Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Livin the life take 2

We tried and tried to keep the boys awake until we got back to the hotel. If they fall asleep for even 5 min they wont go back to sleep. Luckily my loud singing and rolling down the windows worked. We went back to our hotel after the zoo and all took a nap! When we woke up we went to eat at my most favorite restaurant OLIVE GARDEN!! The boys were totally crazy, and being goof balls. They were definitely the center of attention. Good thing people thought they were cute and not annoying. Riggins loved the bread sticks. After every bite he took he would proclaim, "MMMMM NUM". It was so cute. Then while waiting for our check Riggs showed us his new trick!

Putting the knife in his mouth!

So Teague has to show us he could do it too.

After dinner we walked to Temple Square. I wanted to show Teague the Salt Lake Temple where Kyle and I were sealed. There is a picture in our house and he knows that is where we were sealed, so I wanted him to see it in person. I asked him what it was when we got up close. He said, "Mom it's the temple, where we will be together forever and ever!" I love that little boy! I am so grateful that we are an eternal family and can be together forever and ever!

Then we walked around the visitor center to show him the statue of Christ. He liked it and enjoyed it for all of maybe 2 min.

Because all they really wanted to do was this. They rode up and down the escalators a million times.

He loved running around and playing on temple square.

Giving daddy big hugs. They chased each other around the circle over and over.

Played in the fountains. Riggs would have jumped in if we would have let him.

We ended up talking to some sister missionaries and Teague was telling them all sorts of stories. One of the sister missionaries was from Germany and she asked Teague if he knew what Germany was. He kinda looked puzzled and didn't say anything, just stared at his shoes. Then she asked him again, he looked up at her and said so matter of factly, "Germany is how you get a cow in Spanish." We all laughed so hard. It was so cute, and the sister said she was definitely going to write that down in her journal.

We all enjoyed a nap everyday, it was so nice! But sleeping at night was a different story. Teague got a whole Queen size bed to himself. (Which I would have taken a picture). Riggs doesn't do very well sleeping anywhere other than his bed. So the two little monkeys were a nightmare to get to sleep. I took a picture because he was playing around, and peeking over the side. But when I went to take the picture he laid down like he was supposed to be sleeping. Little Stinker! We had so much fun together as a family. Teague loved riding the Alligators (Elevators) and they both took turns pushing the buttons. I enjoyed spending time with my family and am so grateful we were able to go. My little monkey's are getting so big and I want to create as many memories with them as I can.

Livin the Life

A few weeks ago we went on a little family vacation to Utah. We loaded up after Kyle got off work Friday night. We were headed off for a fun filled weekend as a family. The boys were so excited to get away. That is until........the drive was longer than 20 min.

All smiles riding in the car.

Are we there yet?

After we checked into our hotel the first thing on the list was going SWIMMING!! Teague was so excited to go swimming. It was Riggins first time swimming.

This is a typical face Riggs pulls. The scrunched up nose look. I love his little teeth.

Come on Dad lets go....

Both boys were totally fearless! They were both dunking their heads under water,and jumping off the side. My two little guys are so adorable!

He loved getting splashed in the face!

My 3 handsome boys having way too much fun. I love Teague's face!

The next day bright and early we headed for the Hogle Zoo! We wanted to beat the crowds and the heat. Teague was so excited to see all the animals and remembered everything from the year before. Riggs enjoyed looking at all the animals. We took the stroller, but I pretty much pushed it empty the whole time. They wanted to be hands on and walk all on their own. I dressed them both in bright orange so I could find them easily, and plus I think its so cute when they match.

Standing in line for the (pretty lame) train ride. Totally worth it though because the boys loved it. Teague is always climbing things, especially gates. With little brother not far behind him!

Watching the train pull up.

Can't wait to get aboard.

Family picture before the train took off. I wish Kyle's sunglasses were off. (I did tell him)

My favorite are the giraffes! Teague went up top and got to see one up close and personal. He didn't like it too much.

Baby ZURI!!! Teague had to check on his beloved baby Zuri. We saw her last year and he has been talking about her almost everyday since. When he is wasting water, I will tell him that Zuri wont have any water to drink. So he tells me everytime I do the dishes that I'm wasting baby Zuri's water. She is quite the little firecracker! She has such a fun personality.

This thing (?) loved Riggs he would touch the glass and he just sat their staring at him. Then he would lick the glass where his fingers were. I love how you can see Riggs in the background.

