Thursday, May 22, 2008


The title is "My Package." It's about 24 minutes long. Enjoy.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Typical Japanese television show

Brian asked about Japanese TV. I said that it was crazy, but didn't watch much because it was hard to understand. Below is a link to a segment from a TV show in Japan with English subtitles. I think it portrays the uniqueness of Japanese television. Have fun!

The show

There are many more of this guy on Youtube. Needless to say, he'd probably be arrested in America for doing this, and these videos were posted back in 2006, so maybe he got arrested here, too... who knows.

京都 City Beat - 早合点

The title translates to "Kyoto City Beat - A Hasty Conclusion". It really isn't that hasty, it's 22 minutes long. You're going through popcorn like mad, I'm sure. Oh, and by the way, I know it was the Red Jaguars and Orange Iguanas. I wanted to be creative.


Friday, May 9, 2008

京都 City Beat - さいしょの日

The title translates to "Kyoto City Beat - the first day". And yes, I really just talk about the first day. We did a lot in the first day. We'll see if the blog spans out into another one. I'm not sure.

It's almost 20 minutes long, so get some popcorn. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

京都 City Beat - メールを読む

The title translates to "Kyoto City Beat - reading mail" in case you couldn't guess that from my mixture of English and Japanese.

To answer a few questions from the get go: I'm wearing glasses because I felt like it, sorry for the reflection. That is a scab next to my nose, not a piece of food - I had a minor accident with running into a door at my apartment - nothing to worry about. I realize this is my 7th blog - I was confused when I referred to it as my 8th.

This one is about 20 minutes long and consists of answering mail. I'm gonna make more, don't worry. Enjoy!