfee's blog. Today I had a day off but due to a cold could not do much, so I followed last Saturday's suggestions and ribbed the ribbing, decreased (64 out of 192 stitches) and reknit the ribbing. It was still a bit large on me and the colorwork was wonky. However I fear the bath I have given the slouch hat might only have helped with the second problem. I have a feeling the knitting loosened up again, but only time will tell, as the hat is currently drying.

04 January 2010


Here we finally have a picture of the mittens we got for our wedding from the members of my knitting group. We were really surprised and pleased.

29 December 2009

Too good to cut Challenge

Found this fun challenge where you are supposed to finally use a piece of fabric that you have saved for "something special" for a while (long while). Sounds like fun.

28 December 2009

New Years resolutions

Yes I know, I am early, but why not start now. I plan to add my reading and cinema going back in the blog, even if it is at times just: read this, saw this.

I finished Carola Dunn's Sheer Folly yesterday and as usual have enjoyed the Daisy Fletcher née Dalrymple mysteries. Even if they are sometimes not much of a mystery, they are always enjoyable.

We went to see AVATAR last Tuesday. I thought the special effects were great (especially in 3D), but the story was nothing to write home about. But not a bad story, just a overly used one. Yesterday we went for the noon showing and saw Planet 51. Great! I am looking forward to the DVD on this as I am sure I have missed lots of puns on other movies, like 2001 and so on.

22 December 2009

Paper cut Trees

Have look at this post on Humble Quilts . I love those christmas paper cut trees. Great idea!


This is the view from my office (note the christmas tree in the middle of the river under the bridge, it is on a float). It was more orangey in real life, gorgeous sun up.

Snow Picture

Sorry for the graininess, I took that yesterday morning with my mobile and it is a enclosed court where the restaurant Güterhof normally has outside seating. The light at the end is their kitchen.

18 December 2009


The new winter knitty includes a lovely cardigan called Zora which lead me to the designers webpage and there I found Harlow. I really want to cast on for it right now! Not going to happen, but it is on my to do list.

Malabrigo, hmmm: Love of Light? Or Cordovan? Or Lettuce? Or??? Let me know what you think might look good.

15 December 2009

Carolina Christmas Layout

Bonnie has revealed the layout for the Carolina Christmas mystery here. I haven't even cut one stripe yet, but I love how this looks!

12 December 2009

Picture of the 28th of November Knit Meeting

Anouschka with her Victoria-Mathilda-Josephine-Tuch. Newly bound off.

The only other halfway decent picture.

08 December 2009

Cat lovers

For the cat lovers Starlings at Dusk at Quilt as desired.

Twas the night in a quilter's house

Twas the night before Christmas, I'm glued to the tree.
I'm wondering what Santa brought just for me.
Could it be fat quarters or a pattern or lace?
Or a quilt kit, I said, with a smile on my face.
And that's when I heard him,
"Hi Santa," I said
"You know....good little girls should be in their beds ".
"I know I should Santa, and now I've got caught.
But I was just so excited to see what you brought."
"Well, let's take a look in this room where you work."
He shook his head quickly, And left with a jerk.
I heard him exclaim as he put it in gear.
"You've got enough stuff, I'll see you next year!"

author unknown

06 December 2009

Leaking Roof

We found a leak in the roof of my sewing room. Fortunatelly the house administration got the roofers in on Friday after our discovery on Thursday morning. Unfortunatelly we found the leak by wondering about the stain on my new quilt top. Fortunatelly it did wash mostly out and the bit that stayed in, is in a batik and can be sold as part of that fabric. Puh! Unfortunatelly that means that currently no sewing is taking place as we are drying the room out at best we can and wait to hear when and what will be done to the inside of the room. Fortunatelly it did not get on my sewing machine.

So - mixed blessings, but not too bad.

02 December 2009


I wonder if I have anything for this in my stash: Shawl