Cute little stink looking at all the animals.

Teague climbing yet another fence to see the giraffes.

The mad pouty face after mom tells him to get down.

Riding the tiger, not paying attention to mom calling my name.

Having so much fun playing on the Tigers! Still ignoring mom.

Finally Teague smiled a big smile for mom.

We went to the bird show, which is so much fun. Even though birds freak me out! I am a trooper and endure it. The different birds swoop down over every ones head. They barley skim the tops as they fly past.

I distracted myself by eating Dip'n Dots!! Riggs enjoyed them as much as I did. YUM YUM

This guy was way too close for comfort. I have a terrible phobia of owls.

Got goose bumps, and teary eyed watching the bald eagle, with the American Flag in the background! I love my country.

Riding the wooden horse. I would almost have to say this was his favorite part of the zoo. Can't take the country out of the cowboy.

Brothers riding the horse.

So not in the mood to wait in line for the carousel. By the end of the day with no naps, too many people, and 90 degrees the boys had had it!

We ended the day by riding the carousel. My 3 special boys!

He never let go of his sippy all day long. Not quite sure what is going on. I just love kissing those cheeks!

One lucky mama! They make me so happy.

Big smiles from Teague riding the ant eater!

What a great view! Thank you daddy for taking us to the zoo! We love you!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's about time...to go PRIVATE!!

So as I have been reacquainting myself with blogger(since it has been so long I forgot)I was looking at the traffic and places around the world that look at my blog. Honestly I'm a little freaked out. So without further ado this blog is going private!! It is time, I have been contemplating it for a while now and I think it's a good time!

Please don't be afraid to comment I would love to add you. Chances are that I look at your blog too!! I'm going to make the comments private so everyone isn't seeing e-mails and such. (I personally don't like that) I will probably make it private in a week or so. Hope to hear from you all!!

Bye the way I have two new posts from last summer if you want to check them out. And have a whole ton more coming soon!!
August 8th- Cowboys & Rodeos
July 10th-Grandmas Surprise party

*Don't mind my stupidity. I hid the comments so that no one could comment!! I swear I'm totally loosing it! So now it might be easier to comment.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stuck In a Rut

So its been quite a while hasn't it!! YIKES!!

I have been totally stuck in a rut, down in the dumps, cabin fever, winter blues...blah blah blah. It seems our life is totally crazy and unpredictable. I am finding my "Happy Place" and am going to be content in the "Here and Now"! I'm bound and determined to get our blog updated and caught up from last summer. So I'm warning you now there is a lot of catching up to do.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Growing & Growing

These two little monkeys are changing and growing so much everyday that I wanted to capture this moment in time! They are so much fun and make each and everyday an adventure, and very entertaining.

This little monkey is now 6mo old!! I can't believe that half a year has already gone by. I seriously can't imagine life without him. He makes me so happy and melts his mama's heart everyday! His six month stats are weight 17.7lbs (43%) height 26in (28%) head 44.9cm(77%)
Things he is doing and some of his favorites include:
*loves giving mama loves and kisses.
*first word was mama lasted for 2 weeks, then learned dada and rarely says mama anymore unless tired or hungry.
*daddy is his favorite and lights up when he comes home, or walks in the room
*Rolls from tummy to back, and back to tummy
*Hates being on his tummy
*Sits up like a pro, reaches out in front of him to get a toy then can move back to sitting
*Going to be crawling before long
*Loves to be right in the middle of things, especially whatever his big bro is doing
*Enjoys snuggling his soft plush blanket
*Started solid foods and eats like a pro. Gets mad if someone else is eating and not him
*Still not sleeping through the night :( Wakes up 1-5 times.But goes to sleep on his own really easy.
*Happiest little guy ever!! Always so happy.
*Loves bath time to kick and splash
*Large head (both my boys have always had huge heads)
*Squints his eyes and cringes when Teague walks up to him. Poor little guy is going to be tough.
*Likes to be nakey and yells at me when I get him dressed
*He howls like a sad puppy when he cries. (ahhhhhooooooooooo)
*Has the saddest cry ever! And pouty lip that will break your heart!
*Is very active and busy little body

The next little monkey is now 2 1/2 yrs old. Where has the time gone? He is quite the character lately and surprises me with the things he says everyday. He is very smart, and amazes me all the time with how much he knows for a 2 yr old. He knows all of his colors, sings the ABC's (with a little help) Counts to 5, even helps me count to 3 when he is in trouble and not obeying. He asks tons and tons of questions every day, not things that a 2 year old normally ask. He is wise beyond his years.
*Bunny juice is his favorite thing to drink (nesquik)
*Loves his little brother
*Plays way to rough with his brother
*Thinks everyone builds houses like daddy for their work
*Enjoys helping daddy & mommy do just about anything. A good little helper
*Puts his cowboy boots on as soon as he wakes up
*Asks just about every day to go to the rodeo or the zoo.
*Very dramatic and talks with his hands
Things I don't want to forget that he has said:
*Mom look I'm Peter Man (peter pan)

*His binoculars (noclars)weren't working so he asked me to change the batteries

*Asked me while brushing his teeth one night, if monkeys have wieners? (I was speechless, where in the world did that come from?)

*He is obsessed with the moon, and trying to find it every night. Well one night there was just a little sliver left and he said, " Oh man, Mom the moon is broken tonight."

*He was being to rough with Riggs one day and I said please be careful with his arm. He kept doing it and doing it, so I asked him again, and he said,"mom I'm not hurting his arm now, don't you know this is his hand"

*His version of Humpty Dumpty. I start, Humpty Dumpty sat on a .....(T:Wall) Humpty Dumpty had a great...(T: Day)

*Mom I went with dad to shoot Pigets (Pigeons)

*He will say he needs to "Take a see" at something. He will say that especially when he knows he shouldn't be playing with something. So when I catch him he will look at it real closely, like he is going to fix it or something. "Mom I'm just going to take a see at this"

*When talking to Kyle and I he will say My Mommy or My daddy

*He was playing with a toy and when asked what its name was he thought for a split second and replied (Back-cher-ab)

*Pop corn popping on the EIGHHHHHHHT tree.

*While trying to share his fruit snacks one day, I told him that brother can't have them because he doesn't have any teeth to chew them yet. He said OHH they are still growing in his belly.

*He says constantly that there is a spider or snake in his boot. Toy Story is his favorite movie

*I was giving him a dollar bill to put in his piggy bank and he asked what it was. So I told him it was money. He gave me a look like are you stupid, and said,"that's not money, that's CASH!!"

*Any thing more than 1 is 2 some. (ex. Mom look there are 2 some birds)

*He said this last Sunday that he wanted to start going to nursery at the temple

*His invented word "Kiney" kinda and really put together (ex. that is kiney hard)

*We have eaten a lot of food out of our garden, so the other night we were eating spaghetti and he asked if it was from our garden. Basically everything we eat now is from our garden.

I love seeing these two interact, now that Riggs is getting bigger they play together all the time. Riggs loves the attention from Teague! Riggins squeals with delight while wrestling. It makes me so happy to see a special bond they are already forming!

They adore each other. Some days can be pretty rough with these two little guys so close together, but honestly I wouldn't change it for the world!!

They are best friends already and going to be partners in crime!! Oh the messes and mischief these two little sets of hands are going to make!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blessing Day

Riggins Scott Peterson was blessed on July 4th, 2010 by his father Kyle Eugene Peterson. What a special day it was to bless our little boy, and celebrate our freedom. It was a great day spent with family and friends. Kyle did a marvelous job with the blessing and I was so touched by the things he said in his blessing. I will always remember when he said, keep a close relationship with your mother, she loves you so much, and will guide you through life. I hope to always keep a special bond and relationship with this little man as he grows up.
Big smiles on his Big day

His special blessing outfit. Grandma Peterson made the blanket, Teague was also blessed with this blanket.

Grandma Smith, Gavin, & Teague were all blessed in these little booties as well.

My precious little family

Love Teague's face!
Really wasn't too pleased to be held by big brother!
LET GO OF ME!! Teague wasn't quite sure what to do.

These tiny little hands, will not be so tiny forever!! It breaks my heart how fast time flies. These two little boys are going to cause lots of trouble with these little hands. But they are also going to give me that special touch, and pat to say Mom I sure love you!
My little hands play patty-cake
they peek-a-boo and wave...
They catch me while I learn to walk
and splash me as I bathe.
My little hands reach up to you,
for hugs before I sleep....
and fold together when I pray
the Lord my soul to keep.
My little hands are tiny now
but yours will serve to guide me ...
And when I'm grown I'll still reach out
and know you're right beside me ...
-Author Unknown